Fake Pictures

Wow Grumpysmurf I think I will just take the high road and not even respond to the mush that came out of your mouth Im not even sure who you are or if I even seen you I would hope Ive never seen you in fact I was at the meet and greet and knew the guys there so maybe you were hiding the whole time or perhaps not even there at all, and to bash a guy who stood up for me all I can say is your are the definition of a guy every lady would want to see NOT! From this point on any alerts or info I get that is verified will be kept to myself that should keep any problems from being drawn out, perhaps I may not even to continue to post on here or continue being a member. Have a great day!

Burk you are correct I should have posted the fake pictures thread in a little different way, thats the bad thing about txts and posts on line you want them to come out one way like when you are sitting face to face talking so you know in the manner you want the info taken but in writting and reading something can be taken a different way even if you clearly meant it in a polite way.
Wow.......that's all I can say.

I'm having a hard time believing that this has turned out the way it has and actually quite sorry that it has.

Lil Smurf Guy.............

I'm not liking the way the last two posts have turned out and that bothers me. I pride myself on being a courtesan who chooses to spend her time with quality gentlemen who know the meaning of respect. Whether it be BCD or just hanging out like my M&G.

I must say I'm disappointed that this lil piece of the board that I've worked so hard to build up is starting to crumble.
Geezus.....everyone chill!!! It's like High School all over!
MsElena, you are doing a great job. Please keep it up.
And Jackie, don't you dare leave this board! I haven't had the pleasure of your company yet!!! (or you Elena, grrrrrrrr)
All: This seems to have denigrated in a not so pleasant thread. As I said, let's all take a breathe.

Grumpysmurf, you and your other smurfs have your movie coming out this weekend. Focus on that. Oh and be less grumpy. Treat everyone with respect and be cordial and we'll all be better off. You could have said all of your post with less of an edge.

As I think about it the "breathe" will be the closing of the thread. Nothin' to see here folks, let's move on.