Encounter: Lily Health Spa OMG

In truth, no one can say "every" or "none". It only takes one gal, one time, to make a liar out o' you.

In the SubAMPs, the spa sets a standard. MMS sets her limit. Each gal sets her limit. (No nudity. No touching. No full sex. No getting caught. Make a woman out o' me, big boy.)

We've all been to L-NO places and scored. And, we've all been to sure-thing places and been shut down.

And, then there's places like 15th street, where you'll probably get a secret handie during the week & ass-slapping, ball-licking, dirty-talking FS on Sunday ("Boss no heah on Sunday.")
LargeBreastFan's Avatar
In truth, no one can say "every" or "none". It only takes one gal, one time, to make a liar out o' you.

In the SubAMPs, the spa sets a standard. MMS sets her limit. Each gal sets her limit. (No nudity. No touching. No full sex. No getting caught. Make a woman out o' me, big boy.)

We've all been to L-NO places and scored. And, we've all been to sure-thing places and been shut down.

And, then there's places like 15th street, where you'll probably get a secret handie during the week & ass-slapping, ball-licking, dirty-talking FS on Sunday ("Boss no heah on Sunday.") Originally Posted by Billogoods

Billo, I think that even you, with your roll of benjamins, tricked-out pink Yugo, and your purple velour jogging outfit, would get L0 at the Chinese Amps on Greenville and Beltline in Richardson, 24/7/365 a year.

Yes. It's a gift. All these guys getting raped & robbed by Sue. But, she showed me complete respect. Not even a hint of impropriety.
Groot's Avatar
  • Groot
  • 11-13-2018, 10:08 AM
In truth, no one can say "every" or "none". It only takes one gal, one time, to make a liar out o' you.

In the SubAMPs, the spa sets a standard. MMS sets her limit. Each gal sets her limit. (No nudity. No touching. No full sex. No getting caught. Make a woman out o' me, big boy.)

We've all been to L-NO places and scored. And, we've all been to sure-thing places and been shut down.

And, then there's places like 15th street, where you'll probably get a secret handie during the week & ass-slapping, ball-licking, dirty-talking FS on Sunday ("Boss no heah on Sunday.") Originally Posted by Billogoods

Exactly. The L0 list serves no purpose.

It may take 3 visits, 6 or only 1.. but, the money will always win out.

In China, massage providers are considered prostitutes. It's what they do and what they are. To prove that, nobody here is going to the amps for a massage. LOL
I disagree about the L0 List. It helps those, like myself, who have limited funds, to avoid the "less than likely" places. But, I agree that any place can provide a good experience, knowing that a little bit of time/money can cultivate a special relationship with a gal.