I'm mixed as well & a Provider Blew Me Off because of it. But I didn't get all Booty Hurt I got Smarter than the Game & once she met me she Loves me to Death now lol. Originally Posted by Crispy1969

As for the question, if you aren't comfortable you aren't comfortable. It's your body and you also have to make sure you are safe. Do ask for age, race, etc. That's what I do and then I decide if I want to see the person, and no, the race doesn't automatically disqualify anyone. You will save a lot of time for that person and yourself.
Mature Companion's Avatar
I responded to the same thread you posted elsewhere.

But I'll also indicate, after having read the review posted by Muse, of the date that never really happened.

IF you don't wish to see certain races. Please make sure to ASK the men upon them contacting you, as to their race? (yes, it may offend some) but oh well. Better to be upfront than to hurt someones feeling or ego in person. (some men don't handle that too well).
By asking upfront, from the get go; you will know and can make the decision to proceed forward or decline via online communications. Rather than in person. That way, neither yours nor his time is wasted and your incall is not compromised by someone you don't wish to see.

Say you book an appointment with a provider.
You show up, and the provider invites you in,
but politely decides to cancel with something like
"I'm sorry, something came up" " I don't feel well" but the real reason of the cancelation is due to personal preferences (and you as a smart adult can pretty much sense this)

Would you prefer her to
A. Look through the window/peephole and not open the door?
B. Tell you, "I'm not interested due to personal preferences".
C. Or just keep it clean "im' sorry something came up" like I did to one gentleman?

If she cancels, are you gonna text her later asking "I'm not your type right"? knowing that was the issue?

Just want some opinions... Originally Posted by Miss Molly
Mature Companion's Avatar
Knowing Molly,
I seriously doubt she would be so rude as to have someone wait around her place for 3 hours. What man in his right mind is going to waste 3 hours waiting around?
It seems from Molly's reply. That she was NOT aware of him waiting around her place. Thus, if he told YOU he was (for 3 hours).
That comes across as creepy!!

He had told me that you had him waiting for about three hours around your place. When he arrived at your place you said you had a tummy ache. ? ? Originally Posted by Sonya
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Knowing Molly,

That comes across as creepy!! Originally Posted by Wicked Milf

Well maybe he was horny as hell. I know I wouldn't have been waiting around LOL.
Creepy na> I known him well over 7 years "Wicked Milf" as for your information. Molly can defend her OWN self!
Yeah but I feel that its rude to specify things like that in your ad for the whole public to see! Originally Posted by Miss Molly
You should never be embarrassed for being you; at the end of the day you have to like who you see in the mirror

Well some deny or try to hide it. I had a military guy do that to me. I asked his age weight height race and he told me he was latino. When he arrived, his mix was very very clear. Originally Posted by Miss Molly
Everyone is mixed; those days of 100% pure (insert race here) are over

PS: If it happens again; just say... "Dude, that shirt ruined the mood. You have to go"
ammonite's Avatar
Race doesn't matter to me, but the darkness of the ladies skin does. I will do a really dark Caucasian woman, but turn down a Latina if she is to light. I've never seen an AA lady that was to light complected LOL. As you might be able to tell I find this issue totally stupid!!
Mature Companion's Avatar
Damn straight she can, young lady. I wasn't defending her. As for your information, Sonya,
I was expressing my opinion on what was posted publicly by you, regarding him telling YOU that she (Molly) had HIM wait around her incall for 3 hours!. (in which it seems he lied to you about that). Hmmmmmmm!!
Regardless if you've known said hobbyist for 7 years. Horny or not.
It does comes across as creepy. When someone admits to waiting 3 hours by a providers incall. (or as he stated....Molly told him to).

Well maybe he was horny as hell. I know I wouldn't have been waiting around LOL.
Creepy na> I known him well over 7 years "Wicked Milf" as for your information. Molly can defend her OWN self! Originally Posted by Sonya
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
. When someone admits to waiting 3 hours by a providers incall. (or as he stated....Molly told him to).[/QUOTE]

If she haven't him the run around and played him like a fool. Why tell him to come in the door and then say her tummy hurt. Why not just tell him over the phone than wasted his time. Lied, okay yeah whatever u were not there to see what all happened.................. There is always two sides of the story". The end!
Would you prefer her to
A. Look through the window/peephole and not open the door?
B. Tell you, "I'm not interested due to personal preferences".
C. Or just keep it clean "im' sorry something came up" like I did to one gentleman?

If she cancels, are you gonna text her later asking "I'm not your type right"? knowing that was the issue?
Molly, you already know that the choice is always yours as to whom you meet...this isn't a new topic. I'm guessing you posted this thread to justify your actions...which leaves me a bit puzzled. Why do you feel you need to ask for opinions? I don't think you need any justification...clearly, it's your perogative.

I hope you learn from this be more honest with yourself and your clients. It's not always easy having to be upfront and honest. You'll find yourself between a rock and a hard place many times...but at least you'll feel good about your decisions...and leave your clients with some dignity.

Your option *C* you say, "keeping it clean," unfortunately, there's no getting around the *dirty* truth...without owning up.

...(in which it seems he lied to you about that). Hmmmmmmm!!, you're a psychic now too? Ok let me get this, Sonya's *client* who she's known...for over 7yrs, is a liar....but, *Molly* (no disrespect Molly) who you've known for what (?) a few months or maybe a 100% beyond reproach? H-MMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!

Regardless if you've known said hobbyist for 7 years. Horny or not.
It does comes across as creepy. When someone admits to waiting 3 hours by a providers incall. (or as he stated....Molly told him to).
Just person's idea of *creepy* could be someone else's idea of a patient and considerate client who does what he's asked.
Mature Companion's Avatar
So she told you that she made him run around? She told you she played him like a fool? Or did your *client* of 7 years tell you that?
Because what he told you. She publicly stated she was unaware of. And HE has yet to refute her statement, (here) in this thread. (hmmm) Because he sure has as of his recent post.

It's OK for a guy to show up to a date, walk in, chit chat and come up with an excuse to WHY he doesn't want to proceed forward with said date, and he leaves. BUT it's NOT okay for a provider to decline when the guy shows up and feels the least bit uncomfortable? So a lady should of show a hobbyist dignity and felt *that* particular uncomfortableness & canceled before he arrives. When *that* particular uncomfortableness may actually take place until she meets him face to face???

Perhaps, all was fine up UNTIL he arrived. AND perhaps something didn't feel right to HER, upon his arrival. AND perhaps she was nervous and didn't know how else to let him down, w/o hurting his ego or feelings. So she did what she felt was best. Rather than not answering her door & leave him standing outside.
She answered and went through the pleasantries as any respectable person in this hobby would do. And from there she stated her tummy hurt. (perhaps that's all she could muster up as an excuse) And declined to move forward. Reasonable enough. No harm no foul.
Only his time was lost and his ego hurt.
Sometimes, two people just DO NOT click once they meet in person. It's part of the hobby life!!
If men can bow out (in person) with an excuse. Then the ladies should be able o do the same.

You, young lady were not there to see it happen either. Yet your quick to judge the provider because your client called you and made statements regarding her etc. And your right, there are 2 sides to every story. I don't *see* him refuting her in this thread. (hmm).

Rather, I do *see* your remarks about her playing him like a fool and how she made him run round and made him wait 3 hours by her incall ALL due to what he told you. (hmm)
And to tell her to be honest with herself & with her clients. Is wrong. Who are you to state she's not honest with herself? Who are you to tell her to leave her clients with dignity?

She did the honorable thing. She didn't take his money. She didn't leave him standing outside her door like an asshat. She followed through with the date UP until the moment THEY MET IN PERSON! And from that point, THAT is when she felt uncomfortable.
Regardless as to WHY. It's NOT our place to understand nor stand in judgement of her reason WHY.

She was honest with him enough to state she couldn't continue the date. As I stated earlier. She may of been nervous. Hell men are nervous in the presence of women all the time. The same can be said of some women.
So she did what she thought was best. She was honest enough to give him a reason. And at that time (she stated so) her tummy hurt. She didn't know him enough to give the exact reason. Because she didn't know how he might react (seeing as he was standing in her presence) And YES, when an uncomfortable situation comes about. A persons stomach can quickly become unnerved/upset.

For you to tell her she needs to leave her clients with dignity and that there's no getting around the dirty truth. Is at best repulsive.
While respecting another is a kind thing to do. There are plenty of men in this adult lifestyle who don't leave women with dignity.

nice to know you stand in judgement of her, solely based on what your client told you. (his side). Hope you never do wrong by another and that you always leave everyone with dignity & the honest truth. Because it may not feel too good if someone were to judge you based on your horrible experiences you've encountered with hobbyists.

Physic, LNikki?
Hell no. Never claimed such. I expressed my opinion based on what was publicly put forth. Don't see why you feel the need to make said a snide remark in my direction.
And my view of creepy is just that. This persons view.

Just remember, that a hobbyist can *act* a certain way with one or two ladies. BUT *act* totally different with someone else!!
Happens all the time.


If she haven't him the run around and played him like a fool. Why tell him to come in the door and then say her tummy hurt. Why not just tell him over the phone than wasted his time. Lied, okay yeah whatever u were not there to see what all happened.................. There is always two sides of the story". The end! Originally Posted by Sonya

Molly, you already know that the choice is always yours as to whom you meet...this isn't a new topic. I'm guessing you posted this thread to justify your actions...which leaves me a bit puzzled. Why do you feel you need to ask for opinions? I don't think you need any justification...clearly, it's your perogative.

I hope you learn from this be more honest with yourself and your clients. It's not always easy having to be upfront and honest. You'll find yourself between a rock and a hard place many times...but at least you'll feel good about your decisions...and leave your clients with some dignity.

Your option *C* you say, "keeping it clean," unfortunately, there's no getting around the *dirty* truth...without owning up., you're a psychic now too? Ok let me get this, Sonya's *client* who she's known...for over 7yrs, is a liar....but, *Molly* (no disrespect Molly) who you've known for what (?) a few months or maybe a 100% beyond reproach? H-MMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!

Just person's idea of *creepy* could be someone else's idea of a patient and considerate client who does what he's asked. Originally Posted by Likinikki
Muse's Avatar
  • Muse
  • 04-15-2011, 09:45 PM
Holy cow, 3 pages? All interesting observations. I'd like to state, it was not my intention to get back at Molly for anything, but to share my experience to my fellow hobbiests. As far as brushing myself off? I'd like to think of it as getting stunned by a sucker punch but not falling down. I've also learned that my time is alot more valuable during the day and will refrain from appt such as this.

So what I think i'm going to do is stick with the higher priced girls to get all the extra's, including a safe place to park my car. Go to CVS and buy a couple of Jugs of foldgers and big bag of rubbers and try to catch up to all you guys.
Sorry Wicked...I lost my head and forgot that YOU'RE the only one around here that can post bad.
ammonite's Avatar
B) would be my advice. Unfortunate to get to opening the door to realize the problem. Better to put your preferences and requirements in your ad or showcase to avoid an incident like this.

Say you book an appointment with a provider.
You show up, and the provider invites you in,
but politely decides to cancel with something like
"I'm sorry, something came up" " I don't feel well" but the real reason of the cancelation is due to personal preferences (and you as a smart adult can pretty much sense this)

Would you prefer her to
A. Look through the window/peephole and not open the door?
B. Tell you, "I'm not interested due to personal preferences".
C. Or just keep it clean "im' sorry something came up" like I did to one gentleman?

If she cancels, are you gonna text her later asking "I'm not your type right"? knowing that was the issue?
Now your personal preference (which is your choice of course) is subject to public discussion in an open forum. And will probably go on ad nauseum. Sigh, Now we have to see who gets the last word lol.
Mature Companion's Avatar
Some times, it takes meeting in person to realize there's an issue. Sad but true. Because some providers give half ass vouch replies. And some times guys give half ass dishonest screening.
So there will be moments when a lady has to cancel once face to face.

B) would be my advice. Unfortunate to get to opening the door to realize the problem. Better to put your preferences and requirements in your ad or showcase to avoid an incident like this.

Now your personal preference (which is your choice of course) is subject to public discussion in an open forum. And will probably go on ad nauseum. Sigh, Now we have to see who gets the last word lol. Originally Posted by ammonite

I can't even fathom provider looking through the peephole and NOT opening the door to a date that she was expecting. But I recon there are providers who are that cold, that they'd willingly leave an expected date with whom they gave their INCALL INFO to, standing outside their door and never answer it.
Talk about leaving someone without dignity. That in and of itself is disrespectful and shitty.

Sorry Wicked...I lost my head and forgot that YOU'RE the only one around here that can post bad. Originally Posted by Likinikki
Yet again, your snide remarks in my direction, are uncalled for.
ammonite's Avatar
Holy cow, 3 pages? All interesting observations.
Yeah, Muse, thanks alot lol. After reading all this I feel an urge to do a double with WM and Nikki. Now that would be interesting!