Hunter Biden Guilty

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The first time convicted, judge will probably sentence him to the max fine of $750,000 and a year of probation. No need for daddy to pardon him.

If Trump and Hunter both get jail time, If I were Biden I would pardon them both win or lose. I would be surprised if either one gets any jail time for the cases that they just lost. Originally Posted by adav8s28
I said a week or 2 ago that Hunter was guilty but he would probably not serve time, just like Trump. Few people who commit crimes like Hunter serve time. But the judge may believe that if Hunter does not serve a minimal amount of time in jail he will be perceived as being biased to the Biden family. Tough position for the judge to be in.
Let's get back to the original topic gladi8r. The topic is about Hunter being convicted not about what or what is not on the computer. Originally Posted by golferguy55

THANK YOU, Moderator golfer!.

But I believe that I was on topic. The laptop was evidence in the trial that convicted him. Totally germane.
Personally, I'm fine with the conviction. It's almost comical to watch the breathy coverage of it all. Hunter Biden wasn't elected to anything and never served in the administration. It's only interesting to me the same way that Ronald Reagan's son or Jimmy Carter's brother were.

Sadly, not the same everywhere:

rump convicted: BANANA REPUBLIC!!

Hunter convicted: Our Justice System works!
  • Tiny
  • 06-12-2024, 10:32 AM
This was another bull shit prosecution, like the Stormy Daniels case against Trump. The silver lining is that maybe it will make the politicians more aware of how badly our justice system is fucked. A lot of poor, black, young men are in jail when they shouldn’t be. The prosecutors have unjustly gone after businessmen and businesses too. Maybe now that this has spread to the politicians and their children, the bastards will take notice.

Or maybe this was a calculated move by Garland’s DOJ to neutralize what New York courts were doing to Trump, after getting caught going extremely easy on Hunter on income tax charges . As others have noted, Hunter probably will spend little or no time in jail. Hunter doesn’t really have to worry about getting a job with a criminal record. He can always just sell a few paintings to Democratic Party donors. Originally Posted by Tiny
An article in the New York Times today gives credence to my second theory, in bold text above:

Former President Donald J. Trump and his Republican allies have sought to delegitimize criminal investigations into his actions by declaring that Democrats have “weaponized” the justice system. That claim only intensified after a jury convicted Mr. Trump last month of 34 felonies in a hush-money case.

In pushing that narrative, they have tended to ignore an awkward fact: President Biden has not stopped the Justice Department’s inquiry into his own son. On Tuesday, the contradiction sharpened when a jury convicted Hunter Biden of three felony counts for lying about his **** use when he bought a gun in 2018....

Democrats...lined up after Hunter Biden’s conviction to show off how much they respect the criminal justice system, often explicitly pointing out that they were not criticizing the case as prosecutorial overreach. Despite Republican denunciations of Mr. Trump’s trial as a corrupt sham, they argued, politically prominent people of both parties who commit crimes get convicted.

“The divide here is stunning, and it’s a great reminder that one political party remains committed to the rule of law, and the other doesn’t — it’s that simple,” Representative Jim McGovern, Democrat of Massachusetts, said during a hearing on Tuesday.

Mr. McGovern added: “Republicans just can’t wrap their heads around the idea that their presidential candidate, your presumptive nominee, is a convicted felon. That is not the result of a sham process or some vast conspiracy by the Biden administration.”

....Representative Jamie Raskin of Maryland, the ranking Democrat on Mr. Comer’s Oversight Committee, emphasized the differences in approach....He noted that he had “not heard a single Democrat anywhere in the country cry ‘fraud,’ cry ‘fixed,’ cry ‘rigged,’ cry ‘kangaroo court’” in response to Hunter Biden’s federal conviction, as Republicans had after Mr. Trump’s conviction — even as they pushed a conspiracy theory that President Biden somehow controlled the state case.

“Compare and contrast the difference in reaction between the Republicans and the Democrats,” Mr. Raskin said. “The Republicans are attacking our entire system of justice and the rule of law because they don’t like the way that one case came out, whereas the son of the president of the United States is prosecuted and I don’t hear a single Democrat crying foul.”

Well, not a single Democrat's crying foul, according to Raskin, but I am. I feel sorry for Hunter. I don't think he should be prosecuted for this. Or if sentenced to jail time, will Hunter be pardoned before his father leaves office?
  • Tiny
  • 06-12-2024, 10:42 AM
Well, maybe so. Excerpts from another NYT article today,

Behind all this, Mr. Trump, who aggressively attacked Hunter Biden in the 2020 election, has changed his mind about the political value of doing so now, at least over the younger Mr. Biden’s personal issues, according to people close to the former president....

(Trump) sometimes leads with empathy about the plight of addiction and his own family experience with it, including in a recent interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News.

“I had a brother who suffered tremendously from alcoholism and alcohol,” Mr. Trump told Mr. Hannity of his older brother, Fred Trump Jr., whose fight with addiction Mr. Trump often credits for why he himself does not drink. “And it was a terrible thing to watch. He was an incredible guy with the best personality. He was the best-looking person you have ever seen. Everything was perfect. But he had an addiction. And so I understand addiction.”

In other interviews this year, he has used questions about Hunter Biden to suggest his empathy with those struggling with addiction and to lament the destructive effects of fentanyl flowing across the border.

These days, Mr. Trump rarely mentions Hunter Biden on the stump. Instead, he tends to refer broadly to Mr. Biden and his family as corrupt.

Hunter Biden is "Isaac", to Joe Biden's "Abraham." I hope the Almighty intercedes, like He did with Abraham, and tells Joe he can pardon Hunter for this offense. And if not, I hope Trump does if he's elected president.
Michael8219's Avatar
THANK YOU, Moderator golfer!.

But I believe that I was on topic. The laptop was evidence in the trial that convicted him. Totally germane. Originally Posted by gladi8r
German laptop? I’m sure it was a CHINESE laptop!

You bet that Hunter will not serve 1 day. My guess has always been $5000, court cost, and 6 months probation.

And yes, it allows the dems to loudly say how “fair” the justice system is…
  • Tiny
  • 06-12-2024, 11:34 AM
And yes, it allows the dems to loudly say how “fair” the justice system is… Originally Posted by Michael8219
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President Joe Biden reportedly believes Hunter Biden is a victim of the weaponization of justice following his gun conviction on Tuesday. Originally Posted by texassapper
What a giant pant load. Oh wait I thought we were talking about Trump.

All of Breitbart’s ”news” articles should have the same headline.
Breitbart posts poorly sourced unnamed sources to push a biased agenda.
German laptop? I’m sure it was a CHINESE laptop!

Originally Posted by Michael8219
Maybe WYID will grace us with his wisdom and post the "American Heritage" definition of "germane."

President Joe Biden reportedly believes Hunter Biden is a victim of the weaponization of justice following his gun conviction on Tuesday. Originally Posted by texassapper
Breitbart. Enough said. Though it is notable that they said "reportedly." The National Enquirer uses that phrase all of the time too.

Even funnier...

The White House isn’t ruling out a potential commutation for Hunter Biden after his conviction Originally Posted by texassapper
The only thing remotely amusing is your implication that there is something actually here in this POS click bait that you fell for. His press secretary actually said NOTHING.

"Biden definitively ruled out pardoning his son during an ABC News interview last week.

“He was very clear, very upfront, obviously very definitive,” Jean-Pierre said of the president’s remarks about a potential pardon. But on a commutation, “I just don’t have anything beyond that.”

They did not report it in this story, but they also asked her if he supported NAMBLA and Chlorine bleach injections. She said she had no information about those either. So it is quite possible that he does!!
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Obviously following directions is not working

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