In case you haven't noticed, Obama is about to lose Iraq

wellendowed1911's Avatar
Yep, it's true, Bush won the war. Obama said so back then. After all, we left right? Doesn't that indicate the war was over and won. We didn't have to trade five real bad people for one soldier either. Bush won the Iraq war. Bush 41 in 1991 and Bush 43 in 2008. You can scream all you want (just like that first cock you took in the ass) but it doesn't change anything. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Have you gone mad or are you just a stupid buffoon that talks out of his ass? how did Bush win the war? Tell that to the 5000 families that lost loved ones. We are no safer than the start of the Iraqi war and Iraq is far worse off than before the war. Economically the war cost taxpayers 1 trillion dollars- let me repeat 1 TRILLION dollars- imagine the amount of jobs that could have been created with that money.
Saddam wasn't close to having a nuke and again where are the WMD's? Saddam was no angel, but I assure you had he still been in power- Iraq would not be in the shit hole it's in now- nor would Al-Queada have an influence in Iraq as it does now- you are fool to believe Bush won that war.
So you admit that Bush won this war....roll over and tap your friends on the shoulder and tell them. Yes, it was the Bush time table and part of that time table was to come to terms for leaving a ready force behind to preserve the peace. A force that might itself there for the next 30 years (ala Germany and South Korea). Now only an idiot would think that means the same people would be there for 30 years but we have some idiots reading this and it has to be explained to them. Garrison duty in Iraq (what difference does it make now!) would have probably been a two year assignment and then rotated out. The United States could have looked back and saw a strong, vibrant, sucessful representative government in the Middle East besides Israel. That is all busted now. We may find ourselves going back in as an army again.

I'm surprised that Munchie is not livid. All of those deaths that he keeps bringing up are now going to be in vain because Obama could never get his shit together and he picked Hillary to be the Secretary of State. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Of course Bush won the war I saw the Mission accomplished sign. I am sure you have seen they want us back.
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  • 06-12-2014, 01:54 PM
I feel sorry for the Iraqi's but damn they fucked up a good thing by fighting us so hard after we toppled the sadistic Saddam.............

Fuck em. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
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  • 06-12-2014, 01:57 PM
. Bush won the Iraq war. Bush 41 in 1991 and Bush 43 in 2008. . Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Bush 41 won a war in Iraq and Bush 43 had to go back and win it again , maybe Jeb 45 can go win it for the third time! Hopefully it will deplete all your SS and Medicare benefits.

You can supply them, you can train, them you can arm them, but when they drop their weapons shed their uniforms abandon their supply's and run away....FUCK THEM !!!!
BigLouie's Avatar
Do you mean like the perpetual wars in Germany, Japan, and South Korea? Yep, I've been to Germany a few times. Nothing like dodging daily sniper fire to wake you up in the morning.
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
you can't or will not answer the question will you. Should we have stayed in a situation that was basically never ending war.
Why did Obama offer to stay with a commitment of a measly 5,000 troops, a number that the Pentagon said wouldn't be large enough to protect themselves?

you can't or will not answer the question will you. Should we have stayed in a situation that was basically never ending war. Originally Posted by BigLouie
So Iraq is about to fall and Afghanistan will be in the same situation in two years or less.

Israel will threaten to bomb Iraq soon. I'm long in oil even though we don't get much of from the ME.

Thanks Obama.
Question got the pissers and moaners..........What would you do? Besides find fault.
Question got the pissers and moaners..........What would you do? Besides find fault. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You first dummy
Bush left Iraq is such good shape that the Obama administration was boasting and taking credit for Iraq (see the Biden comments).....It is the Obama administration that squandered that opportunity to maintain a stable, safe, and moderate Iraq. At the time Obama took over, Al Qaeda had been defeated in Iraq, the Sunni's were working with the US military, not fighting us, and Iraq was on the path to rebuilding.

Obama hastily withdrew, didn't get a Status of Force Agreement, pulling the rug out from under the Iraqis and we are now where we are.

Compounding the Iraqi problem was Obama's fumbling in Syria which laid the ground work for the radical ISIS group which is now in control of Northern Iraqi.

Yup, Obama squandered it. Al Qaeda was defeated militarily and ideologically. Not securing the agreement and leaving NO residual forces there undid all that was accomplished. These ISIS dudes are apparently much nastier than Al Qaeda.
You first dummy Originally Posted by gnadfly
What I figured. Nothing.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar

Obama should help out Iraq.
As Colin Powell said, you break it, you fix it. The US broke up their military and they have not yet reconstituted it.
They have asked for our help.
The war on Islamic terror is not over and there are now a lot of high value targets on the ground in Iraq.
Obama released the guy who is leading this operation from Gitmo. That makes us responsible for what he does.
We can probably get that status of forces agreement that Obama gave up on so easily.
Look what terrorism did to us with just a third world country like Afghanistan in their pocket. Imagine if the terrorists have a more modern country under their control.

That's the why.

How about the how?

The Congress just voted to ground the A-10 Warthog. Send this superb killers of ground targets to Iraq immediately along with some volunteers to fly them. We'll take oil vouchers on consignment for each plane. Our "volunteers" can get paid about $250,000 a year while they take time off from their other duties. Think Flying Tigers.
Use our carriers, drones, and cruise missiles to bring death down upon the insurgents.
Use our ground forces to seize, for our own use, key sites with strategic value.

All of this should have already been done by our feckless, do nothing president including a few phone calles to our allies (if they're still taking his calls) for some support.

Remember why we fought the first Gulf War. A force invaded another country and we mobilized immediately to send troops to preserve the oil fields of Saudi Arabia. How fast you ask? If this was 1990 our troops would already be on the ground in Iraq. That is how fast a Bush moves compared to an Obama who is probably still trying to decide which club to use on the green.
Why send any more material to them? They have abandon some of it already. Like helicopters guns tanks ect.

But don't worry Iran is sending help.