A Special Welcome ...

Sisyphus's Avatar
You folks treat these guys nicely now. Daggone it, I don't want to have to come back here and straighten you out now! Originally Posted by John Bull
I'm sorry...do we know you????
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
My sword is getting polished and I'm going to borrow Julius's red cape.
There will be lions. Let the games begin.

Tales of orgies to follow.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
My sword is getting polished and I'm going to borrow Julius's red cape.
There will be lions. Let the games begin.

Tales of orgies to follow. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
You had me when you wrote that your sword was getting polished.

After that, who needs a cape?
The cape is hanging off the sword.

Elizabeth you can polish my sword ANY time.
The cape is hanging off the sword.

Elizabeth you can polish my sword ANY time. Originally Posted by SR Only
Get a room!
Now THAT'S the PJ we know and love.
My sword is getting polished and I'm going to borrow Julius's red cape.
There will be lions. Let the games begin.

Tales of orgies to follow. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
I'm gonna post some thoughts later. About ten minutes ago was the first time I could log on today. I didn't know it was official. Fair? Ha! Benevolent Dictatorship is more like it. SR Only = Saddam Rules Only!!! {insert evil laugh here}. Buckle up boys and girls; it's going to be quite a ride! There are two new sheriffs in town.

Gotta run. Originally Posted by SR Only
"Oh, boy, this is gonna be great!"

Flounder would've loved this. Pass the popcorn!
I will be PWI later. There is vodka being ingested at the SR Only household right now. Originally Posted by SR Only
I opted not to post while a bit toasty last night.

My thoughts a moderating D&T:

I am hoping that we can all play nice on here. One of the reasons I hung on HDH and here at D&T was that for the most part there were highs and lows of threads and if things got out of hand we could generally police each other and if nothing else have civil discourse. Yes, I am sure there were PM's from JB and others, but I'd like to think we can show decorum as we are all ladies and gentleman (gawd I sound like an elementary school principal).

Generally, I am going to post as SR Only, a member of eccie. If I need to talk to the group (or thread) en mass, I will say that I am [putting on my mod hat] (I'll try to use brackets to denote that). I really don't hope that I ever have to [put on the mod hat], but knowing human nature I'll have to go into mod mode at some point.

Our self-policing is the way that it should run. I know this might be a utopian dream but what the heck. You can always PM if you have a question(s) about something. I may not answer immediately but I'll do the best of my ability to get one. We are all imperfect, so a little give and take on any forum is important. If I am off base, and you think so drop me a note. I am happy to run it by the powers that be and ask if I am out of line. We learn from mistakes. One quote I've seen that I like applies to this: I am perfectly capable of learning from my mistakes. I will surely learn a great deal today.

I wish you all well, as MA and I keep an eye on our little roadshow here. I know I care deeply enough about D&T and eccie to take on modship. Many of you I consider friends (virtual) and a couple lovers (not you PJ!!!).

All the best!

SR Only
@SR Only and Marcus, the Mods

SR, I appreciate the post. We shall see, I am sure. I am generally discouraged about Mods changing their minds, though. It has been my experience that they tend to be so busy they do drive-by enforcement and are not so open to challenges of their power, no matter how reasonable.
Drive-by enforcement?!? I never thought of that. Thanks!!!

Like I said, I am hardly perfect. But if we're good boys and girls I'll never have to act.
and a couple lovers (not you PJ!!!). Originally Posted by SR Only
Thank god!
I am hoping that we can all play nice on here.


Our self-policing is the way that it should run. I know this might be a utopian dream but what the heck. Originally Posted by SR Only
In a more serious vein (yeah, I know -- out of character for me.), that is pretty much the way the HDH Board at ASPD worked for over 10 years. Other than WTF, we rarely had any interaction with the Mods.

Every now and then, there would be a new poster or a group of them that blew through. Some would throw stuff on the wall to see what stuck and generally acted like two year olds -- "hey look at me". Others would read for a while, introduce themselves and then get into the flow of the conversation. The former would usually burn out quickly and fall away. The later became part of the woodwork and are mainly still here.

There was a very different gestalt to the place than a typical PMB and thankfully, that transferred pretty much intact to D&T. I too hope that feeling continues here with the new management. (Yeah, like anyone manages this herd of cats.)
Naomi4u's Avatar
I didn't know SR only was a mod? Haaa!!! Well I like that mod.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-10-2011, 01:19 PM
In a more serious vein (yeah, I know -- out of character for me.), that is pretty much the way the HDH Board at ASPD worked for over 10 years. Other than WTF, we rarely had any interaction with the Mods.

Originally Posted by pjorourke
Good Lord, you had to hand your balls over to the women folk over there. The women wanted to be treated as equals until you actually did, then they cried like like ......women!

Every now and then, there would be a new poster or a group of them that blew through. Some would throw stuff on the wall to see what stuck and generally acted like two year olds -- "hey look at me". Others would read for a while, introduce themselves and then get into the flow of the conversation. The former would usually burn out quickly and fall away. The later became part of the woodwork and are mainly still here.
Originally Posted by pjorourke
That is exactly right....that is why we need little to no moderation. Every time a person cries to a Mod, they should get a big ole vaginia stuck under their avatar. You get enough of those and we should all pitch in and get you laid.

The problem is not in someone saying something offensive, the problem is us actually taking offense. Had we half as good a sense of humor as we think we have we would never be offended by a post on a escort site.

Mods IMHO are here to take dowm personal info should it get posted. The reason the job is so hard is because Mods let it become hard. Do not overthink. This is not a Moderators forum, it is elastic forum made up of ALL posters . The problem arises when a Mod has trouble understanding that simple concept. IMHO of course.