GOP Presidential Debate

Fast Gunn's Avatar
Ignorance is our common enemy, but we never see it in ourselves.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Speaking of ignorant, did you hear the question posed to Gingrich? "Mr. Speaker, do you believe it is possible for a company to create jobs and be profitable at the same time?" Where do they get these people?

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-10-2011, 02:47 PM
You're a fucking dumb shit. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
You know Fast Cum, putting aside the whole socialist-failure-antiAmerican-scumbag issue, Originally Posted by Marshall
You guys need to stop. More posts like this directed at people besides me and you're gonna ruin Captainmidnight's story for why he's not a hypocrite.
You guys need to stop. More posts like this directed at people besides me and you're gonna ruin Captainmidnight's story for why he's not a hypocrite.

I can't say I followed this whole thread Doofus but calling CM a hypocrite....I don't get it.....nobody despises tossing shit around here more than me, but you gotta toss better shit around than that..........

This board deserves a better class of liberal scumbag. And you aint givin' it to us!
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Wait unitl the Republican Convention in August; the Republicans will nominate Romney, it will be balloons, American flags, patriotic symbols, messages of a better America, Romney will get a hugh boost as Republicans unite behind him; Independents will follow, and the campgain will begin.

Romney and the Republicans will go on the attack. Obama will be forced to defend his polcies that have destoryed the American economy - Obama care, bailouts, failed stimulus, war on drillling, war on banks, yada yada.....the Independent vote will not swing to Obama; his chance at 2nd term is doomed...ain't gonna happen. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Oh I will be waiting- trust me true conservatives don't even like Romney and the Tea party damn sure doesn't like him- I really feel bad for Republicans- most of my friends who are republicans really hate their selection- that's sad. Wasn't Perry supposed to be your savior??? Romney will not Prevail one on one vs Obama- you think Independents want to rally behind a candidate who number is super wealthy and really can't relate to the avg Joe- he's Mormon for God's sake and although it's wrong he will lose votes on his faith alone and Romney is very Pro Corporation i.e he's part of the 1%.
Oh I will be waiting- trust me true conservatives don't even like Romney and the Tea party damn sure doesn't like him- I really feel bad for Republicans- most of my friends who are republicans really hate their selection- that's sad. Wasn't Perry supposed to be your savior??? Romney will not Prevail one on one vs Obama- you think Independents want to rally behind a candidate who number is super wealthy and really can't relate to the avg Joe- he's Mormon for God's sake and although it's wrong he will lose votes on his faith alone and Romney is very Pro Corporation i.e he's part of the 1%.

we understand that you African Americans are emotionally involved in Odumbo's reelection, so we forgive you........
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-10-2011, 03:30 PM
nobody enjoys tossing shit around here more than me, but you gotta toss better shit around than that.......... Originally Posted by Marshall
Highlighted for captainmidnight's benefit.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
we understand that you African Americans are emotionally involved in Odumbo's reelection, so we forgive you........ Originally Posted by Marshall
Marshall I thought Gays supported Obama remember the Republicans are against same sex marriage so if a Republican win that would mean that you will never be able to marry the guy who butt fucks you every night!!!
Highlighted for captainmidnight's benefit.

Holy shit Doofus! You changed my quote! That's not allowed around here anymore....somebody will report you!
wellendowed1911's Avatar
If you are expecting a transitional momemnt in American politics in the 2012 election you will be disappointed. It isn't going to happen. That isn't how American politics work. We change and adapt but with incremental change....Ron Paul will not be president. A third party candidate will not prevail........Romney president with more Conservative Tea Party members in Congress is the kind of incremental change I expect from the 2012 election.

And sorry you think there is no differnce between Romney or Obama; that speaks more to your expectations than the reality of these two candidates. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Let me get this right Whirly who are you voting for in 2012? Because it's hard for me to phantom that you didn't vote for a conservative team of McCain and Palin but now you pretty much kissing Romney's ass who is a proven flip flopper and is nowhere near as conservative as McCain and Cain is conservative lite- you really amaze me Whirly.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I've only seen the clips on Perry, but he should be toast. The Republican Party establishment is going to continue to Swift Boat Cain because they know he'll be mincemeat against Obama. They now want Romney. However, the rank and file conservatives, and the looney toons conservatives don't want him.

I see Gingrich as the last man standing among the right wingers to challenge Romney, with Romney increasingly likely to get the nod, which is bad news for Obama. Romney can beat Obama if the nutso conservatives can hold their noses and vote for him. It won't be a slam dunk, but he's got a real good shot. I'm pulling for 'ol Herman to pull an upset. He's now Obama's best chance.
Highlighted for captainmidnight's benefit. Originally Posted by Doove
Thanks, Doove.

The next time Marshall stupidly and continually -- and with not a scintilla of evidence to back it up -- accuses me of hypocrisy, and just won't leave it alone, I'll tell him he's full of shit.

In fact, I'll do that when anyone continually accuses me of hypocrisy! You can count on it.

Feel better now?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 11-10-2011, 05:35 PM
The next time Marshall stupidly and continually -- and with not a scintilla of evidence to back it up -- accuses me of hypocrisy, and just won't leave it alone, I'll tell him he's full of shit. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
I would agree.....if anyone accuses you of hypocrisy without providing 6 links to your posts to prove it, and without offering some pretty simple ideas for you to prove him wrong if you wished to, you'd be entirely justified in telling him he's full of shit. So go for it.
you'd be entirely justified in telling him he's full of shit. So go for it. Originally Posted by Doove
If the shoe fits, wear it!
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I've only seen the clips on Perry, but he should be toast. The Republican Party establishment is going to continue to Swift Boat Cain because they know he'll be mincemeat against Obama. They now want Romney. However, the rank and file conservatives, and the looney toons conservatives don't want him.

I see Gingrich as the last man standing among the right wingers to challenge Romney, with Romney increasingly likely to get the nod, which is bad news for Obama. Romney can beat Obama if the nutso conservatives can hold their noses and vote for him. It won't be a slam dunk, but he's got a real good shot. I'm pulling for 'ol Herman to pull an upset. He's now Obama's best chance. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I agree with your assessment but I view Gingrich as someone who talks a good game- he reminds me of the type of person that will talk a lot using big words to make it appear that he is so much smarter than everyone else. I honestly can't see Romney beating Obama- I think he has the image of a super rich person who is out to help the rich and corporations. He is doing a very bad job trying to please everyone- at one rally he had in the summer he got heckled really bad for having the idea of giving corporations tax breaks and now he is talking about being on the side of the middle class and giving them a tax break. It's funny how Romney mentioned that Obama was destroying and hurting the middle class- are you fucking kidding me Mitt- Obama has been giving tax breaks to the middle class since day one.
I agree that most true conservatives don't like Romney but looks like that's who they are going to have to put up with- Cain is toast.