New poll says that Hillary will beat Trump by 8...

LMAO dull knife has a WK.
Originally Posted by i'va biggen

eehbuhhrrr, your selfie... look good... thanks

I'm not voting for trump in the primary or the general election Douche Bag.

Trump is a Bozo. Hillary is a Cunt. I could hold my nose and vote for Cruz but otherwise, I'll stay at home this year.

What about you? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Really... ?
eehbuhhrrr, your selfie... look good... thanks

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Really... ? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Keep shoveling the crap whiffy.
LMAO dull knife has a WK.
Originally Posted by i'va biggen
And YOU now all about being a WK, now doncha, woomby Junior !!! Keep picking those dingle berries ! At least the fellow in the pictures isn't as "dentally challenged " as YOU are, with YOUR one tooth !
And YOU now all about being a WK, now doncha, woomby Junior !!! Keep picking those dingle berries ! At least the fellow in the pictures isn't as "dentally challenged " as YOU are, with YOUR one tooth ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
HEEEEEERS woomby, and another faggot post, he is
WKing, and hunting a trouser worm.
HEEEEEERS woomby, and another faggot post, he is
WKing, and hunting a trouser worm.
Originally Posted by i'va biggen
What ? !! YOUR hero AND MENTOR returned, EKIM ! ? You know, the one that YOU WK'ed for !!!!! The one YOU used to pick dingle berries with !!! The one that YOU helped by running his franchise 'holes in KansASS !!! Mebbe if your hero is REALLY back here then YOU won't rant and froth at the mouth so much since his departure !!
What ? !! YOUR hero AND MENTOR returned, EKIM ! ? You know, the one that YOU WK'ed for !!!!! The one YOU used to pick dingle berries with !!! The one that YOU helped by running his franchise 'holes in KansASS !!! Mebbe if your hero is REALLY back here then YOU won't rant and froth at the mouth so much since his departure !! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Poor woomby, all he can do is post fag shit WK for someone or give a +1. He has no ideas. Someone take the cocksucker under your wing. He never made it through grade school.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Poor woomby, all he can do is post fag shit WK for someone or give a +1. He has no ideas. Someone take the cocksucker under your wing. He never made it through grade school. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
and you did?
and you did? Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Hooray Woomby looks like the resident hillbilly is going to tutor you. You two deserve each other. Between the two of you there will be an combined IQ of 100.
Then you are welcome to Hillary. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
No thanks, I see enough lying bitches daily. Think about it though, without Perot, nobody would even know who Hillary is... just saying - I can't recall another country's entire course changing because of one small delusional asshat
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I haven't voted for either major party candidate since McGovern. He was the last honest candidate nominated by a major party. I refuse to support a system that feeds off the middle class and poor to enrich themselves and their owners. In my opinion, a vote for the Democrat or the Republican is a wasted vote, since they are corrupt, dishonest, and fully beholden to the powers that finance and control them. They don't give a damn about the people.

Don't waste your vote. Vote Libertarian! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Don't waste your vote???? Really? Your lack of participation in the primary process is causing the problem that you're complaining about. YOU are part of the problem COG. Somehow you think of yourself as noble for not trying to overturn how the process works. You've taken your ball and gone home. Why don't you go and join the Judean Crack Suicide Squad and feel real good about yourself. Otherwise, your posturing is nothing more than a waste of time.
No thanks, I see enough lying bitches daily. Think about it though, without Perot, nobody would even know who Hillary is... just saying - I can't recall another country's entire course changing because of one small delusional asshat Originally Posted by p98397

Shit happens 0zombie...


Some Republicans seem more intent on destroying their allies.
March 13, 2016 David Horowitz

The mob that came to disrupt the Trump rally in Chicago was neither spontaneous nor innocent, nor new. It was a mob that has been forming ever since the Seattle riots against the World Trade Organization in 1999, whose target was global capitalism. The Seattle rioters repeated their outrages for the next two years and then transformed itself into the so-called “anti-war” movement to save the Saddam dictatorship in Iraq. Same leaders, funders and troops. The enemy was always America and its Republican defenders. When Obama invaded countries and blew up families in Muslim countries, there was no anti-war movement because Obama was one of them, and they didn’t want to divide their support. In 2012 the so-called “anti-war” movement reformed as “Occupy Wall Street.” They went on a rampage creating cross-country riots to protesting the One Percent and provided a whipping boy for Obama’s re-election campaign. Same leaders, same funders and troops. In 2015 the same leftwing forces created and funded Black Lives Matter and lynch mobs in Ferguson and Baltimore who targeted “white supremacists” and police.

Behind all the mobs was the organized left –, the public sector unions runby Sixties leftovers, and the cabal of anti-American billionaires led by George Soros. The mobs themselves were composed of the hate-filled foot soldiers of the political left. Now these forces have gathered in the campaign to elect the Vermont communist and are focusing their venom on Donald Trump. The obvious plan is to make Republicans toxic while driving a wedge through the Republican Party. The plan is defeat Republicans in November so that the destructive forces they have set in motion in the Democratic Party can finish the wrecking job that Obama started.

One of the professionally produced signs at the Chicago mob scene proclaimed, “This is what democracy looks like.” Actually it is exactly what fascism looks like. As every student of the Thirties knows, the break up of democratic forums by Nazi and Communist thugs paved the way for Hitler’s election. Just like the mobs of the Thirties, today’s left is driven by racial and class hate, and is utterly contemptuous of the democratic process – hence the effort to hang the Ferguson cop before the trial and to prevent Trump from expounding his views in Chicago.

And what has been the reaction of the presidential candidates, particularly those who propose to save the country? It is to blame Trump as though he and not the left had instigated the riot. If you play with matches like Trump did, opined Hillary Clinton, you’re likely to start a fire. This is the same Hillary Clinton who has compared Republicans to terrorists and called them racists, and who once accused a “vast right-wing conspiracy” of inventing her husband’s paramour. The Democratic Party has officially endorsed the Black Lives Matter racists and rioters. But it is not only the left who is attempting to blame Trump for the Chicago debacle.

According to the proudly positive John Kasich, it was Trump who created the “toxic environment” that led to the riot – not the fascist movement that has been metastasizing in our universities and streets for more than a decade. In other words, when you finally go on the attack, attack a Republican rather than a Democrat. That way you get a pass.

Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz and their spokespeople piled on Trump as well. “Ted Cruz Claims Trump Is To Blame For Violence At His Rallies,” ran a headline in the leftwing New York Times. His Republican attackers attempted to shame Trump for speaking to the anger of his conservative supporters instead of bringing everyone together – those who claim we live in a white supremacist society and the whites they are attacking, those who claim that Republicans are terrorists and racists and the victims of this abuse. As though you can create unity with people who hate you because you are white or rich, or believe that America is a nation worth saving. The fact is that Trump’s anger is pretty controlled, considering the hate-filled environment of Islamic terrorists, illegal immigrants, event disrupters and rival candidates openly smearing him.

He is often guilty of over-reach – “punch him in the nose” directed at one disrupter, but this is hardly the sin his detractors suggest in comparing him to Mussolini. That is a much great violence to the man who is its target. Aside from Trump’s compulsive over-reach what is wrong with anger in the current political context? Is it wrong to be angry at what Obama and the Democrats and the progressive mobs are doing to our country? How is this dissociation from Trump mob attack not the same surrender to political correctness that conservatives like Rubio and Cruz claim to reject? Aren’t Cruz and Rubio angry at what is being done to our country? Why are they willing to validate the hypocritical slanders of Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, two architects of our disasters?

This is the reality we must never forget: There is an anti-American radical in the White House who – with the support of his party – has delivered nuclear weapons, ballistic missiles and a hundred billion dollars to our mortal enemies in Teheran who have declared their intentions to kill us. This suicidal deal was not an oversight, as Rubio has correctly observed, but the result of decades of thinking that America and Israel are adversaries, and our enemies are their victims. The extremists of #Never Trump exemplify the malaise Republicans have been prisoners of for years, which is what the primary revolt is about. Why was there no #Never Obama movement in 2012? For Republicans such a movement would be unthinkable. It would be too angry. It would be called racist. On the other hand, no one will call us racist for attacking a fellow Republican. So let’s join the left in smearing one of our own and hope that we can scrub off the stigmas that Democrats have tarred us with in the process. We’re not racists. Let’s not fight Obama, which will prove that we are. Let’s have respectful words for the lynch mob left. If we capitulate the disaster unfolding before us, maybe it will go away. That is what the Trump crowd is angry about and mainstream Republicans should be too.

At the outset of the presidential debates all the Republican candidates pledged to support the party’s choice in November. Extra pressure was put on Trump to do so and he did. But now that millions of Republicans have cast their ballots for Trump, Rubio and Kasich are threatening to renege on their pledge, and destroy both the party and the country in the process. And Cruz, while sniping at Trump’s alleged role in inciting the leftists is notably non-committal about whether he will support a Trump primary victory. None of them explain how you can fight fascist leftists without actually fighting them and opening yourself to the charge of anger.

Perhaps it is money from the #Never Trump crowd – the extremists who want to thwart the popular vote and fatally split the party - that is behind this perfidy. But as someone who until very recently held high opinions of Rubio and Cruz, I am hoping that it is not too late for somebody to wake them up. I am hoping that somebody says: Cut it out. Come to your senses. Your scorched earth warfare is threatening the very existence of the right. Trump isn’t the enemy. Like you he is opposed to the Iran deal, supports a secure border, recognizes the Islamist threat, wants to reduce taxes and make the country solvent, and is greatly expanding the Republican base. Attempt to beat him at the polls if you think he shouldn’t be president but let the voters decide the result, and respect their decision. The alternative is a fratricidal war that could drive large numbers of conservatives away from the polls, and whose beneficiaries will only be America’s enemies at home and abroad.
Don't waste your vote???? Really? Your lack of participation in the primary process is causing the problem that you're complaining about. YOU are part of the problem COG. Somehow you think of yourself as noble for not trying to overturn how the process works. You've taken your ball and gone home. Why don't you go and join the Judean Crack Suicide Squad and feel real good about yourself. Otherwise, your posturing is nothing more than a waste of time. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
What do you suggest if the two national parties don't produce a candidate worth voting for , judy?
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Hooray Woomby looks like the resident hillbilly is going to tutor you. You two deserve each other. Between the two of you there will be an combined IQ of 100. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
still 95 times higher than yours
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Hooray Woomby looks like the resident hillbilly is going to tutor you. You two deserve each other. Between the two of you there will be an combined IQ of 100. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
still 90 times higher than yours