Consider though, if you ran say a hotel or restaurant, it would be you that would face a lawsuit, etc. for discriminating against someone that likes the Southern flag....not the other way around.
Originally Posted by atlcomedy
You're right. But if I were, say, a therapist, and I had a client who showed up every time we met with a rebel flag on his shirt, I think the responsible/ethical thing to do would be to say I can't see him as a client since I have certain predispositions that would make me not able to serve him as I should. (I'm not 100% sure about this...any resident armchair psychologists want to chime in with their "professional" opinion?
Charles you just don't see southern gentlemen hanging the rebel flag out in front of their house or on their vehicle. As Stick1969 said its distasteful, lacks couth and I'll add tacky.
Originally Posted by Ansley
Ansley, you and others who pointed this out hit the nail on the head! I did a little more thinking and what originally gave me pause was that the provider in question was so attached to the flag that she felt compelled to advertise with it. I don't think I'd feel comfortable shopping at any establishment where the Rebel Flag factored prominently into their marketing... Although I would probably get an astonished giggle out of seeing an ad in the paper that said something like "Discount Pool Cleaners" with a big confederate flag underneath.
It simply has powerful connotations for me that are hard for me to get over even as, with special thanks to Rudyard, I can understand that it may not be so for the person displaying it. And thanks to this discussion I've realized I've got a certain aversion to iconography in general...except when it involves cute cats and dogs!