Obamacare info the media never told us

Ya think we will get this money back?

Over 300,000 Must Prove Eligibility or Lose Health Care


AUGUST 12, 2014

WASHINGTON — More than 300,000 people who bought subsidized health insurance under the Affordable Care Act could lose it next month if they do not provide proof that they are living in the United States legally, the Obama administration said Tuesday.

The administration has been trying to resolve questions about the eligibility of hundreds of thousands of people who signed up for private health plans through the new insurance exchanges and qualified for federal subsidies to help with the cost. Most of the discrepancies involve citizenship, immigration status or income.

About 450,000 cases with discrepancies related to citizenship or immigration status have been resolved, and an additional 210,000 are “in progress,” according to Marilyn B. Tavenner, the administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which runs the federal exchange. But about 310,000 people have not responded to calls, letters and emails asking about inconsistencies between citizenship or immigration data on their application forms and government records.

On Tuesday, the administration sent another round of letters asking these people to submit more documentation by Sept. 5. If they fail to do so, the letters said, they will lose their coverage by Sept. 30. The federal exchange will also try to reach them again by phone and email, and it is asking consumer assistance groups to help deliver the message.

“We want as many consumers as possible to remain enrolled in marketplace coverage,” Ms. Tavenner said in a statement, “so we are giving these individuals a last chance to submit their documents before their coverage through the marketplace will end.”

Almost half of the unresolved cases involving immigration or citizenship status are in Florida and Texas, which have large Hispanic populations.

The health care law allows only “lawfully present” immigrants to buy insurance through the new exchanges. They include immigrants with green cards, refugees, people in the United States on student or worker visas, and several other categories.

People who reported incomes that do not match federal records will be contacted later, according to a news release from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The 14 states running their own exchanges are handling data inconsistencies separately.

Republicans have repeatedly accused the administration of being careless about verifying the income and eligibility of people who applied for insurance subsidies. And a recent report by the inspector general for the Department of Health and Human Services said the exchanges did not have adequate safeguards “to prevent the use of inaccurate or fraudulent information when determining eligibility.”

But another inspector general report pointed out that the inconsistencies did not necessarily mean that applicants had intentionally provided wrong information. Some federal data appeared to be inaccurate or old, it found, and the federal eligibility system sometimes failed for technical reasons.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Talking to yourself again, Slobbrin?

I'm quite happy with my policy, as is MOST of America.

Just because YOU'RE on permanent disability and a Ward of the state ...

You're beating (off) a dead horse. I find that disgusting but maybe that's what you people do...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Does your policy cover anger management, AssupRidee, DEM, DOTY 2013-2014? I hope so. Get help!

Exemptions for all!


Obama Administration Revises HHS Mandate Yet Again
August 22, 2014 - 1:29 PM

By Lori Windham
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Washington, DC – Today, the Administration released its eighth revision to the Health and Human Service (HHS) Mandate.

This is the latest step in the administration’s long retreat on the HHS Mandate. It is the eighth time in three years the government has retreated from its original, hard-line stance that only “houses of worship” that hire and serve fellow believers deserve religious freedom.

We look forward to reviewing the new rule and its implications for the 102 cases, including religious charities like Little Sisters of the Poor (see video), Mother Angelica’s Eternal Word Television Network (see video), and religious colleges like Colorado Christian University. Ninety percent of religious ministries challenging the mandate have received relief from the courts, and we are hopeful the administration’s new rule will reflect the robust protections that have always been given to religious individuals in this country.

Religious ministries in these cases serve tens of thousands of Americans, helping the poor and homeless and healing the sick. The Little Sisters of the Poor alone serve more than ten thousand of the elderly poor. These charities want to continue following their faith. They want to focus on ministry—such as sharing their faith and serving the poor—without worrying about the threat of massive IRS penalties.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Laughing at your own jokes, Boyz?
Laughing at your own jokes, Boyz? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Hamas Rider, the FREE condoms keep you from having to douche out your Obootyhole!
California says kill the babies and you have to pay for it... http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories...08-23-17-51-28
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Talking to yourself again, Slobbrin?

I'm quite happy with my policy, as is MOST of America.

Just because YOU'RE on permanent disability and a Ward of the state ...

You're [prohibited topic edited out]. I find that disgusting but maybe that's what you people do... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Once again, you have violated the rules of the forum with a depiction of a prohibited topic.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Does your policy cover anger management, AssupRidee, DEM, DOTY 2013-2014? I hope so. Get help!

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Let us also hope it covers medications - he needs a bunch of them.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Unlike you, you Medicare leech? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I paid my taxes through the years, far in excess of any government benefit. Millions....
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
It's called buying votes.

Of course, somebody has to pay. Just not your average Democrat Voter. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Correct, they are the beneficiaries. In reality, in this world turned upside down, the taxpayers are the slaves today, and those on welfare, full of a sense of entitlement, are the slave masters. Fortunately, they live in shitty homes in fucked up, crime ridden neighborhoods, so some revenge is to be had.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I paid my taxes through the years... Millions.... Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Links? PDF?

No. You are the least trusted member of this board. That makes you the board's biggest LIAR!