Let's Get this Straight....

Serenity24's Avatar
Y'all know me I'm not going to Go on and on But some of y'all are real negative....

I wasn't disrespectful I just stated A FACT!!!!

if he didn't like the service he should have been HONEST AND TOLD ME CAUSE IM FAIR..

I text him right after I left And told him I feel like It wasn't right and I don't mind making it up to him.

Now Dorthy HUNNIE baby You have no clue put me in the same room as u and I would PAss you up never underestimate me love!!!

The rest of u I love Y'all ��
holmes50's Avatar
Amazing what entertainment a "no" review can bring to the board. That being said no one should have to write a "no" review.
Y'all know me I'm not going to Go on and on But some of y'all are real negative....

I wasn't disrespectful I just stated A FACT!!!!

if he didn't like the service he should have been HONEST AND TOLD ME CAUSE IM FAIR..

I text him right after I left And told him I feel like It wasn't right and I don't mind making it up to him.

Now Dorthy HUNNIE baby You have no clue put me in the same room as u and I would PAss you up never underestimate me love!!!

The rest of u I love Y'all �� Originally Posted by Serenity24
Lmfao pass me up hunny you passed me up after your first NO review.. Sorry I've never experienced that now carry on..
albundy's Avatar
If Old Gent gave a "No" review to you, you MUST have been bad that night.

Unless "making it up to him" is another way of saying "a freebie", the "No" was justified in my opinion.
If Old Gent gave a "No" review to you, you MUST have been bad that night.

Unless "making it up to him" is another way of saying "a freebie", the "No" was justified in my opinion. Originally Posted by albundy
But she has more than 1 NO review
Super Head 713's Avatar
But she has more than 1 NO review Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe
Lol let's not bring up why she left Houston....... Anywho oldgent is a great guy that's easy to bond with, him and I had an instant connection! I know that you can't please everyone but you can at least try. Sorry for your experience oldgent I will be in laffy Tuesday hun and have some making up to do with you and your fuck toy wink wink
have some making up to do with you and your fuck toy wink wink Originally Posted by Super Head 713
Yes chick, you owe us
Lol let's not bring up why she left Houston....... Anywho oldgent is a great guy that's easy to bond with, him and I had an instant connection! I know that you can't please everyone but you can at least try. Sorry for your experience oldgent I will be in laffy Tuesday hun and have some making up to do with you and your fuck toy wink wink Originally Posted by Super Head 713
I Figured there was more to the story
Serenity24's Avatar
Lol Funny but Anywho my birthday is at 12 a.m.so I will Toast to that!!!

For now on if Your new to Me I'm meeting you first for breakfast,lunch,Dinner before we go further cause this is crazy y'all serious lol

I don't believe a story unless I'm there! And see the truth

But y'all quick to judge even my hating sistas!!!

Lol Funny but Anywho my birthday is at 12 a.m.so I will Toast to that!!!

For now on if Your new to Me I'm meeting you first for breakfast,lunch,Dinner before we go further cause this is crazy y'all serious lol

I don't believe a story unless I'm there! And see the truth

But y'all quick to judge even my hating sistas!!!

But HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!! Originally Posted by Serenity24
English please?
BR-8's Avatar
  • BR-8
  • 07-11-2016, 12:34 AM
But y'all quick to judge even my hating sistas!!!
Just have to play that race card !!!
Just suck it up, so to speak! Get over it and provide a better service; hence, you won't receive a "NO" review.
Serenity24's Avatar
Why y'all so mad tho lol..let it go.
Super Head 713's Avatar
Lol Funny but Anywho my birthday is at 12 a.m.so I will Toast to that!!!

For now on if Your new to Me I'm meeting you first for breakfast,lunch,Dinner before we go further cause this is crazy y'all serious lol

I don't believe a story unless I'm there! And see the truth

But y'all quick to judge even my hating sistas!!!

But HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!! Originally Posted by Serenity24
You are one hell of a sexy lady, so hating isn't in my vocabulary at all mama . Since you are playing the race cards It's sistas like you that make it hard on excellent African American providers such as myself . I give credit when it's due, but when good guys continue to get ripped off or are involved in cash and dashes with you is ridiculous . Then, you write a rebuttal thread afterwards, each time, and not expect others to chime in their opinions anyways enjoy your birthday

P. S. Cancers rock!!!!
AngeLisa's Avatar
What race card? Smh she said sistas...could that not mean sister whores. Chillllll serenity, this to shall pass. (Got all holy on ya lol)
Serenity24's Avatar
You are one hell of a sexy lady, so hating isn't in my vocabulary at all mama . Since you are playing the race cards It's sistas like you that make it hard on excellent African American providers such as myself . I give credit when it's due, but when good guys continue to get ripped off or are involved in cash and dashes with you is ridiculous . Then, you write a rebuttal thread afterwards, each time, and not expect others to chime in their opinions anyways enjoy your birthday

P. S. Cancers rock!!!! Originally Posted by Super Head 713
Minding your business is first and about Houston Hun that's something u know nothing about!!!