The Kings ruling on the tranny thread

You should read Houston forums , and their beliefs of Austin . And keeping Texas weird . Not exactly the sticks ! Make no mistake , I prefer Austin .
sue_nami's Avatar
i didn't want to point fingers and cast aspersions on our fellow Texas towns but I meant sticks in a colloquial way and Houston is the sticks when it comes to being a civilized and tolerant society.
sixxbach's Avatar
I think Homer just had a bad night/day, etc. Goodness knows I have said things I have regretted in real life and on two occasions, the hobby. I would like to think Homer is more tolerant than this and is just being more outspoken because this is an internet board. I doubt Homer runs around calling out people for being gay, etc.

To call Space corrupt is just not accurate. He is a big boy and doesn't need to me to defend him but it needed to be said. The guy has given his time to serve this hobby community and should be respected for that. The mods allow quite a bit to by. Sure, there are some things I don't always agree with but they do a great job.

It's always easy to vent on the rule enforcer , everyone hates being told what to do ! Had to come to grips with the fact he was following guidelines to the letter when dealing with me . LOL !
Joel Goodson's Avatar
Welcome to Austin Coed!

Where the Jerry Springer Show meets Lord Of The Flies.
Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
Gotta love the drama. So, who's stepping in for the King?
Dude, why the hate?? at the end of the day all that does is hurt you,.. you do no like the channel, change it.. it is that simple..
Too bad we don't have mods like Spaceman on other areas of the board to stop all the bbw bashing, fake pic bashing, stinky pussy bashing, and the gay/bi bashing. Kudos to space for stopping the spectacle.
Fake pic and stinky pussy bashing is the info needed to keep one from wasting their hard earned money . The non - service related bashing is unnecessary . And just to be honest homer was NOT banned for this thread or anything contained within it ! He was banned for a PM .
Jay Walker's Avatar
Jay you continue to be one of the dimmest on the board.

You are certainly entitled to your opinion here, as I I'm entitltled to my opinion that those who exhibit extreme predudace, a closed mind, and derogatory comments toward those different from how they perceive themselves "dim".

Perhaps it was my reference to studies that seem to indicate homophobia is likely a result of repressed homosexual feelings, no?

Google the subject, and you'll find tons of supporting information from sources such as CBS News, The New York Times, and USA Today just to mane a few. I suppose you'd perceive these sources as dim as well.

Don't try to throw your shit case on me. After all I'm not the represent wanna be pimp freaktard here on eccie

That's a challenging point to read for a dim guy like myself. I don't know what my shit case is? The pimpin' thing is meant to be tongue in cheek when I introduce an opportunity that others may not have been aware of. Unfortunately, I've never received compensation. And freaktard? While not an actual word, I think you might have been combining the words freak, and retard. Again, prejudiced and derogatory words for people you perceive as different than yourself.

Perhaps some serious introspection might help you come to terms with your demonstrated prejudices, repressed feelings, and anger.

Originally Posted by homer13
Best of luck to you.
Welcome to Austin Coed!

Where the Jerry Springer Show meets Lord Of The Flies. Originally Posted by Joel Goodson

Kum ba ya my lord,
Kum ba ya...

Aaahhh...I can just feel the love oozing out of some of you. Eew, wait..Seriously?! That's not love....
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 11-21-2012, 03:55 PM
Welcome to Austin Coed!

Where the Jerry Springer Show meets Lord Of The Flies. Originally Posted by Joel Goodson
"Sucks to your ass-mar Piggy!"
knotty man's Avatar
Fake pic and stinky pussy bashing is the info needed to keep one from wasting their hard earned money . The non - service related bashing is unnecessary . And just to be honest homer was NOT banned for this thread or anything contained within it ! He was banned for a PM . Originally Posted by rockerrick
hallowed be thy name?
thy "king" done cummed
his handle be done
by Space as it is on eccie
....just wanted to finish your lil prayer
Joel Goodson's Avatar
"Sucks to your ass-mar Piggy!" Originally Posted by Carl
No Carl...I'm doin' jus fine.