Providers stalking other providers reviews for business

Unfortunately the nature of this business can be rather unscrupulous at times... But it's eat or be eaten and when the choice is putting food on your table or being thought of as morally unjust on a hooker board.... I'm sure most people would rather take the shot in the dark By sending the than go hungry or broke.

I haven't done it, but it really doesn't seem like such a bad idea to me. Especially if the retired provider was similar in build and characteristics. The new provider isn't taking any money out of the retired ladies pockets. Definitely not the worst way to garner new business. Just my opinion though. Originally Posted by sensualsanaa
I get prostitutes gotta eat.I don't make this my only income.I learn don't put all your eggs in one basket.When bottom fall out your fuc*.Watch out for cock blockers in business.
I think it's just called "marketing." If you have something to sell you have to market it!
I don't consider it stalking at all! Maybe the retired lady was trying to help the other one get started. Contacting a hobbyist that is considered to be a good client, should be flattering to you. We are all in here for the same thing! Originally Posted by katee
Prostitutes paid companionship with no strings attached.Prostitutes shouldn't be bothering hobbyists.No reason for hobbyists to be flattered prostitutes GOTTA EAT.
BigBaldBlk's Avatar
...What do you think of this kind of business practice? Originally Posted by Lil Oral Annie
In this scenario, I think it's pretty shitty. I personally don't find fault with a provider contacting me and I don't think any more or less of ladies who practice this type of marketing. If it's someone I want to see, I will see them. If it's someone I don't, I won't see them.

At the end of the day, if a gent has a great time with a lady, WHO really cares how the date was arranged?
In this scenario, I think it's pretty shitty. I personally don't find fault with a provider contacting me and I don't think any more or less of ladies who practice this type of marketing. If it's someone I want to see, I will see them. If it's someone I don't, I won't see them.

At the end of the day, if a gent has a great time with a lady, WHO really cares how the date was arranged? Originally Posted by BigBaldBlk

BBB- im going to pm you and seduce you into coming to okla...

I say who gives a fuck. Who cares what other ladies are doing. Providers need to focus on their own business... and doing so, maybe they wouldnt have time to wonder what others are doing. They wouldnt have time to bash others for how they keep their business going. They would probably be sexually and financially satisfied and not have a reason to bitch

Now... Ill BBL.. i gotta pm 250 gents and tell them how tasty my wet fingers are right now....
Well that's a new one to me, and I thought I had heard of more than a few ways some ladies will use to get new business.
I have asked gentlemen I know before if they appreciated being contacted out of the blue by ladies and the majority tell me the would prefer if the ladies not contact them without notice.
I"m so glad that I get all the business I need by placing ads that I haven't had to resort to any type of tacky "cold calling"
I wouldn't have questioned it or even known that providers do that, had fellas I've seen who have also seen her (not an oklahoma provider or an oklahoma hobbyist) ask me about it. One fella was pretty weirded out by it. It was out of the blue and random to him.

Anyhoo, good to see what people think about it. I'm not gonna worry about it, I just thought it was an unprofessional move and wanted to get people's opinions.
BBB- im going to pm you and seduce you into coming to okla...

I say who gives a fuck. Who cares what other ladies are doing. Providers need to focus on their own business... and doing so, maybe they wouldnt have time to wonder what others are doing. They wouldnt have time to bash others for how they keep their business going. They would probably be sexually and financially satisfied and not have a reason to bitch

Now... Ill BBL.. i gotta pm 250 gents and tell them how tasty my wet fingers are right now.... Originally Posted by Devon Derriere
NO REASON TO BASH Prostitutes.Its not worth time at all.. Prostitutes paid companionship with NO STRINGS ATTACHED.
NO REASON TO BASH Prostitutes.Its not worth time at all.. Prostitutes paid companionship with NO STRINGS ATTACHED. Originally Posted by Fancylady

not bashing.. just simply stating that everyones hooker business is their own.. they will run it how they feel fit. It can either backfire or make bank.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-16-2014, 10:46 AM
not bashing.. just simply stating that everyones hooker business is their own.. they will run it how they feel fit. It can either backfire or make bank. Originally Posted by Devon Derriere
Devon, sometimes it is hard to follow what FH is saying. It does seem she is both agreeing with you and disagreeing with you at the same time.
Devon, sometimes it is hard to follow what FH is saying. It does seem she is both agreeing with you and disagreeing with you at the same time. Originally Posted by Old-T
One may not be so Fancy...ijs
My hobbyist take on this - If I was contacted by an Eccie provider who claimed that I was recommended by a retired provider, I would call BS and never see her. But that's just me.

As a moderator, if the provider is soliciting Eccie members by PM, that might be considered SPAM, and you can read for yourself the results of using the PM system to SPAM (and SCAM) other members.

I'm not sure how Gina at P411 would look upon this activity.


Chica Chaser's Avatar
Good discussion here everyone....lets not derail the topic

Huck is correct, here is the rule concerning this
#8 - Misuse of our Private Messaging system will result in consequences. You are not to spam members using the PM system. You are not to send invitations to other sites using our PM system. You are not to harass others using our PM system.
Pretty cut and dried really. Walk the tightrope all you want, until someone complains about it. Then you shall hear from someone.
Didn't we all learn the difference of right and wrong in third grade?

We don't always use it.. Let's just use it when it comes to this.

Like, if I see someone post about doing all of the things that I love I will most definitely write them a hello. Just like when someone wants to comment on something that I post without having to have it public they send me a pm.

A, "come see me. You saw Becki and I look like her." seems silly .. Quite honestly that seems like spam. It seems like a message that was copy and paste and sent out in a mass pm. That is spam.

If a lady or a gent sees someone post something and they have something in common that they want to keep private, why not use PMs. That's why we all talk on message boards and have PMs. If the person doesn't reply, oh well.. Like the foo fighters sing, on to the next one. That should go both ways.
GypsyHeart's Avatar
My hobbyist take on this - If I was contacted by an Eccie provider who claimed that I was recommended by a retired provider, I would call BS and never see her. But that's just me.

As a moderator, if the provider is soliciting Eccie members by PM, that might be considered SPAM, and you can read for yourself the results of using the PM system to SPAM (and SCAM) other members.

I'm not sure how Gina at P411 would look upon this activity.


Huck Originally Posted by urhuckleberry
One would hope that the retiree provider would give a heads up to those gentlemen that she is dropping their name. Or at the very least say hey guys, contact so and so. She seems pretty legit.

And Chica has made a good point, as well. Unfortunately, a lot of people just won't report anything. If they knew it was a common issue and others had a problem, they might pool their complaints.
JoanJet's Avatar
Imagine this:

A provider retires. A year later another provider comes along and starts stalking that provider's old reviews (because she was very successful and well-liked) and new provider contacts every one of the retired provider's reviewers for business, saying "I talked to such and such provider and she said I should contact you. I give great head and would love to meet you. Here is my website and my rates. Call me." The likelihood of this being true is very slim and the retired provider has well over 100 reviews on just eccie alone!

What do you think of this kind of business practice? Originally Posted by Lil Oral Annie
Time's are tough some people will do anything to find a hook up , take a look at your local BP sometime. I am not a fan of reviews, most of the men I see do not post them lets face a fact there very old fashion. I prefer to OK system on P411. Reviews would be ok in my book if women were allowed to comment or review back . I personally do not ask men to post them , I know some do on other sites. If I ever was to retire I would save them , remove page from site and start new one , if women are that desperate these day's If they have time to go threw the pages and read reviews from other men , I would suggest getting a job. JJ