Former drone operator says he's haunted by his part in more than 1,600 deaths

Plywood Whiny, maybe if you had stepped up to defend America, you'd understand how wrong your droning drone rants are.

You do a lot of bitching without presenting alternatives, solutions, he'll, even half-assed ideas.

Here's one ... Go to Salina! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Better yet, the hypocritical cocksucker needs to experience Beautiful Downtown Damascus!

I will gladly pay for his one way ticket!
The whole entire article sounds like BULLSHIT.

First off, the whole idea that drones have made war impersonal is nonsense. Air Forces pilots have said the same thing for about 40 years. Whether you are in an F-15 or in a bunker operating a drone, you point missiles at targets on a screen and fire them.

No pilot or other airman has seen the enemy up close and personal since the dogfights to WWII and Korea - and maybe a small number of Vietnam dogfights.

That's the whole reason we are getting rid of manned aircraft. What is the point of putting a pilot's life in danger just so he can play video game on board the aircraft, when he can safely do the same thing from the ground 500 miles away?

Are we supposed to believe this guy killed or helped kill over 1600 people in a 6 year period? That is about all the terrorists we kill in one year. We have hundreds of drone operators. How did he get involved in so many successful missions? What were the rest of the drone operators doing? Getting coffee?

And that crap at the end about a girl "pulling away" from him when she found out he was a drone operator sounds like a scripted line that was made up to draw sympathy.

I don't know of - and I have never even heard of - any one who would react like that.

Why is it you only find incredible stories like this on shabby conspiracy websites? Why don't you read them in the NY Times or WSJ?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-08-2013, 03:44 PM
The whole entire article sounds like BULLSHIT.

First off, the whole idea that drones have made war impersonal is nonsense. Air Forces pilots have said the same thing for about 40 years. Whether you are in an F-15 or in a bunker operating a drone, you point missiles at targets on a screen and fire them.

No pilot or other airman has seen the enemy up close and personal since the dogfights to WWII and Korea - and maybe a small number of Vietnam dogfights.

That's the whole reason we are getting rid of manned aircraft. What is the point of putting a pilot's life in danger just so he can play video game on board the aircraft, when he can safely do the same thing from the ground 500 miles away?

Are we supposed to believe this guy killed or helped kill over 1600 people in a 6 year period? That is about all the terrorists we kill in one year. We have hundreds of drone operators. How did he get involved in so many successful missions? What were the rest of the drone operators doing? Getting coffee?

And that crap at the end about a girl "pulling away" from him when she found out he was a drone operator sounds like a scripted line that was made up to draw sympathy.

I don't know of - and I have never even heard of - any one who would react like that.

Why is it you only find incredible stories like this on shabby conspiracy websites? Why don't you read them in the NY Times or WSJ? Originally Posted by ExNYer
Ex, I agree with the vast majority of your post. The one piece I see differently is at the end: I can easily believe the girl pulling away from him, but I suspect it is because the kid has convinced himself that he is a bad human being, riddled with guilt. If that is how he sees himself, and when asked "What do you do?" if his first reply is "I've killed 1600 people by dropping bombs on them", I can easily see her being creeped out. It isn't good ice breaking conversation.

It is sad that he sees himself that way but it happens to a lot of soldiers, not just drone pilots. It is a major emotional stress for most, the first time they kill someone in combat. Some are far less able to deal with it. The ones that scare me are those who have absolutely no guilt, no questioning at all--or even get a thrill from it. Those who enjoy war and killing are not the ones I would want next to be in battle.
Drones? If used properly, it is my personal belief that Drones are a good thing. Especially as it relates to targeting known Terrorists, intent upon killing innocent American citizens. In other words, send in the Drones, we can dig up their remains when the dust clears!

Next! Originally Posted by bigtex
The Drone Program is probably a good thing. Iam sure it has it's place in warfare. But it's obvious from this article that not everyone is cutout to participate in the Drone Program as an operator. Personally ,regardless of aptitude a 19 year old soldier and just three months training might be a bit to soon for a technical assignment such as this. Especially if there is potential for extreme emotional consequences associated with it.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-08-2013, 04:39 PM
But it's obvious from this article that not everyone is cutout to participate in the Drone Program as an operator. Personally ,regardless of aptitude a 19 year old soldier and just three months training might be a bit to soon for a technical assignment such as this. Especially if there is potential for extreme emotional consequences associated with it. Originally Posted by acp5762
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-08-2013, 05:32 PM
The whole entire article sounds like BULLSHIT.

First off, the whole idea that drones have made war impersonal is nonsense. Air Forces pilots have said the same thing for about 40 years. Whether you are in an F-15 or in a bunker operating a drone, you point missiles at targets on a screen and fire them.

No pilot or other airman has seen the enemy up close and personal since the dogfights to WWII and Korea - and maybe a small number of Vietnam dogfights.

That's the whole reason we are getting rid of manned aircraft. What is the point of putting a pilot's life in danger just so he can play video game on board the aircraft, when he can safely do the same thing from the ground 500 miles away?

Are we supposed to believe this guy killed or helped kill over 1600 people in a 6 year period? That is about all the terrorists we kill in one year. We have hundreds of drone operators. How did he get involved in so many successful missions? What were the rest of the drone operators doing? Getting coffee?

And that crap at the end about a girl "pulling away" from him when she found out he was a drone operator sounds like a scripted line that was made up to draw sympathy.

I don't know of - and I have never even heard of - any one who would react like that.

Why is it you only find incredible stories like this on shabby conspiracy websites? Why don't you read them in the NY Times or WSJ? Originally Posted by ExNYer

hard to imagine , but COF gets more obtuse by the day
I am going to say that since the soldier was ETSing, his CO probably did a 'rough extrapolation' (read: wild guess with no bearing to reality) to put down a nice number so he could get a decent medal on his way out the door. Happens all the time. Which goes to show that the young former soldier was probably right to exit when he did, as he still has some maturing and perspective to gain. I wish him well.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I don't recall him saying he killed 1600 terrorists, he said that he killed 1600 people. Collateral damage they call it. Has to wear on your mind somedays. You come home and your son runs across the yard and suddenly you are reminded of a little boy on the screen doing the same thing. There is a momentary panic as you try to save your son from the incoming missile that only exists in your mind. I always wondered about snipers. They sit out in the tree line sighting in at 800 yards, you see a man having a smoke or talking to his friend, a slight squeeze and he dies in your sight. You have to wonder that being a sniper someone is not watching you the same way. You're going to get something to eat or to take a shit and a guy is watching through a scope nearly a thousand yards away. The average soldier has no concept normally but the sniper is very aware.
Well sure, but 1600 people means that the majority of missions he went on he droped bombs, which is improbable. That's a ridculous number of engagements if you understand that most drone flights are for recon purposes. Also, I sincerely doubt that his award would include civilian casualties. No matter how much you dislike or distrust the military, civilian deaths is not a criteria for an award, and would not get lumped into a larger 'kill count'. It's possible the facility may have achieved those numbers over 6 years and he gets credit for being there....but he didn't do it.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Why is it you only find incredible stories like this on shabby conspiracy websites? Why don't you read them in the NY Times or WSJ? Originally Posted by ExNYer
The NY Times and WSJ have been proven to be unreliable sources.
The NY Times and WSJ have been proven to be unreliable sources. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Hanoi James says that as if his "shabby conspiracy websites" are reliable sources.

Thank you, Jerry Fletcher!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The NY Times and WSJ have been proven to be unreliable sources. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
and there is no gravity ... The world sucks!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-08-2013, 10:26 PM
The NY Times and WSJ have been proven to be unreliable sources. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

of course they are ,.. and your freedom info yada yada facebook link is what, the pillar of credibility?
The NY Times and WSJ have been proven to be unreliable sources. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Nothing like a opinion blog or a u tube video to prove a point? If all else fails photoshop is the best answer.
Nothing like a opinion blog or a u tube video to prove a point? If all else fails photoshop is the best answer. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
More than likely it was He is not smart enough to use photoshop!