
Thank God, Trump is NOT the president today. His attempts to destroy NATO (an example of his repeated attempts of his fealty to Putin) would have eliminated this united western attempt to sanction Putin and hopefully end Putin's folly.

Remember...Trump was caught extorting the Ukraine president withholding military aid to Ukraine to allow that country to act as a proxy warrior against an aggressive Russia. Trump was doing Putin's bidding back then.

People like Austin Ellen can't get over tribal politics and really do live in an alternate universe where facts don't matter.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

Your obviously anti Trump and pro Biden and that’s fine however, it doesn’t take a genius to see what’s happening or has happened in the last year or so.

We were actually becoming more energy dependent and starting to finally make Americans first and now we are back to square one.

Heck, in 2021 we imported more oil from Russia than we had in 10 years for example.

If everyone would do their own research instead of listening to the news we would all be in a better world.

Claims for unemployment right now they say are the lowest in years which is BS. Politicians know how to scew numbers and make them look better than they really are.

If unemployment is so low, why do the majority of businesses out there have help wanted signs? I guess we don’t have enough people to fill the slots. Lmao

I just scratched the surface of all the BS going on now and really the main thing that Trump did is he was to darn transparent for some of the people and spoke his mind and a lot of people can’t handle the truth.

That the difference of a politician and a non- politician.

Some people are to darn soft to hear the truth and it hurts their feelings.

FYI, I’m neither Democrat or Republican. I vote for the individual who I think is best fit for the job at that present time. Originally Posted by Passion2015
I am not so pro-Biden as I am anti-Trump. I admit that. Trump is a man who would screw anyone in order to get what he wants. I also vote for the individual who is best for the job at that present time. I voted for Cornyn in 2020. I voted for Abbott in 208. Throughout my life I have voted for far more Republicans than Democrats.

The businesses looking for employees existed long before Biden took office. I'm sure you believed the 3.6% unemployment rate under Trump but you are skeptical about the current 4% unemployment rate under Biden. Same source.
We are becoming more energy dependent because we are recovering from a pandemic when people were stuck in their homes for the most part. At no time were we ever energy independent.

Look at Trump's "accomplishments" while in office and tell me which ones impacted you directly as you go through your day. The only one I can think of is his tax reform package which put money in my pocket which was nice but unneeded.

The "truth" remains that Trump in his denial to accept the 2020 election results and making false claims about fraud sums up the man. I can go back to 1990 when I was living in NY and Trump had a financial analyst fired because he predicted Trump's Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City would fail. It did. That is Trump speaking his mind.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Well, now 7,000 troops are being deployed to Europe. I thought it was only suppose to be 3,000. This is just bad,bad,bad. He did say they will not go into Ukrane but they said that about the Nam too. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
That was never said about Viet Nam. Advisors were in Viet Nam from the very beginning. Get your facts straight.

No one said there would be a limit on troops deployed to the area. Biden has said they would not be deployed to the Ukraine. So far, fact.

Are you really "Banned"?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Biden - the worst one term president ever! Originally Posted by BigBamboo
If he does become that, he will be replacing Trump with that distinction.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Did you turn down the Covid incentive payments which are the driving force behind the inflation? More money in people's pockets increased the demand for products which increased the inflation rate. Economics 101... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Were not the"incentive payments" to replace lost wages? As such, a wash at best?.
Was not the crushing of the economy for an extended period of time repressing the demand for products? Maybe retake that Econ class again, 'cause I don't recall that bit about shuttering an entire economy as a recommendation for good things to happen.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Were not the"incentive payments" to replace lost wages? As such, a wash at best?.
Was not the crushing of the economy for an extended period of time repressing the demand for products? Maybe retake that Econ class again, 'cause I don't recall that bit about shuttering an entire economy as a recommendation for good things to happen. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
My wife and I, retired, received "incentive payments". All my family members who were under the income threshhold to receive the payments were fully employed. My guess is that the overwhelming majority of those who received the payments were employed. We received extra income that I, for one, spent on products that I would not have had I not received the extra money.

I don't remember making any comments about shutting down the economy. I put faith in our state-level elected officials who made such decisions. Many businesses in Texas, under Abbott, were totally shut down and eventually went out of business, and others had their business severely curtailed. Were those decisions right or wrong? I really don't know. I've never lived through a pandemic such as this one before so there's no way to assess what would have happened if there was "business as usual".
Precious_b's Avatar
You are not allowed to insult. Plus you put in way too much effort here for a hooker board. But you do you boo. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
And your post don't insult our intelligence with your milk toast memes?

We'll be waiting for your responses.

*pb queues the crickets*
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...My guess is that the overwhelming majority of those who received the payments were employed... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Here is what I saw and heard from folk that were impacted by shuttering of businesses: The had to worry about feeding their family the next day. Recall shutting happened, long before the first check went out.

Many, likely most, live pay check to pay check. It's a sad reality and increasing housing costs don't help one whit. So they scramble to find other work to varying degrees of success. I helped a few navigate the unemployment site to get $$ faster. But they still gotta eat.

As the fog started lifting and they went back to work, many were on reduced hours, i.e. less take home pay. Some in service industries typically rely more on tips than hourly wages. Those folks were crushed pretty badly. Plus, inflation started creeping and businesses wanted to recoup lost revenue and raised prices.

As you indicated, many businesses did not make it back. Anyway, it was a toxic stew for many.

Moral of the story: Don't ever shut down a vibrant economy, even if you want to get someone out of office.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I still prefer Biden over Trump, who is considered to be in the bottom 3 of of the 44 men who have held the office of POTUS. Biden may turn out to be worse but Trump's legacy has been written and it is not good.

That's what I love about those that criticize others, whether it be Biden or someone else. Pure speculation without any evidence to support their statements. Putin had no fear of Trump because Trump supported Putin in every way. Look at Trump's statements about Biden and the Ukraine.

Trump again praises Putin moments before Russia launches invasion of Ukraine

As Putin eyes Ukraine invasion, Trump praises his actions as 'genius'

That is downright horrible. Supporting a man who wants to return the USSR to its former "glory". Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
AMEN Brother.

Trump is a stain on the history books of this great nation. We've had inept. We've had stupid. We've had unqualified. In my lifetime in fact.

But we never had all three PLUS EVIL. Until the mob rallied behind Trump.

They still do.

Fortunately, this debate - such that it is - will no longer be populated with comments like we've witnessed from AE.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Here is what I saw and heard from folk that were impacted by shuttering of businesses: The had to worry about feeding their family the next day. Recall shutting happened, long before the first check went out.

Many, likely most, live pay check to pay check. It's a sad reality and increasing housing costs don't help one whit. So they scramble to find other work to varying degrees of success. I helped a few navigate the unemployment site to get $$ faster. But they still gotta eat.

As the fog started lifting and they went back to work, many were on reduced hours, i.e. less take home pay. Some in service industries typically rely more on tips than hourly wages. Those folks were crushed pretty badly. Plus, inflation started creeping and businesses wanted to recoup lost revenue and raised prices.

As you indicated, many businesses did not make it back. Anyway, it was a toxic stew for many.

Moral of the story: Don't ever shut down a vibrant economy, even if you want to get someone out of office. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
The shutdowns occurred in red states and blue states They occurred in almost every country in the world. We recently went on a long cruise and in several of the countries we hit we were the first visitors since the pandemic began. It is not like the U.S. was the only country impacted by shutdowns.
CountDracula's Avatar
Lock him up, lock him up!

Lock him up, lock him up!

Originally Posted by CountDracula
That is one of the greatest pictures I have seen in a long time, love it and hope it comes true 👍.
matchingmole's Avatar
I said it before - we are doomed. Biden is ..ugh..he doesn't know what he's doing....If Trump were in office this would not be happening....

Joe Biden
Joe Biden
Marisa Schultz
Sat, February 19, 2022, 12:38 PM·2 min read
In this article:

Joe Biden
Joe Biden
46th and current president of the United States
A foreign policy expert slammed the Biden administration's handling of the Ukraine crisis, saying the White House's actions could "provoke" a Russian attack.

Anatol Lieven, a senior research fellow on Russia and Europe at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, especially took issue with President Biden telling Americans to leave Ukraine.

"It is perfectly ridiculous and contemptible for the USA to 'support Ukraine' by telling Americans to leave before there is any certainty that Russia will attack, or that if it does attack anything will happen to Kiev," Lieven said in a statement.


Lieven, who has written books on Russia and tackling the climate change "emergency", said the Biden administration's policies are undermining Ukraine's independence.

"This has a terrible effect on the Ukrainian economy and international confidence in Ukraine, and thereby undermines Ukrainian independence," Lieven said. "Meanwhile the USA pumps Ukraine full of weapons that will not defeat Russia and could even provoke a Russian attack."

The Quincy Institute promotes "vigorous diplomacy" and a world where peace is the norm.


Biden continues to say there's a high likelihood of Russia invading Ukraine, as Vladimir Putin has amassed roughly 150,000 troops near the border. World leaders, including Vice President Kamala Harris, gathered in Germany over the weekend for the Munich Security Conference in an effort to work on diplomatic solutions.

19 February 2022, Bavaria, Munich: Kamala D. Harris, U.S. Vice President, speaks at the 58th Munich Security Conference. The Security Conference will be held at the Bayerischer Hof Hotel from Feb. 18-20, 2022. Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa (Photo by Tobias Hase/picture alliance via Getty Images)
19 February 2022, Bavaria, Munich: Kamala D. Harris, U.S. Vice President, speaks at the 58th Munich Security Conference. The Security Conference will be held at the Bayerischer Hof Hotel from Feb. 18-20, 2022. Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa (Photo by Tobias Hase/picture alliance via Getty Images)
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., led a congressional delegation to the conference where she touted fierce sanctions against Russia should Putin invade.

Biden has warned Americans in Ukraine to get out immediately and said the U.S. military will not help them escape if there is a Russian invasion because it risks sparking a world war.

"That's a world war when Americans and Russia start shooting at one another," Biden told NBC anchor Lester Holt. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
If trump was president, he would be providing intelligence to Russia so they can capture and kill the Ukrainian president so he’d get his revenge for the president not starting an investigation into Biden. Basically all his actions toward everyone who was critical of him for Jan 6 proves that. He is baby Putin (far far less intelligent but all the same lack of ethics or morals). If you haven’t figured that out, wake up
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
If trump was president, he would be providing intelligence to Russia Originally Posted by Thudog

Anyone else recall when F Joe Biden gave Putin a list of 16 Red Lines about our cyber based infrastructure?

35 sec vid. See for yourself
Joe Biden Gave Putin a List of the 16 Entities That Would Cripple the US if Hit by Cyberattacks

Here Vlad. This is the list of the top 16 items of our most critical infrastructure. Please don't attack them. Real man of genius.