Question for the Gents About Eccie vs P411 Handles

Please define the specific value add for a potential customer of yours to specify their ECCIE handle during a P411 inquiry.

How does it benefit him? Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
I touched on this in the OP. If he is legit and wants to see me, then him sharing as much info with me as he can, will help me to feel calm and safe about him, and therefore I will likely agree to the session much faster versus making him go through more screening.

So, less headaches for both of us all around.
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
I touched on this in the OP. If he is legit and wants to see me, then him sharing as much info with me as he can, will help me to feel calm and safe about him, and therefore I will likely agree to the session much faster versus making him go through more screening.

So, less headaches for both of us all around. Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston
Well...I suppose if providing multiple references that give good recommendations leads you to require additional screening that providing an ECCIE handle could circumvent... ...then it would make sense from your perspective to speed up the screening process.

I hadn't thought of that; I haven't run into that sort of screening before.

I hadn't thought of that; I haven't run into that sort of screening before. Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
Well, I have been told by quite a few gents I've met that I "screened them harder than any other provider has." Lols.

I am a stickler for screening; I even PM P411 okays before I will agree to a sesh and tend to run info 2 or 3 times just to make sure I missed nothing.

Better safe than sorry, I say!
ktrouble22's Avatar
P411 and Eccie work together admirably for screening. I always initiate new contacts on P411, if the lady is there, and give her my Eccie handle as well. Between the P411 "Okays" and checking my Eccie profile, I'm generally approved in a jiffy and the girl quickly gets comfortable with me. We're usually texting and setting up an appointment in no time at all.
Rate no; mine are the same across all platforms. Willingness possibly yes. I have read many gents reviews on here and simply based on their attitudes in such, it has helped me decide whether or not I would see them.

You guys get WAY more info on us before a sesh; website, profiles, pictures, reviews, our posts here (if we post). We get little to no info on you; only what you share with us and what we can glean from our own screening.

Not complaining about this, because that is the dynamic of being a provider and I have been doing this long enough to accept the risks, etc, or I wouldn't be doing it.

I guess my point is, I would like as much info on the gent as humanly possible, so I can make an as informed decision as possible when deciding if I will meet him or not.

Some ladies may not be as discerning when deciding to accept a session; I on the other hand, am, because I want to make sure that we are both happy and have a good time.

I have always operated in such a fashion, and to date, I can say I largely have only positive experiences (let's a say a 98% ratio), so I feel that the way I make these decisions has steered me right so far. Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston
How are you reading the reviews you speak of?
Golovkin's Avatar
It's what the eccie/internet "badasses" do to cover their tracks.

Some insecure losers get off on talking disrespectful sh*t to a provider on a message board then still banging her on the down low through p411, kind of like a "grudge fuck" or "hate fuck" fantasy.

Also these guys probably feel inadequate about their penis size.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Any gents that have nothing to hide......

......should avoid handles and use their real name. Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
Alrighty then, lead by example, sir. Hehehe. Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston

pyramider's Avatar
It's what the eccie/internet "badasses" do to cover their tracks.

Some insecure losers get off on talking disrespectful sh*t to a provider on a message board then still banging her on the down low through p411, kind of like a "grudge fuck" or "hate fuck" fantasy.

Also these guys probably feel inadequate about their penis size. Originally Posted by Golovkin

Circumventing screening is why they do it.
Every P411 gent I have seen, I have also found out if they have an Eccie handle, just fyi.

To me, and I think a lot of ladies, it does matter, because you can glean a gent's personality, etc, through his Eccie postings. Just as you gents can about us.

I get lots of messages from people saying how they follow my posts and that is ultimately or at least partially what led them to decide to book with me. The same works in reverse.

You can also ascertain if the gent is legit, meaning a legit hobbyist versus something scary that you want to stay away from.

For myself, it just helps me feel that much more secure, in being able to verify that someone is who they say they are, and that they don't have anything to hide. As Mythos said, "transparency" (as much as can be expected in such a thing as this crazy circus) helps loads when screening, in helping me to feel safe and secure when deciding to meet someone for the first time. Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston
Every P411 gent I have seen, I have also found out if they have an Eccie handle, just fyi.

You can't possibly know that for a fact unless you have not seen anyone off of P411 who did not also tell you their ECCIE handle.

I understand your view and don't blame you for desiring that information, but you are also perhaps giving yourself a false sense of security.

Let's say I contact you from P411 where I use a different handle from my ECCIE handle (a site on which I had to get verified to join and on which Providers have given me OK's) and I tell you that my ECCIE handle is "Dearhunter" ... So, I lie to you about my ECCIE handle. Unless you follow up and send a PM to Dearhunter on ECCIE requesting that "Dearhunter" verify our appointment that we made on P411 ... you have no proof that I am in fact "Dearhunter" on ECCIE.

Now, on ECCIE anyone with a computer can join and set up an account ... there is absolutely no screening, vouching nor verification ... all I need is a computer. And, I can easily set up different accounts (handles) each of which has "it's" own distinct posting "personality" ... So, what can you really learn about about someone's personality from an Internet Board persona ... nothing of real value ... unless, my posts are disturbing.

There certainly are people who used different P411 and ECCIE handles for nefarious reasons ... perhaps they could not pass screening based on their ECCIE history that has been linked to their P411 account. But, if that is the case, they could just as easily create a new ECCIE handle and you would not know the difference.

By the by ... perhaps you have seen me sometimes over the past couple of weeks ... think about it.
dearhunter's Avatar
A good provider does not kiss and tell her screening secrets/methods.

Totally understandable; but I am talking about in private communication between myself and (hypothetically) yourself. Most gents from P411 either prefer an email or text, so once I am in contact one-on-one with you, that is what I mean.

Why not share it, like, "Oh btw, I am so and so on Eccie"? Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston
If I don't want P411 to know who I am here, why the fuck would I tell a whore?

Stincky, that has happened.....more than once.
Are you suggesting that people have multiple accounts here? How do you know? Who are they?
I have read many gents reviews on here and simply based on their attitudes in such, it has helped me decide whether or not I would see them. Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston
Are you suggesting that people have multiple accounts here? How do you know? Who are they? Originally Posted by gtoman
I think Victoria just proved my point about people having multiple handles on ECCIE ... ROFLMAO! ... Victor Of Houston is the one reading the Reviews! ... LOL!
If I don't want P411 to know who I am here, why the fuck would I tell a whore?

Stincky, that has happened.....more than once. Originally Posted by dearhunter
LOL! ... Why am I not surprised
  • 8254F
  • 09-13-2016, 08:01 AM
If I don't want P411 to know who I am here, why the fuck would I tell a whore?

Stincky, that has happened.....more than once. Originally Posted by dearhunter

Very well put!...You can be a newbie here. Anybody needing or wanting to get in your business like that should be dealt with cautiously.
I think Victoria just proved my point about people having multiple handles on ECCIE ... ROFLMAO! ... Victor Of Houston is the one reading the Reviews! ... LOL! Originally Posted by StinkyFingers
How are you reading the reviews you speak of? Originally Posted by gtoman
Do you guys not realize that we can still read reviews minus the ROS info? I can still see the rest of the review. I never claimed to read ROS.*smh* Anyone who wants to challenge me having a mandle, go for it. A quick check of my log ins/IP etc will prove that I am one of the few, honest providers who doesn't engage in such malarkey.

A lot of gents will put certain info in the physical description parts and/or the comments that give you an idea of their attitude, etc, towards the hobby and providers in general.

Anywhos, back to the original topic....Thank you to everyone who has commented; you guys have given me the insight I was seeking behind why some gents may do this.

It's been... interesting to say the least, but then what else should I expect from the hobby?