Lindsay Graham wants to change electoral process

Florida - I doubt it’ll flip
NC - depends on whether Black Nazi dulls Republican turnout and drives democrats to the polls
The Blue wall I suspect will hold but will be close as usual.
AZ - will be interesting since Lake will similarly be a possible drag on republican votes but the Dem candidate is meh so it might dull turnout
GA - will be very close but democrats have momentum there over the last 2 elections.
In most areas, in a race for city council the candidate with the most votes wins. Same for mayor, governor, state and federal representatives (of course there is the issue of drawing districts, but that's another topic).

Thanks to our fore fathers, the presidential election is "different". There may have been a need for the electoral college back then, but that time is past. Every vote should carry the same weight and the majority of voters should rule like other elections. Won't happen in my lifetime.
One man one vote only counts if it’s not the President. The rationale behind the electoral college wasn’t bad but with 200,000,000 adults and 50 states, no longer necessary. They didn’t envision a nationalized 2 party system, but rather a system where there were regional interests that would prevail.
Exactly 1BM. The problem with the the Electoral College, and a few other issues involving freedom of the Press, arms rights, etc. is that times have changed is ways that the drafters of the Constitution could never have imagined. In their wisdom, they intended it to be a "living" document subject to change as time evolved. Hence allowing equal rights for women, etc. As I said, not likely in my lifetime, but we need to maintain the spirit and intent outlined...not necessarily the ver batim words.
One of the founding fathers even suggested rewriting the constitution every generation. That way we wouldn't be living under the rule of times past. Now a generation back then is about 2 now, so every other generation could have reconsideration via a convention.

Some things are outdated for our times and then some things that should be in there just aren't. Like allowing a convicted felon to run for President....among many other moral terpitudes...

I'd like to see the complete presidential election run 6 months max. No campaigning, no nothing until May 5th. Then distribute electoral votes based on how the state votes. Many elections would be much closer and unpredictable. This would get rid of the 7 or so states that actually decide the election. The rest are historically red or blue and the respective party can count on 100% of the votes from each.
eyecu2's Avatar
Back to the Topic of Nebraska:

Nebraska Gov. Jim Pillen announced Tuesday he will not call a special legislative session to change how the state allocates its electoral votes, dashing Republican hopes that the switch could happen before November.

Former President Donald Trump and his allies have been pushing state lawmakers to switch to a winner-take-all system, in which the presidential candidate who carries the state gets all five of its electoral votes.

Thank God for some corn belt sanity and someone who doesn't get on bended knee for the orange menace. Course Trump will call him a disloyal RINO, but who FN cares.
lustylad's Avatar
Back to the Topic of Nebraska:

Nebraska Gov. Jim Pillen announced Tuesday he will not call a special legislative session to change how the state allocates its electoral votes...

Former President Donald Trump and his allies have been pushing state lawmakers to switch to a winner-take-all system...

Thank God for some corn belt sanity... Originally Posted by eyecu2

Hey eye, I'm a bit confused here, please help me out.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't 48 out of the 50 states have a "winner-take-all" system for awarding their EC votes?

If so... are you saying the rules currently in place for 48 out of our 50 states are insane?

That seems a bit harsh and sweeping. Please clarify.

Also, you started the thread with the following statement:

Apparently GOP members will lie cheat and steal to get the outcome they want. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Do you have any examples of where any Republicans lied, cheated or stole in their bid to change the EC formula in Nebraska?

Please try to be specific.

Thanks in advance!