What Is Considered A Big Load? (Ejaculation)

That usually does the trick for me...don't let the secret out.
funny- guys wanting to compare their load to another man's ... how...ummm... well...

anyhow- if i drink, my load is less....if i'm less hydrated, my load is less....

if i'm with a girl just to get my nut that i'm not super duper hot for...my load is less...

traditionally be fully hydrated and having built up a couple of days will generally give you a bigger load...

additionally- being super hot for a girl either via cuz she's so pretty and/or you have a real sexual/emotional connection with a girl gives me a better load.

add those 2 together and I took a supplement once to see how it'd do...

i already had a nice load yet i had pounded this load over a couple of days, drank a gallon plus water/day no alcohol and no self pleasing then doubled up on that supp the day my girl came over to my place...

i blew all over her like peter north- it just wouldn't stop!!! it was explosive and heavy and had tons of volume...

she didn't even bother with the kleenex or TP to clean up.... it was just straight to the shower...

she thought it was the greatest thing....i said "baby- i just been missing you the past few days cuz I luv you honey"

i'd came more on her than the guy on the porn movie that was playing while we were at it...
burkalini's Avatar
Wow load size. Are we really talking about this? Cum alot Cum a little Who fucking cares? Are we comparing load sizes like cock sizes now. Can we compare how big the head of our cocks are now? Hey I have a very long middle finger. Woman just go crazy because of it. lol The load ususally goes in the condom anyway. Just enjoy the orgasm. Load size WOW!!!!
DMC21's Avatar
  • DMC21
  • 05-25-2011, 06:34 AM
Holy smokes! Alot of pissed off people because I brought up load size. My apologies for bringing it up but I am curious, why comment or even click on the topic if it bothers you that much? Again, my apologies.
liquorgood's Avatar
Looks like some people have been watching too much porn. The big load
is what ever comes out the end of your penis and makes you feel good. I
would bet that most ladies really don't want to gag or be sprayed with all
your stuff.
DMC21's Avatar
  • DMC21
  • 12-22-2011, 09:50 AM
I beg to differ.
Still Looking's Avatar
Looks like were bring back an oldie but a goodie!

SL Top 10 Your Load Is Too Big List

1) If the provider gets knocked down from the blast, you may have a big load!
2) If the provider looks like a ghost when you’re done, you may have a big load!
3) If you can get triple pay at the sperm bank, you may have a big load!
4) If a provider knows you and brings a beach towel instead of tissue, you may have a big load!
5) If you can ice a birthday cake in one sitting, you may have a big load!
6) If you feel you can apply texture to a repaired wall and have enough material, you may have a big load!
7) If providers require you to say, “There she blows”, you may have a big load!
8) If you ever had CSI take 4 months to analyze your sheets, you may have a big load!
9) If you your SO nick named you Quartster, you may have a big load!
10) If you’ve ever blow in a pool and by standers though there was a fountain, you may have a big load!
Hmmm...I'd post a pic of a pretty huge load but I think it's too naughty for eccie...
PM it to me then, please. I'd like to see it.

Hmmm...I'd post a pic of a pretty huge load but I think it's too naughty for eccie... Originally Posted by Valerie
The 70s band 10cc supposedly took their name from the (metric) volume of ejaculate in the average guy's climax. If I read the metric conversion tables right, that's a little more than 2 teaspoons.

My observation: Depends on how long it's been since the last one. Originally Posted by SlowHand49
I thought that was a heroin reference.
Everyone is different. Some have the porn star, reach across the room pressure, some just dribble out.

The amount and force of your ejaculate is individual. If you personally have noticed a change in yourself thats different. Although lower semen and force is normal with age, a sudden decrease isn't normal. If you're having other symptoms like say, any change in urination or any pain you should go see a doctor.

Careful taking OTC sex pills, all that crap is just that. Crap. The sex enhancers are just for show, some make you produce more semen but unless you have something for expelling a ton of man custard I wouldn't deal with them. Zero actual health benefits. Even a slightly enlarged prostate can cause a whirlwind of issues.

I know the exam is frightful for some, but believe me when I tell you it's better than letting a problem go on untreated. Keep your health in the forefront so you have plenty of days to show us EXACTLY how much you produce
I know the [prostate] exam is frightful for some
Not when administered by the right person in the right way. lol
Everyone is different. Some have the porn star, reach across the room pressure, some just dribble out.

The amount and force of your ejaculate is individual. If you personally have noticed a change in yourself thats different. Although lower semen and force is normal with age, a sudden decrease isn't normal. If you're having other symptoms like say, any change in urination or any pain you should go see a doctor.

Careful taking OTC sex pills, all that crap is just that. Crap. The sex enhancers are just for show, some make you produce more semen but unless you have something for expelling a ton of man custard I wouldn't deal with them. Zero actual health benefits. Even a slightly enlarged prostate can cause a whirlwind of issues.

I know the exam is frightful for some, but believe me when I tell you it's better than letting a problem go on untreated. Keep your health in the forefront so you have plenty of days to show us EXACTLY how much you produce Originally Posted by DreamGirlRosy
+1... great advise gorgeous
Anything load by porn star Peter North. That guy's loads are so huuuge. LOL Just sayin'
Since when is 2 teaspoons a "load" . A load of bricks...big and heavy, a load or sand...you get my meaning...but 2 teaspoons? I mean when chics squirt we are talking a liquid load right there. Amounts to waaaaaay more than the average of 2 teaspoons.

I guess anything to do with dick and balls has to sound big, aggressive and powerful. Pity....