The War on Drugs: Because Prohibition Worked So Well ...

Personally, I don't care if the Johnson smokes pot. To me it's the same as drinking except it doesn't are well with food which is a huge deal for me . I would care if he smoked cigarettes. Conversely, it bothers me that Romney doesn't drink even caffeine.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Where does it say Gary Johnson is still using? And where does Obama say he stopped? You're just to Obatomized to think clearly, Timmy. Where does Obama say he supports legalization, and if he does, what has he done about it.

Hemp and cannabis have so many valuable properties, it's ridiculous for them to be illegal. And cannabis is a lot safer for you than the brew Obama makes. Not that I oppose home brew, I'm just sayin'.
Where does it say Gary Johnson is still using? And where does Obama say he stopped? You're just to Obatomized to think clearly, Timmy. Where does Obama say he supports legalization, and if he does, what has he done about it.

Hemp and cannabis have so many valuable properties, it's ridiculous for them to be illegal. And cannabis is a lot safer for you than the brew Obama makes. Not that I oppose home brew, I'm just sayin'. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Wow, this revelation that your candidate is a doper has thrown you for a loop eh, BOG? It doesn't say your boy is still using. But, shit...come on. He admits being a big doper when younger. He admits being a doper in the past few years. And he favors legalizing dope. Can you add 2 + 2? I don't blame him and don't care. Why does it upset you so much? Is the idea of someone who has been hitting the bong and who would have his finger on the nuclear buttons causing you some conflict? Harshing your mellow?

It seems to me that the uncovering of this information would help to explain a lot of the reasoning behind your candidate's bizarre political positions. He's high all the time. So, he says...whatever. Kinda like you.

Say. You're not smoking weed for glaucoma or something are you? And, if you are, by the way, good on ya. I would be too.

Again, I totally agree with you and your candidate's position. Weed being illegal is absurd. I'd like to get high with Gary and you.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You're projecting. I don't care, and I'm not. And I don't. But I did.
That's right, let's turn an otherwise openly bipartisan discussion into an Obama bash thread because you're too much of a follower to have an original thought. Please, grace us all with your knowledge of how much better the "Conservative, What would Jesus Do?" party would handle the drug issue. Originally Posted by daty/o
Pull your head out of whatever ass its in. I'm pro-legalization. If you would have comprehended my post, I'm pro gambling too. WWJD? Ha!

You are the follower...of Obama. Obama had the opportunity to do something about the War On Drugs when he had the supermajority in Congress. That's what Liberalism used to stand for. But he and the Democratic Party blew it. He could still pass an executive order or just instruct the Feds to not enforce certain laws - he's not shy about using those methods but won't. Show me one action Obama has taken to decriminalize drugs or weaken drug law enforcement. You can't.

You require so little of Dear Leader. Just take other peoples money.

So Johnson gets kudos for being open and honest and consistent about being a doper, while Obama gets snarky remarks about all the drugs he used when he was younger, right? I don't understand that. Originally Posted by timpage
BHO's drug usage as report by his "Chom Gang" friends is what I believe. BHO has denied parts of his books whenever it becomes convenient. And Democratic Socialists snicker at the inside joke while their supporters unnecessarily go to jail and billions are wasted on "enforcement." That's the new Liberalism.

You require so little of Dear Leader, just like Mr "I smoked but I didn't inhale." BTW, I give Johnson kudos for being honest.

You simply refuse to understand. Go ahead. Whatever. If you read what you posted, you might get it. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
They understand. Well, maybe not Mike, he's just stupid.
waverunner234's Avatar
This is the way it should be. to Gary Johnson...and BOG. Stoner platform and idiots extroidionaire. Which is the same difference. None at all. Fuck you BOG. Amusing to screw with you....
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Think what you want, Timmy. Make yourself happy.
daty/o's Avatar
Pull your head out of whatever ass its in. I'm pro-legalization. If you would have comprehended my post, I'm pro gambling too. WWJD? Ha!

You are the follower...of Obama. Obama had the opportunity to do something about the War On Drugs when he had the supermajority in Congress. That's what Liberalism used to stand for. But he and the Democratic Party blew it. He could still pass an executive order or just instruct the Feds to not enforce certain laws - he's not shy about using those methods but won't. Show me one action Obama has taken to decriminalize drugs or weaken drug law enforcement. You can't.
. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I have a very NORML attitude about drugs, but you must be smoking something. You can't seriously believe that a President with as many fires to put out as he has is going to give the "holier than thou" party any ammunition to use against him. Let me guess, you would be the first to call him out for being soft on the drug trade.