what is the difference?

pickupkid's Avatar
Well these days an amp cost as much as a provider 60 +140... but there are no gfd and your time is limited. I like the massage and the table shower and the of course the idea
that you may get nothing other than a massage.

Well these days an amp cost as much as a provider 60 +140... but there are no gfd and your time is limited. I like the massage and the table shower and the of course the idea
that you may get nothing other than a massage.

_ Originally Posted by pickupkid
It cost as much as a provider if you let it. In an AMP you have to become likeable. They are gonna try to get you to spend a lot more than they will actually take.
Still Looking's Avatar
It cost as much as a provider if you let it. In an AMP you have to become likeable. They are gonna try to get you to spend a lot more than they will actually take. Originally Posted by acp5762

Sounds like this is a specialty of yours. Never been to one. While I find the Asian culture very interesting, I've never felt the need to go to an AMP. Hell I was surprised when they built a McDonalds in Japan? Turns out they had a "yen" for a hamburger. I yield the floor to the experienced Tiger!
Sounds like this is a specialty of yours. Never been to one. While I find the Asian culture very interesting, I've never felt the need to go to an AMP. Hell I was surprised when they built a McDonalds in Japan? Turns out they had a "yen" for a hamburger. I yield the floor to the experienced Tiger! Originally Posted by Still Looking
I've never been to an AMP, but I know people who have. Besides I've always have heard asians are accustom to doing more with less. So they can be negotiated easily.
Still Looking's Avatar
I've never been to an AMP, but I know people who have. Besides I've always have heard asians are accustom to doing more with less. So they can be negotiated easily. Originally Posted by acp5762
Gotcha! I'm sure the AMP'S have their place, some guys love them. But some of the bad reads were enough for me! Does remind me of a story I heard years ago.

A magazine photographer went to Japan to get pictures of our ambassador playing golf with Japans head of state. He went over early and decided to partake in one of the local Geisha houses. He spoke on Japanese but went anyway. Once he got into the room he paid his money and they were off. Some who it turned into doggie. The young lady started screaming "Kawasihi" He thought this gals must really love us Americans, so he pounded harder. But she just kept screaming "Kawasihi". He finished up and left a tip on the table. So the next day during the round of golf, the photographer could not even get close to take any pictures. The crowd was unbelievable. The came up on a par 3 and the Japanese head of state drilled one, and low and behold... a hole in one! The crown went nuts. And of coarse he could not get a picture. As the crowd settled he yelled out "Kawasihi". With that it got very quite and the crowd parted as the Japanese head of state approached the photographer. He then asked the photographer "What you mean wrong hole?"

pickupkid's Avatar
acp ..If you haven"t been to an amp ,,,then you can't say that you have.and no that is not true of Japanese women.
I'd like to know the actual statistics regarding "human trafficking" vs "people smuggling". There's a large number of girls that are fully aware of what they are getting into, and it's a chance to make a better life for themselves and their families. Originally Posted by Meiji
Because human trafficking is illegal, it is hard to get actual statistics, but most safe estimations have the number at around 20,000 per year.

As I said, it is a bigger problem in some areas than others, where it may not be a problem at all. Here in Buffalo, LE just raided 6-7 AMPs and charged them all with human trafficking. So it is rampant here.

I also find it curious that you somehow know that "a large number of the girls
are fully aware of what they are getting into...". Not sure how you could know such a thing, much less say it with such certainty.

And even if they did know and somehow thought they were going to make a better life for their families by giving HJs, the reality is something different entirely. The whole point of human trafficking is to NOT have to pay the girls very much. Otherwise, why not just use locals? Why drag girls halfway across the globe?

Hey, if you know for certain that the woman servicing you has made a free choice to do so, then more power to everyone involved, but I can not in good conscience support any establishment where there is even a chance that that might not be the case.
However with that said you just can't compare jacking yourself off to having an attractive woman who is rubbing her breast on you while playing with your balls and stroking your oil soaked cock. Originally Posted by burkalini
I didn't make that comparison. The comparison I made was with independent GFE providers.

To me, a HJ is just not that exciting an experience, or at least not exciting enough to pay $150 and up for.
Still Looking's Avatar
acp ..If you haven"t been to an amp ,,,then you can't say that you have.and no that is not true of Japanese women. Originally Posted by pickupkid
Japanese woman are Asian, but not all Asian woman are Japanses! Big difference!

Just because your a Cowboy doesn't mean your a Red Neck!

I'm guilty of the same stereo typing. When some does something dumb, I as "how long have you been a brunette?"
offshoredrilling's Avatar
You feel like you where treated as the king you wish you where.
SlowHand49's Avatar
I think much the allure for some may be no need to schedule, no screening, and the potential for a somewhat exotic, risky adventure . . .
Meiji's Avatar
  • Meiji
  • 06-04-2011, 12:30 AM
Because human trafficking is illegal, it is hard to get actual statistics, but most safe estimations have the number at around 20,000 per year. Originally Posted by Biomech
I'd like to know where you get your numbers from, since the numbers I see on Wikipedia are under that for total human trafficking (not just sex trafficking) in the US per year.

As I said, it is a bigger problem in some areas than others, where it may not be a problem at all. Here in Buffalo, LE just raided 6-7 AMPs and charged them all with human trafficking. So it is rampant here.
Just because they are charged with human trafficking doesn't mean they are actually guilty of it. It's certainly possible that they are, but women smuggled into the country often are going to keep quiet or be given immunity/a temporary visa to stay here in exchange for their testimony.

I also find it curious that you somehow know that "a large number of the girls
are fully aware of what they are getting into...". Not sure how you could know such a thing, much less say it with such certainty.
I say that because I've hobbied extensively in the Dallas/Ft Worth, and metro areas in California (LA and SF), which happen to be probably 3 out of the top 5 metro areas in the US for AMPs and AAMPs. Many of the girls I've met through the hobby started out in AMPs or AAMPs and were recruited by friends, changed groups they worked with because they didn't like management, went fully independent, started their own management group and recruited girls, or quit the business to go do something unrelated to the hobby. Doesn't exactly sound like they are the victims many portray them as to me.

And even if they did know and somehow thought they were going to make a better life for their families by giving HJs, the reality is something different entirely. The whole point of human trafficking is to NOT have to pay the girls very much. Otherwise, why not just use locals? Why drag girls halfway across the globe?
The argument that these women (the ones who know what they are getting into) are having to do horrible things for money is ridiculous on its face. You should stop hobbying entirely if you have the moral conviction that "people shouldn't have to do degrading, menial service for a paycheck". That being said, you should probably also stop eating food that you don't grow yourself, stop staying at hotels, do your own gardening, etc, etc. Just about anyone that you ask if they'd rather have a cushy job and earn the same amount of money will say 'yes'. But if you ask a Chinese peasant girl if she wants to make $100 an hour, which probably a week's work is probably 6 months' wages, to work in an AMP or if she wants to make 3 dollars an hour to assemble iPhones until her wrists fall off (which is considered a great job in China), there's going to be a substantial number of girls that choose the former. Is that economic exploitation? Sure. But so is bringing in workers to pick our vegetables, work in meat packing plants, clean toilets in hotels, etc.

Then there's the Korean girls who make up the vast majority of AMP and AAMP girls, who would rather provide than work at a convenience store the rest of their lives, or worse, get married and be a slave to their husband.

So the two problems we have here have nothing to do with a 'shadowy conspiracy to sell women into sex slavery' but good old fashioned economic inequality and sexism. Once you solve those problems, I can assure you that the cost of the hobby is going to skyrocket.

The reason, by the way, that they bring girls halfway around the world is supply and demand. You don't have enough asian girls in Buffalo willing to work in an AMP there, and asian girls elsewhere in the US aren't willing to go to Buffalo. Never been there myself...I hear it's a lovely city. But even here in the SF Bay area, girls come over from Korea or where ever because a) men want to meet beautiful asian women that will do dirty things to them and b) those beautiful asian women know other beautiful asian women willing to do dirty things to them.

Hey, if you know for certain that the woman servicing you has made a free choice to do so, then more power to everyone involved, but I can not in good conscience support any establishment where there is even a chance that that might not be the case.
As I said before, I'm certainly not in denial that sex slavery happens. There's obviously an amount of sex slavery run through organized crime groups, and it's sick and wrong. To be perfectly frank, I avoid most AMP and lower priced establishments both because I'm not sure if the org is on the up and up, and also because generally the service is much better at well-reviewed organizations with well-reviewed girls. Usually I know what level of appearance and what services I'm going to get at a particular price, even if it's higher. I don't want to have to haggle, etc. On the other hand, I think the term 'free choice' is hard to define. To many Asian girls that provide, I think working for 3 months, or a few years, or however long they do it is a path to wealth that they don't have at home.

I, for one, would be very interested in a true study into the real percentage of girls who are here against their will vs girls who are here to build up a nest egg. Unfortunately, I don't have the language skills or the money to do the investigation myself.
acp ..If you haven"t been to an amp ,,,then you can't say that you have.and no that is not true of Japanese women. Originally Posted by pickupkid
I never stated that I have been to an AMP.
Japanese woman are Asian, but not all Asian woman are Japanses! Big difference!

Just because your a Cowboy doesn't mean your a Red Neck!

I'm guilty of the same stereo typing. When some does something dumb, I as "how long have you been a brunette?" Originally Posted by Still Looking
Thats true. But can you tell the difference between a Chinese and a Japanese?
Still Looking's Avatar
Thats true. But can you tell the difference between a Chinese and a Japanese? Originally Posted by acp5762
Yes, Oh Red Faced Tiger!

Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Filipinos, Thai, Vietnamese, Cantonese….

1. Koreans
Most Koreans are descendants of Northern Asians.
Koreans generally have smaller eyes without double eyelid with higher cheekbones and noses.
Koreans are generally taller than Southern Chinese, Japanese and Vietnamese. (Actually, South Koreans are the tallest in Asia!)

2. Japanese
Japanese generally have larger eyes and many of them have snaggle-teeth. Japanese women tend to put on thick makeup so that they look palely white.
Their behavior is different as well. They are more reserved and avoid physical contacts.

3. Chinese
China is a huge country and it is not a single-ethnic (ethnically homogenous) country as they are in Korea and Japan. Northern Chinese and Southern Chinese look quite different and they speak different languages which are not mutually intelligible.
Southern Chinese are definitely shorter than Northern Chinese and they have larger eyes and darker skin colors. Southern Chinese look more like Southeast Asians.
Mainland Chinese people don't dress well and less fashionable than Taiwanese, Koreans or Japanese.

4. Vietnamese
Vietnamese people are noticeably different from Koreans, Japanese and Northern Chinese because they are Southeast Asians. They are generally shorter and darker. They've got larger eyes too.

I use to date an asian gal (Japanese) but it didn't work out! We would have sex, an an hour later I wanted to have sex again!