Trumps put sanctions on Venezuela crude...bad news for Gulf Coast refineries

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  • WTF
  • 01-31-2019, 12:22 PM
"symptoms of dementia" ..

! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Old man ,you'd be tje certified expert on that, not that you'd remember!

Did you read the title of the thread?

It is about Gulf Coast refineries.

Refineries pass on cost to consumers. Do you understand this concept old man?

If the sanctions stay in place and if the heavy crude supply stay botylenecked, expect gas prices to rise. It does not happen overnight.

And anecdotal story does not mean you or gnadfly are correct.

Maybe you two JD Rockefellers can point out the economic theiry that tighter supplies and higher costs result in lower prices.

Until then back to your apple side at tje senior probably got a silver alert out for you.
Expect gas prices to rise if these stay in effect.

And they will because Trump wants us to buy the more expensive Saudi heavy crude... Originally Posted by WTF
My recent comment is EXACTLY ON TOPIC per THE OP.

As has been pointed out by others. Again, repetition is called for!

By the way WTF, how do you know that President Trump wants us to buy the more expensive Saudi heavy crude? Simply because it's heavy? Is that your collusion theory? Proof?
themystic's Avatar
Look who's talking...
You Nazi!! Originally Posted by bb1961
is calling me a nazi on topic?
Heavy crude...try and keep up. Originally Posted by WTF
Fuck heavy crude!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-31-2019, 04:16 PM

By the way WTF, how do you know that President Trump wants us to buy the more expensive Saudi heavy crude? Simply because it's heavy? Is that your collusion theory? Proof? Originally Posted by gnadfly
I've already provided a link showing just that....shall I read it to you? Maybe a coloring book by numbers?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-01-2019, 08:05 AM

By the way WTF, how do you know that President Trump wants us to buy the more expensive Saudi heavy crude? Simply because it's heavy? Is that your collusion theory? Proof? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Analysts warned that US refiners will now have to import heavy crude from the Middle East at a significant markup. The increased costs will likely eat into razor-thin margins for refiners.

"US refiners will be amongst the biggest losers," Rodriguez-Masiu wrote....

….The complex US refinery system can't rely solely on the very light blend of crude getting pumped out of the Permian Basin and other shale hotspots. It must be mixed with heavy crude — and these days, that often comes from Venezuela.
Where will the crude come from?

Mnuchin downplayed this problem, pointing out that crude can be sourced elsewhere.
"I'm sure many of our friends in the Middle East will be happy to make up the supply," Mnuchin said.
I've already provided a link showing just that....shall I read it to you? Maybe a coloring book by numbers? Originally Posted by WTF
Congratulations on posting a link. That's all you posted. If you want me to click the link you have to give some motivation to do so. Cutting and pasting pieces that support your assertion would be the beginning. Otherwise we have little idea what sections of the link is pertinent. It's fun though watching people go through your articles and point out sections that counter the arguments you think you are making.

Analysts warned that US refiners will now have to import heavy crude from the Middle East at a significant markup. The increased costs will likely eat into razor-thin margins for refiners.

"US refiners will be amongst the biggest losers," Rodriguez-Masiu wrote....

….The complex US refinery system can't rely solely on the very light blend of crude getting pumped out of the Permian Basin and other shale hotspots. It must be mixed with heavy crude — and these days, that often comes from Venezuela.
Where will the crude come from?

Mnuchin downplayed this problem, pointing out that crude can be sourced elsewhere.
"I'm sure many of our friends in the Middle East will be happy to make up the supply," Mnuchin said. Originally Posted by WTF
You haven't pointed out why "Trump wants us to buy the more expensive Saudi oil." I need a direct quote from President Trump, not something you, CNN or Mnuchin surmises. It's more mind reading. If it's slightly more expensive who cares? You haven't made an impact statement.
is calling me a nazi on topic? Originally Posted by themystic
That's your "go to" word in every post...topic or not!!
I just though I would indulge you...
Congratulations on posting a link. That's all you posted. If you want me to click the link you have to give some motivation to do so. Cutting and pasting pieces that support your assertion would be the beginning. Otherwise we have little idea what sections of the link is pertinent. It's fun though watching people go through your articles and point out sections that counter the arguments you think you are making.

You haven't pointed out why "Trump wants us to buy the more expensive Saudi oil." I need a direct quote from President Trump, not something you, CNN or Mnuchin surmises. It's more mind reading. If it's slightly more expensive who cares? You haven't made an impact statement. Originally Posted by gnadfly
This is WTF's narrative...not facts!!
themystic's Avatar
That's your "go to" word in every post...topic or not!!
I just though I would indulge you... Originally Posted by bb1961
ok Nazi ive had enough. now get back on topic and don't speak Russian this time. I know you are an immigrant but we speak English in the usa
bambino's Avatar
ok Nazi ive had enough. now get back on topic and don't speak Russian this time. I know you are an immigrant but we speak English in the usa Originally Posted by themystic
“We speak English in the USA” really? Many of your ilk think it’s fine NOT to speak English. Just ask Tom Brokow.
ok Nazi ive had enough. now get back on topic and don't speak Russian this time. I know you are an immigrant but we speak English in the usa Originally Posted by themystic
Another waste of bandwidth...
we speak English in the usa Originally Posted by themystic
Some of your buddies on the left think we should speak less of it!!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-01-2019, 03:30 PM
Congratulations on posting a link. That's all you posted. If you want me to click the link you have to give some motivation to do so. Cutting and pasting pieces that support your assertion would be the beginning. Otherwise we have little idea what sections of the link is pertinent. It's fun though watching people go through your articles and point out sections that counter the arguments you think you are making.

You haven't pointed out why "Trump wants us to buy the more expensive Saudi oil." I need a direct quote from President Trump, not something you, CNN or Mnuchin surmises. It's more mind reading. If it's slightly more expensive who cares? You haven't made an impact statement. Originally Posted by gnadfly
evidently the power of deductive reasoning never resonated with you

Let us see:

Trump bans Venezuela oil

Canada's pipelines arr full.

The only other place is the more expensive Saudi crude.

Top Trump official on record as saying how happy they'd be for you to buy Saudi oil.

But our resident oil expert wants Trump on record as SAYING that is wtf he wants instead of all his actions proving so.

What was your standard on the Benghazi investigation was it that high