It's a glorious day for America

chizzy's Avatar
If it isn’t in-American for the USWNT to show disrespect for the national anthem and the country in general (and personally I believe it isn’t - it’s your right as an American to express whatever opinion you want), then how is it in-American for those who disagree with them to root against them and take pleasure in their loss? After all, that too is just an expression of one’s opinion as well isn’t it?

Apparently you miss the irony in your own argument. It is sickening and repulsive to cheer against the team because you don’t agree with their opinions. But that itself is just an opinion that you disagree with. You find it sickening and repulsive that others hold differing opinions from yours. Originally Posted by Smarty1

HDGristle's Avatar
Let's be honest. Half or more of the disagreements here stem from some folks being disgusted, sickened or repulsed by other people's opinions.

And then trying to rub their nose in it with as hominem attacks and strawman to pretend they won internet points.

If we each got a dime for every time someone on this board pulled the patriotism card we'd stop bitching about the high price of hookers and actually go fuck some.
berryberry's Avatar
Cheering The Defeat Of The U.S. Women’s Soccer Team Is The American Thing To Do

Next to the dictionary definition of “poetic justice” should be a picture of Megan Rapinoe’s humiliated little face after whiffing a penalty kick that helped seal the fate of the U.S. women’s soccer team.

In a shootout that ended the game 5-4, Sweden defeated the U.S. Women’s National Team (USWNT), sending them packing from the World Cup. Of course, the blue-and-yellow-clad fans and players were ecstatic. But the next most excited observers were actually Americans — specifically the ones who, you know, like America.

Rapinoe’s fan club — which includes corporate media, LGBT advocates, and the stans in the White House, among others — has been busy heaping praise on the team and pointing the finger at those unpatriotic conservatives who aren’t devastated by the loss and took things “a step too far.” But here’s the thing: If you don’t claim allegiance to America when you win, don’t expect Americans to give a hoot when you lose.

Save for the few patriotic players who will hopefully rebuild the USWNT’s legacy and define its attitude in the future, the women’s team is a proud collection of ingrates who have been defined by their disdain for the very country that emblazons their jerseys. Their lack of patriotism is so overt it’s become a theme throughout this World Cup. When the anthems of other countries play, the opposing teams zealously belt out the words in unmistakable allegiance. Each time the “Star-Spangled Banner” plays before match-ups, most of the U.S. athletes follow the lead of their blue-haired ring leader and refuse to sing along or place their hands over their hearts in quiet defiance of the country that gave them everything.

Less quiet has been Megan “Walking Protest” Rapinoe’s years-long and outspoken hatred of America and its values. In 2019, she declared, “I’ll probably never put my hand over my heart. “I’ll probably never sing the national anthem again.” Stunning and brave.

Not only was she one of the first athletes to embrace anthem kneeling alongside Colin Kaepernick, but she also is a loud LGBT activist and proponent of letting men who claim to be women dominate female sports. Real female leaders find ways to boost the girls that follow in their footsteps, but not Rapinoe. She’d rather throw them to the testosterone-jacked wolves.

It’s easier to welcome men into women’s spaces, I suppose, when you’ve already got your trophies and millions and have one foot out the door. Rapinoe’s fairer-sex forbears blazed an epic trail for their American female progeny to walk. But the soccer star’s legacy? Doing her darndest to turn every future women’s World Cup into a battle of the bulge.


The U.S. Women’s National Team has only two jobs: Score goals to win games, and proudly represent the great US of A. They haven’t been delivering on the latter, and they just blew the former. So yeah, not having to endure another anti-American anthem schtick from a losing team is something to clap about.

USWNT diehards and dedicated leftists can spin all day to make conservatives the bad guys here, but Rapinoe’s detractors didn’t fire the first shot in this dumb culture war. That’s on her and her self-satisfied teammates. Perhaps this pathetic display in front of the whole freaking world will be a lesson to the up-and-comers who think emulating petty social justice warriors is a good idea.

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