... Hee Hee! ...
![Lol 2](images/smilies/modern/lol_2.gif)
... So we're back-to "fact checks"
to justify your "beliefs" that there's NO voter fraud with
the 2020 election, yes? ... And "factcheck.org" from UPenn??
Really? ... Aint UPenn where Joe hid classified documents??
Let's unpack some o' this - as Tigbitties38 has a few things lacking
in his review there.
First-off, I don't believe I even mentioned Donald Trump's claims
about this... I mentioned Mr. Rossi's work, which surely showed
that the original count WAS WRONG! ... you DO understand that, yes?
The audit was WRONG - overcounted ballots... Which Rossi noticed.
THAT was the reason for his complaint.
... So simply put, the RLA audit was WRONG. ... Which led to the
Gov. Kemp's office forcing the GA State Elections Board investigation.
... Let's understand now that WITHOUT Mr. Rossi's "audit"
NONE o' this would have even been discovered. ... Just one more
case of "human error" in vote counting slipping thru the cracks.
... So I didn't see the "fact check" mention much - if anything
about the voting machine tabulations... Hmmmm... why is that?
So the mis-counting had nothing to do with the machines "reading"
the same lines twice or three times - it was surely due-to
"human error" during the counting - which had noting to do with
any Voter Fraud? ... THAT'S the "OFFICIAL" finding? ... How nice.
... So mis-identified and duplicated tally sheets were NOT
intentional misconduct (oh, of course not
![Lol 2](images/smilies/modern/lol_2.gif)
couldn't be)
and "No Evidence" to support criminal behavour.
Blimey! What a relief! ... For half-a-mo there I was surely fraught
with worry that someone might just suggest that mis-counting
ballots might be criminal!
Funny that the point of the RLA audit or whatever "new" audit
was done was NOT to actually get a solid and true "official number"
of just how many "extra counted votes there" Joe actually got,
but onley to ensure that Biden "won" the state of GA.
Hmmmm ... So getting the actual numbers correct never seems
to mater - does it? ... We see that more and more.
So whether Joe "was given" a extra 3000 or 4000 votes here
due to cheating or "human error" - you can rest assured that
The GA election people got to the centre of the issue to
address Mr. Rossi's complaint.
... And that NONE o' those "extra ballots counted" were included
in the New "OFFICIAL" ballot count (two and a half years later)
- even though their audit can't exactly be sure how many
"human error" ballots their were. ...
.... But no voter fraud found - just "human error" and
surely "Nothing criminal"... Thanks fer the fact check, mate.
#### Salty