Intelligent conversation

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  • 08-04-2011, 01:08 PM
It's about equal for me lol Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
I think I meant to say, I can't talk worth a fuc!

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I trust the lady I am with can carry on her side of a debate. If we disagree, so be it. I can disagree with someone and still enjoy an intimate interlude. To me, good conversation is just part of foreplay. But I guess that defines "good conversation" and begs the question.
Madame X's Avatar
I think a spirited debate would lead to more talking which means less sex, which is never a good thing. Complete agreement would be boring, but the sex by contrast would be much more interesting. Originally Posted by Happy Diver
If the sex is only interesting *by comparison*, then that sounds like awfully boring sex. Just saying.

~Mme X~
Happy Diver's Avatar
If the sex is only interesting *by comparison*, then that sounds like awfully boring sex. Just saying.

~Mme X~ Originally Posted by Madame X
By Contrast, beautiful X, not by comparison..
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  • 08-05-2011, 07:54 AM
By Contrast, beautiful X, not by comparison.. Originally Posted by Happy Diver
Well said Happy Diver.....on both fronts. She is a beauty and sounds like she is brainy too!
Do you avoid men who have strong opinions that are counter to your own or play along and pretend that you agree? Originally Posted by oden
I think if you are going to disagree, you should have polite discourse without it devolving into insults, resentment or snide remarks. I can listen to other's viewpoints that I don't agree with, acknowledge that it's different from mine but also let the person know that I appreciate that they bother to even have an opinion on said matter rather than being apathetic as many are wont to do. I think it's fascinating hearing other viewpoints and it can be an eye opening and educational experience.

If it's a subject I feel extremely passionate about, I try to steer the subject away from that or I just sort of mumble along until it's dropped. I've worked many years as a waitress and have learned over the years on how to avoid arguing with customers.
Madame X's Avatar
By Contrast, beautiful X, not by comparison.. Originally Posted by Happy Diver
Sorry, I misread you! Mm... my foot is delicious though
Happy Diver's Avatar
Sorry, I misread you! Mm... my foot is delicious though Originally Posted by Madame X
Rrrrrrrr, I bet it is...
Do you avoid men who have strong opinions that are counter to your own or play along and pretend that you agree?

I am quite versatile in different subjects of conversation. We do not have to agree but we can agree to be respectful of each other. I do avoid the type of guys who wants to haggle and brag about such subjects as not having to pay child support or wants to bad mouth other companions.

I hunger for intelligent, stimulating conversation. Someone who just feels that they need to share every ignorant thought that pops in their head is a turnoff. For example this bird brain could not leave without looking for something wrong with my incall. So instead of remembering the manners he was taught as a child he decided to point out that I needed to buy a couch and clean out my fireplace.

I had just given him some great sex, allowed him to shower so that his SO would not catch another woman's scent and he still felt an obligation to act like a bird brain.

Good manners goes a long with me.
I do tend to let the person speak first while I listen when we first meet. I don't want to ruin the first date. You only get one chance to make a good first impression.
or wants to bad mouth other companions. Originally Posted by mikkifine
It is never good to bad mouth the competition. I say "if I was marketing your widget, this is the way I would do it...."

he still felt an obligation to act like a bird brain. Originally Posted by mikkifine
"Class" cannot be taught (most of the time).
@ SR Only I agree. By the way I like your signature line. Originally Posted by mikkifine
Alas, I cannot say it original or mine. However, I do like it a bunch!
Do you avoid men who have strong opinions that are counter to your own or play along and pretend that you agree? Originally Posted by oden
Good question. I believe that the art of intellectual conversation demands varied opinions and a certain amount of debate. However, I try to measure the strength of a gentleman's conviction on certain topics before plummeting into a point of no return.

Certain gents find a lady who agrees to be more sexy. And to those particular individuals, having much in common may invoke their fantasy and they may have a need for an understanding companion.

For instance, if I am meeting with a hardcore homophobic individual, I may not agree with his beliefs but I am not going to make it a point to discuss the fact that I have many gay friends and that I think homosexuals should be allowed to marry. It would ruin the date. I am not going to be dishonest about my convictions and agree either, I am simply going to change the topic and avoid any awkwardness.

Always, in the back of my mind I am aware at all times that I am an entertainer who is attempting to make the entire encounter memorable and special for the gentleman who has invested in my companionship. I am a blatantly honest person, which makes things tricky at times. So therefore, I must view conversation just like intimacy and make sure that things flow naturally but also with me giving a little more than him to keep everything smooth.

I have become quite talented at being able to be myself while at the same time bringing out the best in my companions. Communication is a skill that takes many trials and errors to develop into a proper form. Learning to express humility while disagreeing is a hard pill to swallow.
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Posted By Memory: "For instance, if I am meeting with a hardcore homophobic individual, I may not agree with his beliefs but I am not going to make it a point to discuss the fact that I have many gay friends and that I think homosexuals should be allowed to marry. It would ruin the date. I am not going to be dishonest about my convictions and agree either, I am simply going to change the topic and avoid any awkwardness."

I have had to restrain myself both professionally and personally in reference to gay rights.

I wrote a research on a paper in which the subject was for gay people to have the right to serve in the armed forces. Ignorant people were afraid when integrating black and whites in the same units. Ignorant people were afraid when allowing women in the armed forces too.

Even if you know you are right and they are wrong it is best to smile and nod. Some arguments are just not worth your time and should be avoided.
One's lifestyle preferences can be and are polarizing. If I meet someone who is indeed homophobic, I see no need for future meetings (I am referring to real world). I suppose even in our demimonde word if I met a lady of that ilk if it was during my screening process (yes I have *some* processes) then I would pass on moving forward. It is a shame that a person could be so uninformed.