Pussy 'Rules'

Eccie Addict's Avatar
I haven't removed any of your pics

Actually I've noticed a lot of pics being removed but not by mods. It may have something to do with photobucket and sites like it. It's weird...
Bullshit. Mine were not photobucket and they had your fingerprints all over them. jk
Seriously, mine were removed from "Another Realm" and my last review. I had to PM them to requesting guests including the ladies involved. It's okay, you can hand them back over. Thancks
In terms of the original question, it's a symbiotic thang.
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
1. Obtain personal information without any divulgence of who they are in RL let alone a picture up front. Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
That's because we already put it on the glass (so to speak) for you. Websites and showcases full of photos and info, P411 and Date-Check profiles (which means THEY had to verify us with our IDs), EROS ads (also require drivers license), etc al. We may not give YOU our real names/personal info, but we give them to the services you trust and we ARE verified. All we ask of you is that you either get verified, or give us the information to verify you.

We may get your info, but we don't get a photo (unless you CHOOSE to send one, and half the time guys who send photos only send...cock shots...) or how you act BCD (which you get about us in reviews).

2. Have you traveling for time (45 minutes to an hour, or more), and commit up front to a place you have no idea of the final destination (safety, LE, hell - how she really looks, etc.) Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
Just like we screen you, you've got to screen us. If she has 60 good reviews she's probably not a cop and she's probably not going to rob you or lead you to the middle of nowhere. They'll also give you a pretty good indication of how she looks. If she has no reviews, you're TOFTT.

3. May or may not present a great environment including her own personal hygiene (although your's is expected to be impeccable and required) Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
See my last point. Read reviews, screen women. If you don't and you pay for something dirty, gross, or whatever it is you don't want then that's unfortunately on you at the end of the day.

If you show up, and you think I could use a second rinse down there (the second to last thing I do before you arrive is shower) then just tell me. I'm more than happy to clean up if I am not up to your standards. If my breath is bumpin or you don't like the flavour of gum I chewed, say something*.

*I chew cinnamon gum that goes in the second you knock :P

4. YMMV (what kinda shit is that)-(mine have been great, some to the point where I won't write a review and put her in a bad spot). But, we're talking avg. everyday experiences
Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
I'm not a "YMMV" type person, I really hate that expression as well. YMMV? Good service given selectively? Pshaw. Everyone should get good service as long as they're clean and respectful - and I'm 100% with you on that.

5. Insecurities, jealousy, rage, anger, judgemental (also, the great ones are just the opposite and AWESOME)!

8. GPS and upselling (and, Gents do it, yes, at some point we've all fallen for this. If you still are, you really need to retire, and start dating) Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
Screen harder. I feel like a broken record at this point

Do Hobbyists have rights? I think we do, maybe not:
SHOW UP, PAY UP, NEXT!!! Our Rights end at our wallets, Yes? or NO! Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
You absolutely do have rights - you're a human being. You have the right to spend time researching providers, picking one you want, and leaving if you don't like what you see. Just make sure you're clear on a lady's policy on that, as some have fees and some don't.

Does pussy rule? Yes and no. This industry is demand driven after all.