Stupid shit trump does

txdot-guy's Avatar
Does everyone remember when Trump had peaceful protestors Tear Gassed so he could hold a Photo-Op with a prop bible in front of a church.

That was particularly stupid.

  • Tiny
  • 06-11-2024, 09:40 PM
Moved to another thread
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I'm sure this is something that MIT folks lose sleep over every night. I really think old don dipshit got deep into his little story about electric boats and got lost. But maybe not...He’s fluent in the language of his people: dumbfuckinese.

Note for the MAGAts - No one ever asked that question because it's fucking stupid.

At any rate, I say we put him in an electric boat and with a shark nearby and find out the know, for science.
txdot-guy's Avatar
I'm sure this is something that MIT folks lose sleep over every night. I really think old don dipshit got deep into his little story about electric boats and got lost. But maybe not...He’s fluent in the language of his people: dumbfuckinese.

Note for the MAGAts - No one ever asked that question because it's fucking stupid.

At any rate, I say we put him in an electric boat and with a shark nearby and find out the know, for science. Originally Posted by Diligaf
Oh, I think we’ll need to do so multiple times. Repeated trials make for more accurate results.
Precious_b's Avatar
To give hope to a certain group of people akin to those that elevated Hitler to power.

Ima sure there is documented statements from *these* supporters after the fall of the thousand year reich and their shame.

Unfortunately, the Big Cheato has no shame and it will probably be the same for those that prop him up, no matter where it leads this country.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Moron just doesn't know his limitations. Dude sounds like the town drunk and I know he doesn't drink so he is basically just even more of a babbling fool at his advanced age now... and no, Trumpettes, I am not saying that Biden is sharp, but Trump is so dumb that it is like a person calling another person a "fat ass" when they both weigh 400lbs.