crawfishin by the cdc

winn dixie's Avatar

Good read! The cdc failed us and has not been held accountable!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Nice try, chumpy.
I told you, nolo contendere is the best you could have had.

Now you're my bitch....again.
Punk ass bitch.
Sooo wrong bub! My point went right over your head cause youre a lock down loving dim! And if you dont get something Iam not gonna do your work fer ya"" Umm K!
Why the constant rudeness and hostility? Thats what people do when over matched!

All to easy! Originally Posted by winn dixie
adav8s28's Avatar

99% survival rate! Originally Posted by winn dixie
The population in the USA is about 330,000,000. If 300,000,000 got infected you would have 3 million dead people, based on your survival rate.

.01 * 300,000,000 = 3,000,000.

Not a good thing. Trump was wrong, CV19 has not simply dissapeared like magic.
winn dixie's Avatar
The population in the USA is about 330,000,000. If 300,000,000 got infected you would have 3 million dead people, based on your survival rate.

.01 * 300,000,000 = 3,000,000.

Not a good thing. Trump was wrong, CV19 has not simply dissapeared like magic. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Uh. The whole world is suffering yet all you dims can do is blame Trump?
He didnt invent this virus. China did! China couldnt contain it either! Trump tried to block visitors from china! You dims called him racist for that!
Trump got warp speed going which has helped the fast track of vaccines,, yet all you dims can do is bitch!
Ya'll cheered when Trump got the virus , yet he beat it!
Its time for the dims to stfu!
adav8s28's Avatar
Ya'll cheered when Trump got the virus , yet he beat it! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Trump caught the virus because he didn't practice social distancing or wear a mask. Trump received an experimental drug (Regeneron)that was not available to the general public. Did Trump beat a fake virus or real virus. Why don't you get your story straight Hillbilly. Your story keeps changing everyday. One day the virus is real the next day it's a HOAX.
rexdutchman's Avatar
The guberment and big Pharma will NEVER BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE
winn dixie's Avatar
Trump caught the virus because he didn't practice social distancing or wear a mask. Trump received an experimental drug (Regeneron)that was not available to the general public. Did Trump beat a fake virus or real virus. Why don't you get your story straight Hillbilly. Your story keeps changing everyday. One day the virus is real the next day it's a HOAX. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Using the same standards as ya'll dims