Backpage Review With Cecilia88

First Off He Didnt See Me Off Backpage and 2nd he was weird and I felt uncomfortable.... All the people who have seen me should know I am not like that in the session....Thats All Im saying and if you read my p41q it states I dont kiss so thats his fault for not doing research....

I didn't say I saw you 'off BackPage'. I said that was the nature of the experience. And sure, play the "I felt uncomfortable" card. If that were true you would have left. Really? You blow somebody that's weird and makes you feel uncomfortable?
DH - I have to differ .. Using email, phone, whatever, to harass somebody is a crime. We're not talking "he said - she said" around who had bad breath or who peed on the toilet seat. These accusations involve events allegedly occurring outside the session.
Wakeup's Avatar
Then go to the police if you feel you're a victim of a one here gives a flying fuck, or is able to do anything even if they did...

What happens off this board is's part of your lesson about not fucking crazy've been schooled..
FYI.........Co-ed section is used by providers to dispute reviews they don't agree with or have problems with. We don't take sides on such issues, that is just away for them to have a say.
You have had your say with the review......she has her say with this post.......and let the chips fall where they may........Live and learn
boardman's Avatar
The more a fucktard rants at 2 am the more inclined I am to believe the provider claiming harassment...ijs.
I wish I had a dollar for every time I've had to read a post like this involving cecila88, she either has really bat luck or is bat shit crazy.
bat luck-- thats funny. No dog in this fight
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 04-24-2013, 09:26 AM
Dude ran her off. One bad review and she jets.
Naw she's bat shit crazy and not too bright either

A winning combo, for our entertainment, of course
boardman's Avatar
Dude ran her off. One bad review and she jets. Originally Posted by trey
That's not the first bad review. I have a feeling there is more to the story...There usually is.
HumbleHobbyist's Avatar
I wonder if she'll give him his money back?
Up till this debacle the wks bailed her out. This time she shit in her shoes. She said she doesn't offer kissing and Bamm!!!!!! There it is on p411. She didn't even say it was ymmv she said she didn't offer it. Now her ass is busted.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
That's not the first bad review. I have a feeling there is more to the story...There usually is. Originally Posted by boardman
There always is. Not many are willing to tell the whole truth without emotion.
jimmycz's Avatar
Drama, drama, drama!
The funny thing is she didn't have to leave the board. She apparently has plenty of guys who like her and say they've had a good time with her. If she would've just played it cool I'm sure a couple of great reviews of her would've popped up and her reputation would've been just fine. Instead she spazzes out and makes a bad situation even worse.

Hookerology 101: Learn how to use your wk's, that's what they're there for.