Bring your gun to school day...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I don't hunt. I was just shooting.

Since you bring up other states (you still haven't made your case) in CT you have to have a concealed carry license (I do) to transport a firearm anywhere unless it was to a gun shop, from a gun shop, or to a recognized shooting event (which was defined as at least three people meeting at a specified place and time). When I took my concealed carry class it covered both Missouri and Kansas so I think your information is a bit out of date. However, this event (where it occurred) happened over a two decades ago. No, it couldn't be Louisiana. Anything goes down there. Florida? No, I had a CCW when I lived there. Oh, where could it be???

But what does this have to do with the OP? Thought I would try to keep us on track.
I don't hunt. I was just shooting.

Since you bring up other states (you still haven't made your case) in CT you have to have a concealed carry license (I do) to transport a firearm anywhere unless it was to a gun shop, from a gun shop, or to a recognized shooting event (which was defined as at least three people meeting at a specified place and time). When I took my concealed carry class it covered both Missouri and Kansas so I think your information is a bit out of date. However, this event (where it occurred) happened over a two decades ago. No, it couldn't be Louisiana. Anything goes down there. Florida? No, I had a CCW when I lived there. Oh, where could it be???

But what does this have to do with the OP? Thought I would try to keep us on track. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
LMAO you brought it up Judy with your gun loss to Officers of the law. Never did say what traffic violation they stopped you for...LMAO
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Actually you brought it up when you said no one was trying take our guns. I also DID mention the traffic violation. What are you? Deaf?
LexusLover's Avatar
I also DID mention the traffic violation. What are you? Deaf? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Did you write it or say it? His hearing impairment is irrelevant.

You should, I think, be addressing his reading comprehension deficiency.

Words beyond four letters in length seem somewhat of a challenge for him.

It looks to me like he favors: dick, suck, cum, shit, ass, ... etc.

You know. One syllable (LitteOne just think 4 letter) words.
Actually you brought it up when you said no one was trying take our guns. I also DID mention the traffic violation. What are you? Deaf? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I cannot hear one word you write, or did you mean blind Judy? No one came to take your guns you took them to the stop sign violation.
Did you write it or say it? His hearing impairment is irrelevant.

You should, I think, Here is your first mistake.

Words beyond four letters in length seem somewhat of a challenge for him.

It looks to me like he favors: dick, suck, cum, shit, ass, ... etc. Did you find any in my response to him? Or just fabricating.

You know. One syllable (LitteOne just think 4 letter) words. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Funny coming from someone who cannot construct a coherent sentence. Can you hear what he writes lexie lacking?
LexusLover's Avatar
Funny coming from someone who cannot construct a coherent sentence. Can you hear what he writes lexie lacking? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
As I have tried to explain to you before, apparently to "deaf ears," just because you cannot understand a sentence doesn't mean the author constructed the sentence incoherently. I realize that is what victims do: Blame it on someone else. But you really should get over being a victim and blaming others for your short comings. It really causes you to leave a bad impression, you know?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I cannot hear one word you write, or did you mean blind Judy? No one came to take your guns you took them to the stop sign violation. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

So you did see it. So you either lied and I expect an apology for the lie or you missed it the first time and I expect an apology for your awful manners. Yes, I meant to write "deaf". Its called humor but I forgot who I was dealing with.
So you did see it. So you either lied and I expect an apology for the lie or you missed it the first time and I expect an apology for your awful manners. Yes, I meant to write "deaf". Its called humor but I forgot who I was dealing with. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Don;t hold your breath waiting for a apology I did not lie. Odds are you just screwed up when you wrote deaf. What manners I have been quite civil to you in this exchange. You have never showed where someone came to take your guns.
As I have tried to explain to you before, apparently to "deaf ears," just because you cannot understand a sentence doesn't mean the author constructed the sentence incoherently. I realize that is what victims do: Blame it on someone else. But you really should get over being a victim and blaming others for your short comings. It really causes you to leave a bad impression, you know? Originally Posted by LexusLover
keep dodging lexie you have screwed the pooch on several occasions where you have been trying in your small way to put me down, and screwed up your reply. I don;t need anyone of your limited capacity trying to explain anything to me.