BREAKING NEWS! FBI does NOT recommend charges after reviewing latest batch of Clinton emails

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Typical pussy, real tough guy pushes man twice his age down. And you applaude it. Sick person you are. If the races were reversed I would still be sick. You are are a sick fucking man and deserve what you get.

A member of a crowd with no originality or voice of his own. One who speaks or repeats only what he has been told. A tool. A cretin. Originally Posted by canuckeight

once the old man invaded his personal space he was fair game. In fact the old man touched him first. Personally I don't let people get that close to me because I'm not the kinda nka you can just run up on. If you get close to invaded my personal space you better get ready to catch some punches to your face. I don't believe in letting people get close enough to spit on or sucker punch me. I swing first always have and always will.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Ross Perot talked about a "giant sucking sound."

They've taken Drumpf's Twitter account away from him.

He's locked in a room.

I think I hear a giant SNIFFING sound!

(Is Melania his Ava Braun?)
The Clintons are good people.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yet somehow, SLOBBRIN stayed on the Welfare Teat.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The Clintons are good people. Originally Posted by Jeff Epstein
Get me a drink, Humpty...
Ask bill cosby for a drink, assup. "One of the good ones" just like oj, michael jackson....super predators. Excuse me I have a place to catch.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This is Cuteoldguy I promise you!!! Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Tell you what, Lube "WeeEndowed" Wideass, report this to the mods. If it's me, or if I have EVER had another handle on ECCIE, I will leave for a year. If it's not, YOU leave for a year, and take all your handles with you. Deal? We're all tired of you disrespecting real soldiers with your phony claim to be a veteran, so it won't be a loss. Whaddya say, rat bastard?
flghtr65's Avatar
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Obama cleaned up the mess that Bush and Dick Cheney left behind. When Obama got elected in 2008, the 10 largest banks in the USA were going bankrupt, GM and Chrysler were going bankrupt as well. Lehman Brothers did go bankrupt on high risk, high reward products that failed. Republicans refused to regulate Wall Street. After the Wall Street meltdown in 2008, Fortune 500 companies simply laid off their employees and tried to survive with a skeleton staff. Iffy, you are one dumb hillbilly and a disgrace to DIXIE.
LexusLover's Avatar
Obama cleaned up the mess that Bush and Dick Cheney left behind. Originally Posted by flghtr65
southtown4488's Avatar
No charges. . . . cause theres no crime.

Trump will lie and lie, but only a damn fool believes his lies.
Tell you what, Lube "WeeEndowed" Wideass, report this to the mods. If it's me, or if I have EVER had another handle on ECCIE, I will leave for a year. If it's not, YOU leave for a year, and take all your handles with you. Deal? We're all tired of you disrespecting real soldiers with your phony claim to be a veteran, so it won't be a loss. Whaddya say, rat bastard? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Doesn't work that way cocksucker I gave you 3 chances on 3 different occasions to accept my offer- go fuck your mother you old creepy POS.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hey, WeeEndowed. You asked me to accept a document prepared by you, a known liar. I'm telling you to ask an independent third party to see if you can prove your claim that I have multiple handles. You're a chickenshit, stolen valor, lying cocksucker.
Comey is now off suicide watch. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
After it's all over Comey will sit in a quiet dimly lit room and write a three page memoir about his career in the FBI, Clinton's Email scandal, the way he was manipulated into keeping Hillary from being prosecuted, his regret in letting down his colleagues and his profession for not doing the right thing. Comey will then sign and date it, then he'll sit up and light a cigarette. Just as he takes his last puff he'll crush out the butt on his desk top. Now red eyed and fevered from all he's endured Comey takes his service weapon places the barrel in his mouth and pulls the trigger.

No charges. . . . cause theres no crime.

Trump will lie and lie, but only a damn fool believes his lies. Originally Posted by southtown4488
If someone is called a fool for believing Trump's lies. What should we call someone for believing Hillary Clinton's lies? How about we call them a "Suckclown" . We'll make you the poster child, lol.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Finally, the truth is out about the Clinton's. There is no excuse, except that Hillary supporters are deliberately ignorant. We could defeat this globalist fascism that Bush, Obama, and next, Hillary are dragging us into, but the people are too damn dumb. Dumb by choice.