joe bloe's Avatar
You remain oblivious to the fact that you ensnared yourself, marks-rocks-with-pee. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
To paraphrase Eric Segal: Stupidity means never having to say you're sorry.
markroxny's Avatar
To paraphrase Eric Segal: Stupidity means never having to say you're sorry. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Oh so that's why you never say you are sorry when you are proven wrong time and time again.

Got it.
Altus62's Avatar
But that's why I am still glad I made the thread. One, what she did doesn't negate the racism that blacks still endure, Two, it has exposed the real thinking of some of the people on this board, which is quite frankly disturbing to say the least. Originally Posted by markroxny
Do you remember all those guns at the tea party rallies? You have this mentality that all that is evil and wrong has to be left, or democrat, or...black. Originally Posted by markroxny
No, I don't remember all those guns at the TEA party rallies. Don't remember a single gun.

But this is the narrative you are trying to promote: Stop the TEA Party by portraying them as racists who promote violence no matter if the facts don't fit.

Tried it in AZ with Congresswoman Gifford
Tried it in FL with George Zimmerman
Tried it in Norway where there is no TEA party.

Its not working.
markroxny's Avatar
No, I don't remember all those guns at the TEA party rallies. Don't remember a single gun.
. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Really gnadfly?




Really gnadfly?




http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9j_rItklD8 Originally Posted by markroxny
Clicked your first link and did not see a single gun. Heard Chris reference guns several times. Did not see a single gun. Of course he talked about the "gunsights" on Sarah Palin's website that weren't gunsights.

Now I read reports where the Occupy movement had many people arrested for violent crimes, drugs and guns. Of course, I didn't read them on MSNBC but they were on other reputable news sites.

Again, you are just trying to promote a narrative that desperately needs to be promoted with Obama trailing.

So let me counter your "Really" with a "Really" and raise you a "sad."
Remember when Al Sharpton actually made his bones in the Twana Brawley "case", claiming the Klan abducted her and smeared dog shit all over her. It turns out the only dog shit was her story.

But that didn't stop ole Al. He became a 'respected' member of the news community, and is right up there with The Rev Jesse Jackson as far as being a worthless, extorting piece of poverty pimping shit.

Just another "black leader", not much different than one in the White House, who never misses a chance to divide America right down racial lines.

'I look for the day when we will judge a man by the content of his character, rather than the color of his skin". A real leader and man of great visionr said that.

Not in President Obama'.s World.,
markroxny's Avatar
Did you click the 3rd or 4th link gnadfly? Google guns at tea party rallies and check images.

Tell me if you dont' see a single gun in this video. We can get you glasses.

markroxny's Avatar
Did you click the 3rd or 4th link? Google guns at tea party rallies and check images.

Tell me if you dont' see a single gun in this video. We can get you glasses.

cptjohnstone's Avatar
a.k,a LukeAssWalker, a.k.a. MarktheDogHumper

fixed it for ya, no thanks needed
Budman's Avatar
So Mark tell me what is wrong with the guns in the video. Did any of the people there commit any violent acts? You can't wait to tell everybody you are from Harlem. How many of the brothers in your hood are packing?
markroxny's Avatar
So Mark tell me what is wrong with the guns in the video. Did any of the people there commit any violent acts? You can't wait to tell everybody you are from Harlem. How many of the brothers in your hood are packing? Originally Posted by Budman

Gnadfly claims there were none. Is he right?
Budman's Avatar
What's your point? Why does it matter? If they were committing crimes you would have a point but unlike the occupy wall street morons these people were peaceful and law abiding.
Gnadfly claims there were none. Is he right? Originally Posted by markroxny
Homie, I said I didn't remember seeing a single gun. Seriously. People could have CHL.

Your whole thing is trying to promote the Anti-TEA party narrative.

You posted four links. I clicked the first one and saw no guns. Anybody who passes English 101 knows to put their best evidence first. It was Chris Matthews beating up Sarah Palin over the AZ Gabby Giffords incident that was disdirected and proven false. Worse yet, no images of a gun at a TEA party rally on the first link.

You get one bite out of that apple. Appears you want me to click the 3rd and 4th link.

I'm not enabling your false narrative even if you may and I stress may have a few convincing examples.

I did note that you did not have any convincing counter evidence to the Occupy WallStreet allegations I made.
joe bloe's Avatar
Remember when Al Sharpton actually made his bones in the Twana Brawley "case", claiming the Klan abducted her and smeared dog shit all over her. It turns out the only dog shit was her story.

But that didn't stop ole Al. He became a 'respected' member of the news community, and is right up there with The Rev Jesse Jackson as far as being a worthless, extorting piece of poverty pimping shit.

Just another "black leader", not much different than one in the White House, who never misses a chance to divide America right down racial lines.

'I look for the day when we will judge a man by the content of his character, rather than the color of his skin". A real leader and man of great visionr said that.

Not in President Obama'.s World., Originally Posted by Jackie S
Sharpton incited anti-semitic riots twice in New York City. He was convicted of liable in the Tawana Brawley case. Sharpton once referred to the ancient Greeks as "them Greek homos"
