CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Show me where the 2007 helicopter incident was selectively edited.

cptjohnstone's Avatar
That will change things considerably from the normal civilian courts.
Thanks IB Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
I cannot site any specifications but going back to my ROTC days I remember I thought the Military Code of Justice was much "fairer" than civilian courts
I B Hankering's Avatar
Show me where the 2007 helicopter incident was selectively edited. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
"According to Tom Cohen, a reporter at CNN, "the soldiers of Bravo Company 2-16 Infantry had been under fire all morning from rocket-propelled grenades and small arms on the first day of Operation Ilaaj in Baghdad". Al Jazeera stated that the Army had received "reports of small arms fire", but were unable to positively identify the gunmen. Apache helicopters were called in by a soldier in the Humvee (Hotel 2/6) under attack from the same position used by Namir Noor-Eldeen to photograph the vehicle. According to a military review, soldiers in that company "had been under sporadic small arms and rocket propelled grenade fire since" the operation—described as "clearing their sector and looking for weapons caches"—began.

"The Air Weapons Team (AWT) of two Apache AH-64s (part of the 1st Cavalry Division) had been requested by the Army's 2–16 Infantry Battalion, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Kauzlarich, before July 12 to support Operation Ilaaj. Tasked to conduct escort, armed reconnaissance patrols, counter-IED and counter-mortar operations, the two helicopters left Camp Taji at 9:24am. They arrived on station in New Baghdad at 9:53am, where, according to the official report, sporadic attacks on coalition forces continued.

"In the first strike "Crazyhorse 1/8" and "Crazyhorse 1/9" directed 30mm cannon fire at a group of nine to eleven men, of whom one had an AK-47 and another an RPG-7; most were unarmed; two were war correspondents for Reuters: Saeed Chmagh and Namir Noor-Eldeen, whose cameras were mistaken for weapons. Eight men, including Noor-Eldeen, were killed; Chmagh was wounded."

The WikiLeaks video obscured the men with the weapons by highlighting the Reuters reporters (whose camera equipment, btw, was misidentified as weapons in the heat of battle); thus, casting all the other men in a darkened field on the screen.

"The Web site also posted a 17-minute edited version, which proved to be much more widely viewed on YouTube than the full version. Critics contend that the shorter video was misleading because it did not make clear that the attacks took place amid clashes in the neighborhood and that one of the men was carrying a rocket-propelled grenade."

See more at:

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Did you watch either video? Draw your own conclusions. All this says is that Manning told the truth. And what about the other items Manning released? C'mon, IB, you're too smart to accept the establishment bullshit.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
C'mon, IB, you're too smart to accept the establishment bullshit. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
He's not smart enough to wipe his own chickenshit ass!

I B Hankering's Avatar
Did you watch either video? Draw your own conclusions. All this says is that Manning told the truth. And what about the other items Manning released? C'mon, IB, you're too smart to accept the establishment bullshit. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The obvious conclusion, from what was presented by the MSM in an even more edited conditon, is that Assange purposefully intended to misdirect and misrepresent; thus, outrage and inflame public opinion. The video is taken completely out of its battlefield context, and Manning remains a pathetic, whining miscreant whose actions were never noble in intent.

He's not smart enough to wipe his own chickenshit ass! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Au contraire, Assup the jackass, you're the one that hasn't kept up with the times. While you've been busy licking your ass after you take shits, they have developed this product called toilet paper, which means most everyone in the civilized world has progressed beyond licking their ass like you still do, you puny-pricked, plastic-playmate-poking putz. Let it never be forgotten, Assup the jackass, you've never been a model for proper, intelligent behavior. That's why you were elected:

CuteOldGuy's Avatar