Obama sat on his hands and let them be killed.

LexusLover's Avatar
So what? I don't suck at the almighty Democrat teat like you do with the Republicans. Democrats have the ability to be idiots too. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
So ... you are an "independent"? And I say this with absolute sincerity:

Hustle up a viable 3rd party (Independent) candidate (who isn't a crack pot), so he or she can get elected ..... along with an Independent Party to control both houses of Congress to provide your Independent President with legislation he or she will sign.

Good luck with that!
LexusLover's Avatar
I'm feel quite certain that if WTF has something he wants to tell me, ..... Originally Posted by bigtex
So now you're 20-20 hindsight xray vision is augmented with "mind reading"!

Your "RED PHONE" must be ringing off the wall lately.
LexusLover's Avatar
You know who saw it coming? SOS John Kerry. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Aired September 11, 2001 - 21:00 ET

"KING: Senator Kerry did your -- did you committee on international opertions and terrorism ever actually fear something like this?

SEN. JOHN KERRY (R), MASSACHUSETTS: Absolutely. Absolutely.


"We have always known this could happen. We've warned about it. We've talked about it. I regret to say, as -- I served on the Intelligence Committee up until last year. I can remember after the bombings of the embassies, after TWA 800, we went through this flurry of activity, talking about it, but not really doing hard work of responding."


This is BT's Man ..... Not to mention Obaminable's!!!!

Who else voted for him, besides BT?
LexusLover's Avatar
Aired September 11, 2001 - 21:00 ET

"KING: Senator Kerry did your -- did you committee on international opertions and terrorism ever actually fear something like this?

SEN. JOHN KERRY (R), MASSACHUSETTS: Absolutely. Absolutely.


"We have always known this could happen. We've warned about it. We've talked about it. I regret to say, as -- I served on the Intelligence Committee up until last year. I can remember after the bombings of the embassies, after TWA 800, we went through this flurry of activity, talking about it, but not really doing hard work of responding."


This is BT's Man ..... Not to mention Obaminable's!!!!

Who else voted for him, besides BT? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Oh, I almost forgot .... BT voted for Gore, also!!!


"February 12, 1997

President William J. Clinton

The White House

Washington, DC

Dear Mr. President,

We are pleased to present you with the report of the White House Commission on Aviation Safety and Security. You established this Commission by issuing Executive Order 13015 on August 22, 1996 with a charter to study matters involving aviation safety and security, including air traffic control and to develop a strategy to improve aviation safety and security, both domestically and internationally.

During the past six months, we have conducted an intensive inquiry into civil aviation safety, security and air traffic control modernization. Commission and staff have gathered information from a broad range of aviation specialists, Federal Agencies, consumer groups, and industry leaders.

After many months of deliberations we have agreed on a set of recommendations which we believe will serve to enhance and ensure the continued safety and security of our air transportation system.

We are privileged to submit these recommendations herewith.


Vice President Al Gore, Chairman"

Good Job!!!

See the "little" airplane full of passengers?
So now you're 20-20 hindsight xray vision is augmented with "mind reading"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
No "mind reading" at all! I was just exercising a little common sense.

You know what common sense is, don't you?

Just a FYI, common sense is something completely and totally foreign to the Patriarch of the Idiot Klan, errrr Clan.

Not to mention your Merry Band of Idiot followers.

Up to an including the ever present, Smelly ol' Turdfly mascot.
We've always known it could happen? I've always known something isn't the same as being able to predict when something will happen. These arguments you're making are so goddamn dumb its amazing.
LexusLover's Avatar
These arguments you're making are so goddamn dumb its amazing. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
You remind me of Obaminable doing selfies for a video ad.

Talk to yourself much?
LexusLover's Avatar
No "mind reading" at all! I was just exercising a little common sense. Originally Posted by bigtex
You call discussing what someone else is thinking ...."common sense."

You can't even identify what you are thinking. You use "cut and paste"!

In lieu of substance you create some nonsensical accusation.

Here IS some common sense ....

if you actually believe there is nothing in a closet ....

.... you don't call 911 for an "investigator" to come look to see what's in it.
These arguments you're making are so goddamn dumb its amazing. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
He's been there for a very long time.

You remind me of Obaminable doing selfies for a video ad.

Talk to yourself much? Originally Posted by LexusLover
You remind me of the pompous/egotistical/self-centered/condescending Idiot, who used to post using the same handle in the ASPD Pig Pen.

If I were betting, I would put my money on you being one and the same.

Geez, let's hope there are not two of them!
LexusLover's Avatar
You remind me of the pompous, egotistical, self-centered and condescending Idiot, who used to post under the same handle in the ASPD Pig Pen.

If I were betting, I would put my money on you being one and the same! Originally Posted by bigtex
I only recall one "idiot" in the "ASPD Pig Pen" days ....

.. and you even have tried to be against the war after you were for it.

Oh, wait, when I was describing the closet ... you were the brilliant one!!!!

You were opposed to an invasion, you just wanted the "inspectors" to do some more "inspecting" first. In other words .... look in the "empty" closet!!!

Right, genius?

Let see, you were For McCain against Bush, For Gore against Bush, For John Kerry against Bush, and Against McCain Against Obaminable .....

.. Because Bush wasn't "really" in the military?

Actually, you try to hide your ineptness and incompetence like Obaminable does, by name calling and diversionary tactics in an attempt to keep the attention focused on someone else ... and you try to keep them responding to your bullshit accusations .... so your ignorance won't be so obvious.....

Is that what they taught you at UofH? Cut and paste with heaps of name-calling.

And you wanted GORE?

And then KERRY?

Let see, you were For McCain against Bush, For Gore against Bush, For John Kerry against Bush, and Against McCain Against Obaminable .....

.. Because Bush wasn't "really" in the military? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Quick, someone needs to get in touch with the Nursing Home Attendant.

It's time for another Depend's change in LL's Idiot Ward!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I hear they're having beans tonight!
I hear they're having beans tonight! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Feel sorry for the orderlies. Gonna be a shitstorm tonight
LexusLover's Avatar
Quick, someone needs to get in touch with the Nursing Home Attendant.

It's time for another Depend's change ....! Originally Posted by bigtex
You certainly seem to know a lot about Nursing Home protocol.

Is that real time experience you have, or just more 20-20 hindsight, xray vision?
LexusLover's Avatar
I hear they're having beans tonight! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Another racial slur from the peanut gallery. Do they put up with that at Nau's?