Encounter with ronaldhtown

Chlorine's Avatar
To play devils advocate,it feels like every time a bad review is posted the rebuttal is “he refused to pay me enough and his dick stunk” Originally Posted by AsapBeard
I recently saw a review that a guy wrote. He stated that the provider didn't smell right. I didn't see anyone slamming the gent for making that accusation. I just saw a bunch of men jumping on the band wagon and not questioning the true motives of the OP. This particular gent then attempted to book with me. Upon me inquiring about his post he confessed that the lady had been rude to him prior to booking. Basically it was a revenge review. Seems like a double standard that a lady says the same and gets slammed for it.

If the gent is a bigger guy that really doesn't matter. If it was unpleasant she should have offered him a shower. Quick rinse off before continuing. It can also be hard to suggest without the gent feeling insulted. I usually make a remark about how hot is is outside and would you care to freshen up when a gent arrives to prevent these types of experiences.
I do agree that a rebuttal never ends well because no matter what the lady says the review still stands as is.
FindumFuccemFleem's Avatar
^^ Are you sure no one defended her?
Copy and paste the review here,so we can see for ourselves
We're waiting
  • pxmcc
  • 06-30-2019, 09:40 AM

ya the stuff i saw in the powder room, you would not even believe the half of it. hobbyists put on blast the likes of which has never been seen before..
CurvyKatie's Avatar

ya the stuff i saw in the powder room, you would not even believe the half of it. hobbyists put on blast the likes of which has never been seen before.. Originally Posted by pxmcc
the stuff you saw in the powder room???
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar

ya the stuff i saw in the powder room, you would not even believe the half of it. hobbyists put on blast the likes of which has never been seen before.. Originally Posted by pxmcc
That explains why I haven't been able to get a date!
  • pxmcc
  • 06-30-2019, 10:04 AM
the stuff you saw in the powder room??? Originally Posted by CurvyKatie
kidding katie. kidding!

jess said she just read a review where yadda yadda yadda..
  • pxmcc
  • 06-30-2019, 10:04 AM
That explains why I haven't been able to get a date! Originally Posted by MarcellusWalluz
#incels..i have a pocketful of benjamins and i can't even lose my involuntary celibacy in an asian massage parlor. all the ladies are suddenly "busy." why are they always "busy" the second i arrive? it's almost like they're avoiding me. i suspect some chicanery, or more to the point, some fuckery, with a side of shrubbery..

"Build that shrubbery! Build that shrubbery!"
CurvyKatie's Avatar
#incels..i have a pocketful of benjamins and i can't even lose my involuntary celibacy in an asian massage parlor. all the ladies are suddenly "busy." why are they always "busy" the second i arrive? it's almost like they're avoiding me. i suspect some chicanery, or more to the point, some fuckery, with a side of shrubbery.. Originally Posted by pxmcc
maybe it's cause you are carrying a can of bear spray?
  • pxmcc
  • 06-30-2019, 10:39 AM
maybe it's cause you are carrying a can of bear spray? Originally Posted by CurvyKatie
damn i didn't think they noticed! maybe the grizzly bear logo was a dead giveaway. imma hide my bear spray in a body cavity. hopefully it won't accidently deploy. there is pain, and there is PAIN!

back on topic. wait, what was the topic again? pet peeves? smelly chicks. no excuse.

wait no. topic was smelly dicks not chicks. any providers wanna vouch for the hygiene of ronaldhtown?
FindumFuccemFleem's Avatar
I recently saw a review . Originally Posted by TexasJess
whenever you're ready..

kidding katie. kidding!

jess said she just read a review where yadda yadda yadda.. Originally Posted by pxmcc
Yeah Lmao In encounters… Duh LOL. Stop trying to make it more than what I said! A guys review. A review a guy wrote! Smh.

Its plain as day!
Daina Rubio's review. Im not listing another providers review on this OP's thread. The review is currently #2 on the encounters forum, go have a look for yourself.
All Im saying is that guys say it about ladies and anyone who defends her is White Knighting but a lady can't say it about a dude. Come on. Double standard! As I stated I don't think her rebuttal was a good idea because it doesn't change anything. The review still stands as is !!

Where is the bear spray when I need it!
Lets keep it polite and civil around here as it has been. No need to keep poking at me with rude remarks!

FFF you and anyone else who has any other questions about the comment I made feel free to hit my inbox for further discussion. Save the bait!
Im sure the OP will be happy when the thread gets back on topic.

Have a great am,
allaboutthebbbj's Avatar
I recently saw a review that a guy wrote. He stated that the provider didn't smell right. I didn't see anyone slamming the gent for making that accusation. I just saw a bunch of men jumping on the band wagon and not questioning the true motives of the OP. This particular gent then attempted to book with me. Upon me inquiring about his post he confessed that the lady had been rude to him prior to booking. Basically it was a revenge review. Seems like a double standard that a lady says the same and gets slammed for it.

If the gent is a bigger guy that really doesn't matter. If it was unpleasant she should have offered him a shower. Quick rinse off before continuing. It can also be hard to suggest without the gent feeling insulted. I usually make a remark about how hot is is outside and would you care to freshen up when a gent arrives to prevent these types of experiences.
I do agree that a rebuttal never ends well because no matter what the lady says the review still stands as is. Originally Posted by TexasJess
You might want to go back and read that thread again because yes the giy is being attacked. Your descriotion of the way the thread has gone is way off.
You might want to go back and read that thread again because yes the giy is being attacked. Your descriotion of the way the thread has gone is way off. Originally Posted by allaboutthebbbj

The great thing about being able to voice your own opinion!
Thanks for yours. That's what keeps co-ed great!
FindumFuccemFleem's Avatar
It's not an opinion,it's a fact
You flat out lied as if no one was going to call you out on it
Nothing has changed in coed,just participants...imho of course

I rest my case