Blackmailed and need help

bladtinzu's Avatar
CYI.. Cover your own ass first off. She calls again tell her to fuck off since she was "moving to Vegas".. She threatens buy time with either spoofcard or trapcall. With spoofcard you can have any number you desire show up on her caller id and even change your voice. My suggestion is call and make like you a police officer from the town and make the number show up on her caller id as their number. That will scare the shit out of her sorry ass.

And if all else fails.... You can always pull the Blazing Saddles "Old Number Six" on her...
  • 07-21-2012, 09:19 AM
CYI.. Cover your own ass first off. She calls again tell her to fuck off since she was "moving to Vegas".. She threatens buy time with either spoofcard or trapcall. With spoofcard you can have any number you desire show up on her caller id and even change your voice. My suggestion is call and make like you a police officer from the town and make the number show up on her caller id as their number. That will scare the shit out of her sorry ass.

And if all else fails.... You can always pull the Blazing Saddles "Old Number Six" on her... Originally Posted by bladtinzu
This is HORRIBLE advice.... NEVER EVER EVER pose as a police officer.. her simply recording you could be a crime depending on the state. Her threatening to use it against you is DEFINITELY a crime in every state... As is posing as a law enforcement official..She has hardly SHIT on you at this point...misdemeanor charges at best...which a DA is NEVER going to pursue..because when she comes to him with the tape..he's going to want to know why she has it. Worst she can do is tell your wife.. But if YOU commit an actual crime trying to cover your ass, your wife IS going to find out. Cheapest best the cops, tell them what happened, say she claims she has video tape of you and threatens to show your wife. They will ask if you had sex with her, it SOUNDED like you won't even have to get as creative as Clinton did if all you did was a little handsey. What you could ask the cop to do is to call her and talk to her/leave her a message. She's out of's ticky tack..It MIGHT get referred to the FBI...but chances are she will just get a warning to scare the shit out of her. IF you did doink her..well..get an attorney or a PI on it. They can call her and inform her that she is breaking the law and that things will be pursued that have a lot more weight than what she is threatening you with.
I will say, I am not an attorney, so maybe somebody that is can correct me if I am wrong..but I think I am in the ballpark.. and feel certain in saying..NO MATTER WHAT...DO NOT commit a crime to try and make this go away.
bladtinzu's Avatar
This is HORRIBLE advice.... NEVER EVER EVER pose as a police officer.. her simply recording you could be a crime depending on the state. Her threatening to use it against you is DEFINITELY a crime in every state... As is posing as a law enforcement official..She has hardly SHIT on you at this point...misdemeanor charges at best...which a DA is NEVER going to pursue..because when she comes to him with the tape..he's going to want to know why she has it. Worst she can do is tell your wife.. But if YOU commit an actual crime trying to cover your ass, your wife IS going to find out. Cheapest best the cops, tell them what happened, say she claims she has video tape of you and threatens to show your wife. They will ask if you had sex with her, it SOUNDED like you won't even have to get as creative as Clinton did if all you did was a little handsey. What you could ask the cop to do is to call her and talk to her/leave her a message. She's out of's ticky tack..It MIGHT get referred to the FBI...but chances are she will just get a warning to scare the shit out of her. IF you did doink her..well..get an attorney or a PI on it. They can call her and inform her that she is breaking the law and that things will be pursued that have a lot more weight than what she is threatening you with.
I will say, I am not an attorney, so maybe somebody that is can correct me if I am wrong..but I think I am in the ballpark.. and feel certain in saying..NO MATTER WHAT...DO NOT commit a crime to try and make this go away. Originally Posted by LGLMT
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah.. With the voice changing option they offer and the call coming up on caller ID as the local police depertment there is no way to track it back to him.. Buy a throw away phone for wal mart and pay cash for it if you get antsy that it may be tracked back to you. Sure beats the "Old Number 6" or a shovel and 50 pound sack of lime..

** And legal disclaimer** These are my OPINIONS.. Not legal advice.. I am not an attorney nor do I play one on TV.. Hell I couldn't take the pay cut to become an attorney.
im sure u are or did fuck her around to piss her off... im feeling that right now with tom terrific. i will find his ass and he will pay me what he owes me or i too will ruin his world.. maybe u should think twice about clowning someone next time Originally Posted by JussDoMe
Wrong guy. I am on the East Coast. Check my reviews, Philly, Boston, Portland Me. Next time, do a little fact checking before you flame someone.
Tell the bitch you already told your wife and she needs to get in the back room and suck some dick instead of being a fucking loser whose only way to get money is think that she is actually smart enough to effect someones life!!!

LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Don't "threaten her" as some suggest, but simply tell her if you ever hear from her again you will report her to LE and that the penalty for blackmail is a prison sentence. That is a promise not a threat, but you should have some evidence to provide to the police (texts, withdrawals, photo, vid, etc..), otherwise it is a he/said she said and they are likely to do nothing.

If you are going to get an attorney or do any of the above you should probably consider insulating yourself in advance by telling you wife you did a stupid thing and went to a strip club and paid for a lap dance or something and now the dancer is blackmailing you. Yes, it will be painful, but not as painful as if she finds out accidentally later on. If you tell her now and give the facts now (whatever you are willing to give up, up and to the whole truth) the lying blackmailing stripper won't be believed hopefully. Speaking discretely to the management to get her fired will likely only enrage her as she is stupid to take the risk of blackmail for little bits of cash. Likely she is doing this to lots of others as well, so the LE route is best and then get a restraining order as well. With all that your wife will find out one way or the other most likely.

If you are going to pay again, make sure you get the photos, evidence whatever from her (which can be used for evidence if she doesn't disappear) if and when you get a lawyer or contact LE.

I hope your troubles end quickly and relatively painlessly. Good luck.
+1 post #18. Extortionists usually do themselves more harm than they do to their intended victims. People like that more often than not end up in an orange jumpsuit or worse. The best thing to do is put as much distance as you can between the two of you and know that you are living, and enjoying, your life while she has to scheme and scam to get by. Take comfort in that and it will be easier to live with.

Whatever you do don't play her game. Don't do anything illegal or have any further contact with her and chances are she will give up.

Good luck, hope it works out for you.
TheAntichrist666's Avatar
Blackmail is not good. I hope that this lady will leave you alone and that you can start enjoying your life again.
sky_wire's Avatar
SJ offered some good advice on this subject. Maybe you can find it by doing a search. He reported good results by sending a sternly worded cease and desist letter that include a promise (not a threat) of prosecution and other legal action. It probably wouldn’t cost too much for him to send such a letter on your behalf. A certified letter from a lawyer with references to criminal statutes and civil remedies tends to get someone's attention.
jalderoth's Avatar
Seriously? A burner phone is $40 and a burner email is 10 minutes of googling, one piece of software and you're done. If anyone is reading this cautionary tale, do your homework.
Block her number on your personal phone, you can do that. Tell her to fuck off if she does get in touch with you. Tell her that you are calling the cops and that blackmail and extortion is a felony. She will back off. The main thing with these low life's is they like to talk , do give them the opportunity,tell them the way it is and cut off all contact. you won't hear from them.
Block her number and be done with it. I'm sorry this situation happened, im going to pray for you.
littlejohnny's Avatar
just laugh at her and move on.
The Drummer's Avatar
It sounds like you don't know what to do. A wise person once told me that when you don't know what to do -- do nothing.
It sounds like you don't know what to do. A wise person once told me that when you don't know what to do -- do nothing. Originally Posted by The Drummer
I'm sorry that all this happening to you ....