NiceGuy53's Avatar
Who are the 2 idiots who voted for Bush. Yeah, let's blame Bush for the video lie too! LOL.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Every nation and most people in the world -- including Saddam's generals and soldiers -- believed Saddam had WMD, except for Democrats completely reliant on 20/20 hindsight to criticize W. Interestingly enough, it remains to be seen from where Assad acquired his WMD!?! Originally Posted by I B Hankering
And the UN inspectors BEFORE Pres. Cheney made Powell lie in the UN General Assembly........oops, sorry to slip a fact in here among your horseshit.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Then you do support the "do nothing and let them die" approach. You still haven't answered the question, how did they know, at that time, they wouldn't get there in time? And what about the two that did get there in time? Were there others that could have joined them had they not been ordered to stand down?

You like to ask questions, but you avoid answering them. Why is that, CBJ7? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Because, gritsboy, your forte' is to answer questions by asking questions. That way you think you get to always be right, but you merely get to be a sad little specimen. And, when you do ask your questions, we get favored with such jewels like "do nothing and let them die," a half-truth at best (but only if the stars are aligned properly and karma is working overtime) sortakinda designed to put the answerer on the defensive. It ain't working Little Hammer. You only get back the amount you give. Since that's ZERO, guess what?
I B Hankering's Avatar
And the UN inspectors BEFORE Pres. Cheney made Powell lie in the UN General Assembly........oops, sorry to slip a fact in here among your horseshit. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Are you referring to the UN inspectors Saddam impeded, blocked and misdirected and basically did not allow to conduct "inspections" to verify with absolute certainty that Saddam didn't have WMD? Are you referring to the UN inspectors who readily admitted that Saddam had previously manufactured and used WMDs and still had all of the resources on hand to reconstitute a WMD program if given half a chance? Are those the UN inspectors you are referring to, Randy4Andy? Yeah, right. Your facts are as specious as your POV, Randy4Andy.
Poor IB ...
Bush cherry picked and 100k plus people died...compare that to four. Four. So save you faux anger for a tea tard rally where you won't be questioned about you bs Originally Posted by WTF
Couple of problems Sparky.

1. A shitload of Dems, including Hillary, Kerry, Gore, and numerous others are on record all the way back in the 90's when Clinton was President saying that Saddam had WMD's. So if we are going to call liar, liar, pants on fire, lets be sure to spread it around a little more.

2. The vast majority of the 100K plus people you refer to were at the hands of terrorists, not the US military. We aren't responsible for what jihadists choose to do.

3. An estimated 5 MILLION children died of starvation and preventable diseases under Saddam's power. This in a country that at the time Saddam came to power had some of the finest hospitals and universities in the Middle East. If the death rate had continued unabated, as of today at least 1-2 additional children would have died had Saddam remained in power. How good are you at math? Which one is the greater travesty? An entire global community that stood by while children starved to death would be my answer. Do not mistake what I just said for an endorsement of the US declaring itself to be the world's policemen.

4. My statement about Bush was simply to illustrate that "old news" doesn't apply when we are talking about people dying over a lie. People died in the protests that were sparked after this Administration dug up a video on Youtube that no one had ever heard of. They lied. They bald faced lied. Because of the lie they chose to tell, people died. Do you really think the body count matters to the guy who got his head cut off?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Way back in the 90s he had them and used them.

He ran out of them.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Hillary Clinton to one of the victim's parents of Benghazi .............

"We will not rest until the maker of the video is brought to justice (i.e. framed for Benghazi)".................... ..

http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics...-report-raise/ Originally Posted by Whirlaway

I'm calling your lie.

Show a link to H. Clinton being quoted as having said this. Hard news only, no blog.

That's right. You can't.

You're just a lying piece of shit. Nothing more, nothing less.

Just when I think you may have gone as low as you can, you use that pointed head of yours to dig a little deeper.

What a douche-bag.
This just in, Trendaway is strongly being considered for a commentator position at FAUX News. In an effort to pad his woeful resume, Trendy has listed 917 bogus Benghazi threads that he has previously started on Eccie. In addition Trendy has referenced 1,617 Anti Obama threads, 417 Wisconsin and America are "Trending" Romney threads and of course the 1,391 Anti Democratic Party threads!

I believe our very own Trendaway is just what Rupert Murdoch is looking for and should be a shoo in for the job!

In an apparent slap in the face to his "Brother COG," Trendy has hired Marshall as his agent!

Guest123018-4's Avatar
The brain washed followers fail to understand the deeper implications that the Benghazi lie creates.

The reality that one side believes that the government under Democrat rule is infallible, that government should be much larger, and that taxes should be much higher while the other sides believe that government screws up more than it does right, should be much smaller, and taxes should be much less. Now we get to a point where it is proven that government screwed uup, not only by failing to respond but by failing to act to protect the lives of people in the service of our country. The blatant attempt by this administration to lie about what had happened and then claim it really did not matter not only disrespects those that were in service to our nation but to all Americans.

The indifference and betrayal is just a symptom of the lengths these people will go through to protect their party. It is obvious that they were not interested in protecting those that serve our nation.
Whin-a-way has been Beck-a-zised.
I don't get all this...... Does my vote count???
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-09-2013, 02:26 PM
I don't get all this...... Does my vote count??? Originally Posted by MissMelissa
neither does whirlie ... its a tie

no your vote doesn't count ... congrats, you've made as much difference in the world as the poll.

  • 05-10-2013, 12:07 PM
so, you fuck violated johnny rights... SO DOES IT MEAN YOU FUCK GET A OLD FASHIONED ASS-WHOOPING Originally Posted by CJOHN
dam IB U deleted the post ...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I believe she said that to the family members in private so no video munchie, but you are calling the family members liars. Have you no shame at all?

By the way, the person who you are accusing of lying is Charles Woods, father of Tyrone Woods. You low life stinkin sack of mucus covered shit. Yes, I am talking to Munchie.

Went to youtube and, boy!, have you guys been busy. Put in Hillary Clinton and it is nothing now but video after video of things that make Hillary look good (getting an award, hosting a talk show, speaking at a college) I wish my large colon was that clean. Funny how munchie knew that....