Should trump Pardon obama?

  • Tiny
  • 08-21-2020, 10:31 PM
Tiny, Clinton was a competent POTUS. But he definitely looked better than he was because of the tech boom while he was in office IMO. That had nothing to do with him. It had everything to do with how the world was changing in technology. Again, that's just my opinion. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I wasn't exactly clear. The combination of President Clinton and a House and Senate controlled by Republicans accomplished good things in his second term. You can give as much credit to Newt Gingrich, the Speaker of the House, and Robert Rubin, the Treasury Secretary, as Clinton for this. Some of their accomplishments -

They cut the capital gains tax. When the capital gains tax rate is too high, people don't sell things, they just hold onto them to avoid paying the tax. When you cut the tax they sell and move their capital hopefully into more productive assets. They sell the buggy whip manufacturer and buy Ford for example. Capital is allocated more efficiently.

They did welfare reform. This moved some Americans off the welfare rolls and made them productive citizens, with positive effects on the unemployment rate and the economy in general.

They balanced the budget and showed a surplus, three years in a row. Other than piddly surpluses of 0.3% of GDP in 1969 and 0.1% in 1960, that's the only time that's happened since 1957. If other politicians could have done as well in good times we'd be in great shape with the national debt.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
They cut the capital gains tax. When the capital gains tax rate is too high, people don't sell things, they just hold onto them to avoid paying the tax. Originally Posted by Tiny
I have a few wealthy elderly family members who refuse to pay anything in taxes if they can avoid it. I have all of their account numbers because I am in their wills and I do their taxes so I obviously have access to their financial information. I'll be selling their investments before they are even buried and I have a death certificate for them. I joke with them about it and they laugh as if I am kidding. I'm not.
  • Tiny
  • 08-21-2020, 11:12 PM
I have a few wealthy elderly family members who refuse to pay anything in taxes if they can avoid it. I have all of their account numbers because I am in their wills and I do their taxes so I obviously have access to their financial information. I'll be selling their investments before they are even buried and I have a death certificate for them. I joke with them about it and they laugh as if I am kidding. I'm not. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Just make sure you wait until you're sure they're dead. The cost basis re-adjusts from what they paid for the assets to what the assets are worth on the date of death. So you don't pay any capital gains tax if you sell just after they die. Bizarrely I think this works for married couples too. Say you bought some Tesla stock cheap and now its worth millions. If you off your wife and then sell it the next day, I don't think you have to pay capital gains tax, provided the stock was community property and not your separate property. But I'm not sure, please check with your CPA before you kill your wife.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Tiny, I'm a CPA. I know how the tax game works. I'm crooked with their taxes already with certain loopholes. I'll just be more crooked for my own benefit when they die. Sounds fucked up but it's just the truth. I don't give a shit. I love money. The more money I save them in taxes, the more money I will inherit. I'm extremely greedy.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
In Ichthyology and taxes, it's important to watch out for the big fish. The IRS. So long as that big fish feels fed a lil' sump'n-sump'n, you get to live a free life. They just want a taste, a little something to wet their beak. Your happiness depends on their happiness. It's quite symbiotic.

Tiny, I'm a CPA. I know how the tax game works. I'm crooked with their taxes already with certain loopholes. I'll just be more crooked for my own benefit when they die. Sounds fucked up but it's just the truth. I don't give a shit. I love money. The more money I save them in taxes, the more money I will inherit. I'm extremely greedy. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Just make sure you wait until you're sure they're dead. The cost basis re-adjusts from what they paid for the assets to what the assets are worth on the date of death. So you don't pay any capital gains tax if you sell just after they die. Bizarrely I think this works for married couples too. Say you bought some Tesla stock cheap and now its worth millions. If you off your wife and then sell it the next day, I don't think you have to pay capital gains tax, provided the stock was community property and not your separate property. But I'm not sure, please check with your CPA before you kill your wife. Originally Posted by Tiny
I don't think he knows what a "stepped up basis" is my friend. You just schooled him. Hopefully, he will look it up online so he won't look so stupid next time - at least on this subject.

His use of every worn out and trite phrase known to man also betrays his lack of erudition.

Additionally, any real CPA I've ever met never talks about evading taxes. They legally avoid them.
  • Tiny
  • 08-22-2020, 04:10 PM
Tiny, I'm a CPA. I know how the tax game works. I'm crooked with their taxes already with certain loopholes. I'll just be more crooked for my own benefit when they die. Sounds fucked up but it's just the truth. I don't give a shit. I love money. The more money I save them in taxes, the more money I will inherit. I'm extremely greedy. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Lucas, If the Democrats control the presidency and Congress, and there's a good chance they will, the lifetime gift and estate tax exemption likely will go way down from the current level, $11.6 million. Depending on how much they're worth you'd be wise to get them to start gifting before the end of the year, before the exemption goes down. Or better yet, set up a grantor trust so they'll be paying the income tax on your nest egg while it's growing. If they want a steady income until the grim reaper comes calling, make it a grantor retained annuity trust.

But if you're able to cut their tax rate way down, I guess them paying the income tax doesn't do much good. So what if they pay the income taxes, if they don't amount to much anyway. What kind of loopholes are you using out of curiosity? I haven't found a way to get my tax rate much below 33%, and that's with a good amount of qualified dividend income and long term capital gains. Maybe 1031 exchanges?
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Obama doesn't need a pardon. And trump isn't hitler either

If you think about the complete and total lack of any type of acknowledgement that was shown during the impeachment, it's safe to say all trumpys would claim any charges are frivolous.

And who knows what he will try before the election.
This thread is a red herring, a fake diversion pretending to show Obama mercy. To get mercy for trump.

Stop and think of the stupid and outlandish claims obewan continues to make about dems. And now he's Mr. Reasonable?
I'll wait and see how things go whether "Obama" needs a pardon or not.
You touched on pretty much whatever i was going to say.

Trumped up frivolous charges are one thing, which oeb stated as a qualifier, the whole Hitler thing is clearly the other end of the spectrum which should be prosecuted.

I can't help but think with all these pardons he's handing out that it sends a message that corruption and fraud are perfectly acceptable behaviors and that the store is open for business with a wide open menu. Originally Posted by sexykarma
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
if obama did something illegal that he did during his administration, he shouldn't be pardoned.

it all depends on what he did or did not do.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Didn't Obama commit war crimes?
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Listen to yourself. You say he shouldn't be pardoned before you add qualifiers.

Of course the biggest qualifier is did he do anything that needs to be pardoned.

Did you see how the gum flapper brought that up.
trump, with 20,000 plus lies, says Obama did something. Just like he said Biden did something wrong. Remember that impeachment thing?.

I could spend every spare minute I have correcting obewan. He takes it as fact his description of the dems is correct. Then he wants logical discussions....but only if he gets to define your position.
In a real moderated debate, he would be standing there, slack jaw hanging down, from his first answer.
"Do you have proof of your stupid dfpjfd claim?" "Ahhh..a...a...ah. Everyone knows this!!!"

No, that's what the morons say. Obama spied on trump's campaign!!!!! Because trump says so?

“HE SPIED ON MY CAMPAIGN, AND GOT CAUGHT!” Trump accused Obama, repeating a false conspiracy theory stemming from the FBI’s surveillance of Trump campaign associates in the run-up to the 2016 election"

He was watching the speech and the little douche-bag got nailed big time.
He combats the truth with lies. He has been cheating on his taxes for years and he'll be someone's bitch at club fed.

if obama did something illegal that he did during his administration, he shouldn't be pardoned.

it all depends on what he did or did not do. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
winn dixie's Avatar
Fuck that kenyan born odummer! And the tranny hes married to!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Charging him with something is one thing but a trial will never happen.

Drag him through the mud, charge him and then take the high road and pardon him..

Politics 101