Thomas Sowell Thread

joe bloe's Avatar
black people cant b racist, we r the minority. its impossible. Originally Posted by Af-Freakin
Your posts are so idiotic that I wonder if you're not really a racist white guy pretending to be black just to make black people look bad.
I B Hankering's Avatar
u wish. u hate black people but dont want 2 admit it 2 urself. racism is about power. black folk dont have the power 2 b racist. my belief is mainstream black belief. get over urself. Originally Posted by Af-Freakin
Af-Fuckup is an inveterate moron and a racist!
Af-Freakin's Avatar
I B Hankering4Cock if u post that one more time, it is ur admission that u r a lying cum-swallowing homo.

why did you delete 17 of ur posts. oh ya, dey made u look lika psycho. LOL!
I B Hankering's Avatar
I B Hankering4Cock is an inveterate moron and a racist! Originally Posted by Af-Freakin
Af-Fuckup is a racist and such an inveterate moron he spams in the wrong thread!!! nt=158 nt=159

Plus, Af-Fuckup is so embarrassed by what he said, he has deleted his original posts, but his racist ignorance was captured here:
and here:
and here:
Af-Freakin's Avatar

I B Hankering4Cock admits 2 bein a lying cum swallowing homo.
I B Hankering's Avatar

I B Hankering4Cock admits 2 bein a lying cum swallowing homo. Originally Posted by Af-Freakin
Af-Fuckup is a racist and such an inveterate moron he spams in the wrong thread!!!

See @ nt=158 nt=159

Plus, Af-Fuckup is so embarrassed by what he said, he has deleted his original posts, but his racist ignorance was captured here:
and here:
and here:
and here:

:mf r_lol:
black people cant b racist, we r the minority. its impossible. Originally Posted by Af-Freakin
Those stupid ideas went out the window about 30 years ago. They were thrown out by black people, amongst others. Get with the agenda.

Do you really want to wander around saying you are powerless? In this day and age?

The world has moved on.

If you insist, I will look up references and links for discussions on this topic, but it would probably be wasting everybody's time.

Stop making yourself and your race look bad, it only panders to the racists.
Af-Freakin's Avatar
Those stupid ideas went out the window about 30 years ago. They were thrown out by black people, amongst others. Get with the agenda.

Do you really want to wander around saying you are powerless? In this day and age?

The world has moved on.

If you insist, I will look up references and links for discussions on this topic, but it would probably be wasting everybody's time.

Stop making yourself and your race look bad, it only panders to the racists. Originally Posted by essence

a red neck like u an authority on black people? LOL! u seem 2 hava problem with black alpha males. FYI, i gotta a number of pm from black people agreeing wit me, so blow it up ur ass. racism is alive & well, especially here, especially u.
joe bloe's Avatar
Those stupid ideas went out the window about 30 years ago. They were thrown out by black people, amongst others. Get with the agenda.

Do you really want to wander around saying you are powerless? In this day and age?

The world has moved on.

If you insist, I will look up references and links for discussions on this topic, but it would probably be wasting everybody's time.

Stop making yourself and your race look bad, it only panders to the racists. Originally Posted by essence
I think Spike Lee is still peddling the "blacks can't be racist" nonsense. I stopped watching his movies because of his racist views. Or course I may have stopped because his movies suck.
Af-Freakin's Avatar
I think Spike Lee is still peddling the "blacks can't be racist" nonsense. I stopped watching his movies because of his racist views. Or course I may have stopped because his movies suck. Originally Posted by joe bloe
most educated & elite whites agree wit Spike. LOL! its the uneducated & nonelite whites who think like u.
Ha Ha Ha.

It seems I have to educate you and undermine your stereo types.

I am married to a black lady, have two black step children and three mixed race children.

Yes, my mixed race children suffer from racial abuse, one was knifed in the neck the other day for being with a white girl.

All my gf's for the last 10 years have been black, and I have known their families well.

So stop your nonsense.

Now, concerning the matter at hand, let me go look up some of my old posts and see if I still have the links.

I have better things to do, but....
Try these.

Not necessarily a good representation of current common understandings, but at least they show some ability to analyse and think. I think the last link is the most eloquent and convincing, and comes from 1999. She says it much better than I ever could.

Don't worry, my black wife was taught this crap when she was training in the early 80's and dismissed it even then.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-20-2012, 04:53 PM
Sowell writes an opinion column, his. Because your opinion aligns with his doesnt make him a great amreican or bad american. Sowell sells books. People who read Sowell's column and agree with the authors opinion buy his books. People who dont, dont.

easy enough for the kiddies, kindergarten name calling, notwithstanding.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I thought the articles posted by Essence were compelling. What didn't you like about them, CBJ7?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-20-2012, 05:10 PM
I thought the articles posted by Essence were compelling. What didn't you like about them, CBJ7? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

havent taken the time to read them yet