Saddam had his "spider hole", Gadhafi had his "drainage pipe"

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I heard they also took out his female body guards too. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
um, no. the female body guards left libya when the civil war started.
I'm all for due process in the good ol USA

But this happen thousands of miles away. I would imagine those that capture him have numerous stories to share how their families and friends died at his hand.

Who are we to judge how the Libyans, that caught him, handled him. Just because we added our bombs to aid this situation, does not give us the right to impose our sense of morality or legal justice. (and for whatever it's worth, I personally felt the dude should have faced the Libyan legal system....but I'm not going to stand in judgement of what the rebels, whose families and friends suffered under this guy did)

As a side note....think the Syrian Pres is currently double and triple checking his exist plans, just in case LOL
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Well, Dali, if you came to Wichita now, I would not beat you up. We could go to a SC and drink to excess and chase the ladies. We're more civilized in Wichita now. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
the first strip clubs I went to were in Wichita and you could drink beer at 18yo, that was many many years ago
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I'm all for due process in the good ol USA

But this happen thousands of miles away. I would imagine those that capture him have numerous stories to share how their families and friends died at his hand.

Who are we to judge how the Libyans, that caught him, handled him. Just because we added our bombs to aid this situation, does not give us the right to impose our sense of morality or legal justice. (and for whatever it's worth, I personally felt the dude should have faced the Libyan legal system....but I'm not going to stand in judgement of what the rebels, whose families and friends suffered under this guy did)

As a side note....think the Syrian Pres is currently double and triple checking his exist plans, just in case LOL Originally Posted by vkmaster
the syrians are going to be a bit trickier to deal with. they have all those rockets Quadaffi never really made use of or had.
@ dilbert, without question, the Syrians are going to be a tougher nut.

As with most successful overthrows, the people need to have the military turn on its leader. To this point, that does not seem to be happening. Plus the syrian military is far superior in terms of manpower and hardware.

But still, I'm guessing, just to be safe, the Syrian Pres probably has moved the speed dial number of his travel agent to the number #1 position...not making any predictions, just a small observation, lol

Even stashed in a meat locker, Gadhafi ... Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

I was told that the Muslim community would be OUTRAGED if a Muslim's body wasn't lovingly washed, treated respectfully , wrapped in white cloth and buried within 24 hours. OUTRAGED I was told.

(insert spike football smilie here)
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

I was told that the Muslim community would be OUTRAGED if a Muslim's body wasn't lovingly washed, treated respectfully , wrapped in white cloth and buried within 24 hours. OUTRAGED I was told.

(insert spike football smilie here) Originally Posted by gnadfly
Qaddafi is special case apparently to the Libyans. they also referred him as a "dog". Dogs are considered "unclean" among muslims.
Qaddafi is special case apparently to the Libyans. they also referred him as a "dog". Dogs are considered "unclean" among muslims. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
You have to understand who you are dealing with. If Gnadfly is using the word "OUTRAGED," America's best interests have been served!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Yep Qaddafi was killed this week.

Next week the unemployment will still be 9%.