Should I feel betrayed ? Well I do......

trynagetlaid's Avatar
Yeah but I still want to know if the Deek left a floater in the SBs toilet or not. Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
And a slice of bread on the seat (or it wouldn't be a full meal)
Give her a revenge fuck, then walk out like a moviestar does when the scene behind him is blowing up. Don't look back and go find some other providers that you can use that $1500 a month on. $1500/$160 = 9.375 Sessions per month, that 18.75 Nuts per month. Cmon man, wise up!!!

If you still want to tap her go with the 80 per session and see how quickly she tries to raise her rate then you will realize what you mean to her, the picture will become very clear very fast.
The G.O.A.T's Avatar
Give her a revenge fuck, then walk out like a moviestar does when the scene behind him is blowing up. Originally Posted by Daddio
Found my new sig line... thanks
pyramider's Avatar
At least the reality of the situation get revealed relatively early on.
dearhunter's Avatar
I cannot believe you fucktards would throw NaN, II2 and "two" other fucktards under the bus like this.

bumpy, you ignore all of these losers.....they are just jealous of the beautiful soul that is this fine sugar carry on.

I thinck that if you were to spend more time with her (except on Thursdays) you will win her over.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 02-01-2012, 09:54 AM that IS some funny shit

Why not thursdays DH? That when your hittin it? Lmao
HoustonMatt's Avatar
Some pretty funny sh*t here. Talk about an awkward moment, lol. The chick lied to u, plain and simple. She saw an opportunity to make some more money, a lot more money, and she took advantage of it cuz u let her. A SB making $1500 per month off of u needs to abide by your rules. I know u care about this girl blah blah blah, but she's ur SB, not your SO.

So if u wanna keep her, tell her to lay all the dirt on the table. Cut her allowance in half, take it or leave it. Sounds like u have too much feelings for this girl.

II2 and NAN actually saved u a bunch of heartache from the cold hard truth, which would have come out sooner or later. I'm sure a lesson learned for you. Still chuckling from your story.......
boardman's Avatar
I've got dibs on Wednesday...ijs
Some pretty funny sh*t here. Talk about an awkward moment, lol. The chick lied to u, plain and simple. She saw an opportunity to make some more money, a lot more money, and she took advantage of it cuz u let her. A SB making $1500 per month off of u needs to abide by your rules. I know u care about this girl blah blah blah, but she's ur SB, not your SO.

So if u wanna keep her, tell her to lay all the dirt on the table. Cut her allowance in half, take it or leave it. Sounds like u have too much feelings for this girl.

II2 and NAN actually saved u a bunch of heartache from the cold hard truth, which would have come out sooner or later. I'm sure a lesson learned for you. Still chuckling from your story....... Originally Posted by HoustonMatt
Fuck all that, I say turn her out and get a return on your investment.
notanewbie's Avatar
that's my line ender...
I love the noise that comes out of her throat as she starts deep throating you.
Pull head from ass.
Woodduck82's Avatar
Dude, she is still a hooker. They all are. SB or provider.... still hookers and should be looked/treated as such. Think with your dick and brain, never your heart.
that's my line ender... Originally Posted by notanewbie
Great minds. Shit, sign me up for a slice when she hits the Welcome Wagon.
john353's Avatar
...Shit, sign me up for a slice when she hits the Welcome Wagon. Originally Posted by enderwiggin