I wonder if it includes an image of the Swastika or the White Supremacist frog.
Great questions! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
are you making hate speech against my pagan viking religion .. again?


I wonder if it includes an image of the Swastika or the White Supremacist frog.
Great questions! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Actually, man, if THIS is your religion, then ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY!
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
...but the insults and disrespect towards other members stops now. Originally Posted by WakeupSorry but I don't understand what this means. If someone calls me "ladyboy" do I hit the rtm button and you will ban the offending poster for hostile, disrespectful speech? What if someone posts "you deplorables all think alike"? Banned again? How about if someone baits a Trump supporter by constantly referring to our President in a hostile, disrespectful manner as "twitler" and the "orange sphincter"? Banned? What if someone makes offensive and disparaging comments about the military or another poster's military service? What if they belittle my hometown or my favorite sports team? What if they call me a racist? What if they call me a liar? Do I hit the rtm button at the slightest offense, real or perceived? Is that really what you want?
Sorry but I don't understand what this means. If someone calls me "ladyboy" do I hit the rtm button and you will ban the offending poster for hostile, disrespectful speech? Originally Posted by lustyladFeel free to hit the RTM button on any violations you think you witness. In that case, I would issue a warning or points to the individual and move on. We don’t ban members for individual infractions apart from the nuclear rules. The point system will take care of banning them for me, if their behavior doesn’t correct itself before they reach the point limit.
What if someone posts "you deplorables all think alike"? Banned again? Originally Posted by lustyladDeplorables is actually a political term now, much more than just the word itself. It has been embraced by book writers and people from both sides of the political spectrum. Feel free to use it in that context as much as you want. Again, no bans.
How about if someone baits a Trump supporter by constantly referring to our President in a hostile, disrespectful manner as "twitler" and the "orange sphincter"? Banned? Originally Posted by lustyladBaiting isn’t against the guidelines, and the president isn’t a member here. The guidelines do not apply to him. Rising to that bait in a disrespectful manner is against the guidelines though. My advice would be to keep yourselves under control, either when making posts, or responding to posts. Again, no ban.
What if someone makes offensive and disparaging comments about the military or another poster's military service? Originally Posted by lustyladThe military isn’t a member here. They guidelines do not apply to them. If someone comments on a member’s military service in a disrespectful way, that’s against the guidelines.
What if they belittle my hometown or my favorite sports team? Originally Posted by lustyladYour hometown and your favorite baseball team are not members here. The guidelines do not apply to them.
What if they call me a racist? What if they call me a liar? Originally Posted by lustyladThat depends. Are you? Did they call you that in a way to cause offense? This applies to all manner of single word descriptions. That’s all at my discretion to issue infractions if I feel they are needed.
Do I hit the rtm button at the slightest offense, real or perceived? Originally Posted by lustyladAgain, feel free to hit the RTM button whenever you feel you have witnessed a violation. When you hit it, it’s only your perception...I will determine the reality of it by issuing infractions, or not.
Is that really what you want? Originally Posted by lustyladWhat I want is irrelevant, what has been chosen for me is at hand.
Or how about the comment that I enshrined in my signature - "your opinion is shit"? Extremely hostile and offensive, don't you think? Originally Posted by lustyladNot to me. As soon as you direct that comment to another member, you will have violated the guidelines.
I found it amusing but I can feign indignation now that I know by doing so I can get the offending poster banned. Originally Posted by lustyladI’m happy that you have found something to take joy in. Cherish that.
And why is any of this necessary? Originally Posted by lustyladIt’s necessary because the board owners deem it so. That’s all you need to know.