Don't be getting all deep Originally Posted by WTF
Sorry, it slips out every now and then. Originally Posted by pjorourkeIf it's deep how does it slip out?

When someone says s/he lives a life based on pleasing him/herself, does that raise red flags for you or is that perfectly acceptable? Originally Posted by LynetteMarieEvery person in the world does this. The only difference between altruism and selfishness is that the altruistic person gets pleasure from doing things for others (many for the noteriety it brings). If you don't recognize this, you haven't looked deeply enough at your motivations.
...who may not share the "it's all about me" mentality, what emotions does this sort of comment trigger in you, if any?None. I look at actions, not words. Regardless of what any escort ever told me verbally, what her actions told me by the second or third appointment was what determined if I would make any further visits. In general, what I used to decide whether or not to see someone the first time was not what she purposely wrote to attract her clientele. For example, I always booked multiple hours, so I looked for escorts who preferred fewer clients with longer sessions. If her rates didn't scale with time in way that reflected that and she wasn't willing to make me her only client the day I saw her, I wouldn't schedule.
But, I realized that in order to target a better demography of clientele, then I'd have to get inside the mind of a prospective client and cater to that client's need (benefits of my service!) aka *what I can do for him/her*, so I tailored my website to the needs of a potential suitor who'd like to grace me with his/her presence. Originally Posted by NicholetteMNicholette, I'd be happy to help with any "market research." All for the benefit of society.
Fair enough but there are going to be people out there who don't agree with that phrase either. Originally Posted by discreetgentIt's easier to get to the root of why a person disagrees when there are no moral positions to take(and if you stop to consider the arguments of the selfish...). Take the reverse-religion lunacy, and all possibilities for it, away-and the responses become very interesting...
What would seem fair is to accept that there are selfish and selfless people that are one and the same depending on what situtation they are in. These same people may or not believe in a higher power. The one's that do believe in God/Goddesses are no more selfish or selfless than the ones that don't.Word!
I do feel it worthy to note that the damn sociopaths give both camps a bad name. Maybe that is what we are really talking about.
A further note and one that may apply to our lil forum is that I've found the narcissist while annoying will do good, not for the sake of doing good but for the praise. At the end of the day , nothing wrong with that for the person(s) they do good for. They are horrible at long term one on one relationships. Not enough glory in that!
That all folks, sorry for boring ya with WTF's philosophy/religion 101. Originally Posted by WTF
I'm really not sure why I'm still around.... Originally Posted by lil red RobinLOL...welcome to MY world!!!!