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  • 02-21-2015, 06:24 AM
The Tea Party started out great, but was soon co-opted by evangelical Christians and RINOs. In its original form it was a Libertarian movement. Now it's a bunch of self righteous neocons. Sad. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The old man gets one right ever now and again.
I will support/join/vote for any party that wants smaller government, return power to the states and reduce the administrative state in Washington DC.

But I guess some ECCIE libertarians are stuck on stupid.

News flash: If you want to respect the Constitution, then you have to let abortion laws be decided at the state level. That (my LP friends) is what most ALL christian conservatives want.

But stick with being the party of pure thought and action. Don't get involved in the messy world of political allies to accomplish your goals.

I guess the LP is very happy having their 9/11 truthers; but can't stand to be aligned with Christian Conservatives.

Go figure. No wonder the LP can only get dog catchers elected, while the TP racks up legislative/electoral wins.

WTF - you aren't a libertarian. You have defended Obama at every turn in this forum. Admit it, you love the administrative state.
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  • WTF
  • 02-21-2015, 06:48 AM

News flash: If you want to respect the Constitution, then you have to let abortion laws be decided at the state level. That (my LP friends) is what most ALL christian conservatives want.

. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
As a Libertarian , I want the individual to have the right to choose. I do not want the Federal Government nor the State or Local government infringing on what is a personal choice.

So if the state tries to take away my choice , I hope the hell the Federal government tells them they can not do that. Same thing in reverse. I do not want to give any government entity the power over what I consider personal choice.

So Whirly , get in bed with the Dogs but don't expect me to pay for your flea meds.
WTF - you aren't a libertarian. You have defended Obama at every turn in this forum. Admit it, you love the administrative state. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
The Libertarian party has not gotten in bed with the Dem's or the GOP to try and get elected.

That said between the two parties, I slant towards the Dem's namely because of neoconic war spending and the Dem's attempt to get healthcare costs under control. Were the GOP really out to cut all Federal spending, I'd be much more in their camp.
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I will support/join/vote for any party that wants smaller government, return power to the states and reduce the administrative state in Washington DC.

But I guess some ECCIE libertarians are stuck on stupid.

News flash: If you want to respect the Constitution, then you have to let abortion laws be decided at the state level. That (my LP friends) is what most ALL christian conservatives want.

But stick with being the party of pure thought and action. Don't get involved in the messy world of political allies to accomplish your goals.

I guess the LP is very happy having their 9/11 truthers; but can't stand to be aligned with Christian Conservatives.

Go figure. No wonder the LP can only get dog catchers elected, while the TP racks up legislative/electoral wins.

WTF - you aren't a libertarian. You have defended Obama at every turn in this forum. Admit it, you love the administrative state. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
As a Libertarian , I want the individual to have the right to choose. I do not want the Federal Government nor the State or Local government infringing on what is a personal choice.

So if the state tries to take away my choice , I hope the hell the Federal government tells them they can not do that. Same thing in reverse. I do not want to give any government entity the power over what I consider personal choice.

So Whirly , get in bed with the Dogs but don't expect me to pay for your flea meds.

The Libertarian party has not gotten in bed with the Dem's or the GOP to try and get elected.

That said between the two parties, I slant towards the Dem's namely because of neoconic war spending and the Dem's attempt to get healthcare costs under control. Were the GOP really out to cut all Federal spending, I'd be much more in their camp.
Originally Posted by WTF
I don't disagree with you but it has to be done one bite at a time. If the Feds hold the reins the Constitution can not be followed. Get the feds out of it and there are 50 states that can make their own decisions. Considering the fact that like minded people tend to congregate surely there would be a state that most closely aligns with your ideals. A the very least you have a much smaller audience of people with whom you agree on many other things that you need to convince of your argument.
If the feds make the laws regarding choice and freedom that can never happen.
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  • WTF
  • 02-23-2015, 10:05 AM
If the feds make the laws regarding choice and freedom that can never happen. Originally Posted by boardman
If anyone makes a choice for you then there is no choice nor freedom.

Giving the power of choice to anyone is ludicrous.

The Federal Government should make sure that no people are enslaved to any State or Country.

That is where I disagree with many of you, you act as if Stalin is better than Hitler. A true Hobson Choice.

Let me give just one example, Abortion. The Federal Governments only role should be to see that you are free to choose. States should not be able to restrict your right to choose, nor should states make you get an abortion. This notions that states can restrict personal freedom of choice is wacky is fuck to me....yet many of you act as if it is something grand!

What should be taught is to respect others personal freedom choices and not have the government force personal choice upon you.
I will support/join/vote for any party that wants smaller government, return power to the states and reduce the administrative state in Washington DC.

But I guess some ECCIE libertarians are stuck on stupid.

News flash: If you want to respect the Constitution, then you have to let abortion laws be decided at the state level. That (my LP friends) is what most ALL christian conservatives want.

But stick with being the party of pure thought and action. Don't get involved in the messy world of political allies to accomplish your goals.

I guess the LP is very happy having their 9/11 truthers; but can't stand to be aligned with Christian Conservatives.

Go figure. No wonder the LP can only get dog catchers elected, while the TP racks up legislative/electoral wins.

WTF - you aren't a libertarian. You have defended Obama at every turn in this forum. Admit it, you love the administrative state. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
News Flash:

1. You and your short-bus buddies don't decide what the Constitution means or how it is construed. Your inability to understand this and the outrageous arrogance you display by thinking otherwise mystifies all of us who recognize you for the idiot you consistently display yourself to be.

2. Christian Conservatives...fucking oxymoron. Intolerant, racist, bigoted, nosey busybodies who want to dictate to the rest of the world how to live their lives, right down to when, where and how the rest of us are allowed to have children. Fuck you and fuck them too.

3. Agree we should celebrate....The Tea Party is the reason that you're not going to see a GOP POTUS in the near future. You're too stupid to get this but most of the country doesn't agree with the TP agenda shitbag.....get it? But, we are pleased as can be that you push whackadoo candidates that tarnish the entire GOP brand and make you all look like idiots. Thanks.
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  • WTF
  • 02-23-2015, 10:34 AM
The Tea Party got in bed with the Christian Conservatives....that is what Whirly fails to understand when boardman answers his own accusation towards the Tea Party. If Whirly fails to understand the Christian coalition damn sure wants to control society to their norms, he is a fool.

News Flash:

1. You and your short-bus buddies don't decide what the Constitution means or how it is construed. Your inability to understand this and the outrageous arrogance you display by thinking otherwise mystifies all of us who recognize you for the idiot you consistently display yourself to be.

2. Christian Conservatives...fucking oxymoron. Intolerant, racist, bigoted, nosey busybodies who want to dictate to the rest of the world how to live their lives, right down to when, where and how the rest of us are allowed to have children. Fuck you and fuck them too.

3. Agree we should celebrate....The Tea Party is the reason that you're not going to see a GOP POTUS in the near future. You're too stupid to get this but most of the country doesn't agree with the TP agenda shitbag.....get it? But, we are pleased as can be that you push whackadoo candidates that tarnish the entire GOP brand and make you all look like idiots. Thanks. Originally Posted by timpage
Now this is some shit I can get down with. Right on all counts. Those decisions HAVE to be made on a state level? Constitution says otherwise, chicken dick. Federal law takes precedent. Tea Party has most definitely been co-opted by the far right nutjobs who also happen to be religious. As long as you have people in the news pontificating on the finer points of rape, you won't win shit. Can't get pregnant from rape? Because the body knows? What a fucking inbred imbecile. It makes you all look like mindless douchebags. The republican party is out of touch with reality. They long for the past and most people don't want to go backwards.
I will support/join/vote for any party that wants smaller government, return power to the states and reduce the administrative state in Washington DC.

But I guess some ECCIE libertarians are stuck on stupid.

News flash: If you want to respect the Constitution, then you have to let abortion laws be decided at the state level. That (my LP friends) is what most ALL christian conservatives want.

But stick with being the party of pure thought and action. Don't get involved in the messy world of political allies to accomplish your goals.

I guess the LP is very happy having their 9/11 truthers; but can't stand to be aligned with Christian Conservatives.

Go figure. No wonder the LP can only get dog catchers elected, while the TP racks up legislative/electoral wins.

WTF - you aren't a libertarian. You have defended Obama at every turn in this forum. Admit it, you love the administrative state. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Smaller government? When exactly was that? Back in the 50s, when taxes were over 85% in the top bracket? Government has NEVER been small. Ever. Hell, when we first started out as colonies back in the 1600s, they had a program that just gave land away and the tools to work it, as long as you came over from england and brought a servant with you. Same deal when we expanded into the west in the 1860s. Homestead Act gave land away to whoever would work it. When was the government small again? Your problem is that you yearn for a time that never existed.
Historic GOP gains in local elections, statehouses, governorships, and in Congress. Aided and abetted by TP activists.

The GOP win in Maryland says it all.....

In winning, Hogan overcame both a 2-to-1 Democratic voter advantage and enthusiasm among black voters who make up nearly a third of the population and were hungry to elect the state's first African-American governor. despite partisan gerrymandering by Democrats that sought to cut the GOP’s numbers.

Republicans picked up seven seats in the House of Delegates and two in the state Senate. The GOP will have 50 seats in the 141-seat House, when just months ago their leaders thought they would be lucky to hold onto the 43 seats they currently have, already a historic high number for Republicans in the Maryland House.
Make no mistake; these newly elected representatives (in all areas of the nation) are more conservative and TP minded than ever before.

It is laughable that you say the TP is not in sync with America and is speaks to your own stupidity and ignorance on American politics.
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  • 02-24-2015, 07:55 AM
Historic GOP gains in local elections, statehouses, governorships, and in Congress. Aided and abetted by TP activists.

The GOP win in Maryland says it all.....
In winning, Hogan overcame both a 2-to-1 Democratic voter advantage and enthusiasm among black voters who make up nearly a third of the population and were hungry to elect the state's first African-American governor. despite partisan gerrymandering by Democrats that sought to cut the GOP’s numbers.

Republicans picked up seven seats in the House of Delegates and two in the state Senate. The GOP will have 50 seats in the 141-seat House, when just months ago their leaders thought they would be lucky to hold onto the 43 seats they currently have, already a historic high number for Republicans in the Maryland House.
Make no mistake; these newly elected representatives (in all areas of the nation) are more conservative and TP minded than ever before.

It is laughable that you say the TP is not in sync with America and is speaks to your own stupidity and ignorance on American politics. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
What you fail to understand is that you are not a national party.

To win congress you rant and rave about cutting taxes and spending. But when you get in office , you fight like the dickens for funds for your district!

So just as the GOP led Congress came into power under Newt over similar circumstances, so too will the Tea Party spend us into debt.
What you fail to understand is that the TP isn't a "party" is an organization, a political movement.

But keep ranting about the TP being dead; the proof you are wrong is in the elections. All across the nation, at every level, the TP is supporting/fielding candidates who are winning. Unlike the LP who can only win dog catcher seats.

What you fail to understand is that you are not a national party.

To win congress you rant and rave about cutting taxes and spending. But when you get in office , you fight like the dickens for funds for your district!

So just as the GOP led Congress came into power under Newt over similar circumstances, so too will the Tea Party spend us into debt. Originally Posted by WTF
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  • 02-24-2015, 08:21 AM
What you fail to understand is that the TP isn't a "party" is an organization, a political movement.

But keep ranting about the TP being dead; the proof you are wrong is in the elections. All across the nation, at every level, the TP is supporting/fielding candidates who are winning. Unlike the LP who can only win dog catcher seats. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
It was never alive as a national party.

Can you not read?

You can win local elections , even congressional elections but that does not mean that the agenda is winning because nothing is changing.

Instead of spending your platform is immigration and gay marriage, abortion too.

That is the Tea Parties focus! That is the kind of government you want? Like I said you have been coopted by the Christian Conservatives.
I agree. It isn't a "party", it is a national organization. A national movement.

Again, you keep looking for the "big event" change; it ain't gonna happen. Change will happen incrementally. As it is already occurring in Statehouses. Wisconsin for example.

It was never alive as a national party.

Can you not read?

You can win local elections , even congressional elections but that does not mean that the agenda is winning because nothing is changing.

Instead of spending your platform is immigration and gay marriage, abortion too.

That is the Tea Parties focus! That is the kind of government you want? Like I said you have been coopted by the Christian Conservatives. Originally Posted by WTF
I liked the Tea Party Stance on some issues but I can not agree with any party or individuals when they decide that it is there right to govern morality. The next step is an Islamic State. That is what they stand for. Tell the people what they believe gods wants them to do and punishing them if they don't. Your freedom should stop where mines begin.