PlannedParenthood wins Supreme Court Case

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
they didn't make any ruling.

part of the supreme court chose not to hear the appeals from the lower court.

Judge K sided with the liberals not to hear the case.
I think they will also say, "as advanced as they were they killed people for crimes and imprisoned millions of people for...." Originally Posted by themystic
It is a rather strange paradox that we give the same treatment to those that are most innocent and dependent as we do those that are the most Vile and evil.

themystic's Avatar
It is a rather strange paradox that we give the same treatment to those that are most innocent and dependent as we do those that are the most Vile and evil.

Death. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Yes it is Jackie, a paradox. That's why when people say they are "pro life", I ask them if they believe in the death penalty. 95% say yes. They are not pro life, they are anti abortion. These kooks who blow up abortion clinics are a perfect example
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-11-2018, 07:36 AM
It is a rather strange paradox that we give the same treatment to those that are most innocent and dependent as we do those that are the most Vile and evil.

Death. Originally Posted by Jackie S
What many fail to acknowledge is just what one calls 'life'.

If you believe 'life' starts at conception then you believe abortion is murder.

I've always contended that if in fact one believes that then they are spineless as most people would be rioting in the streets if they really believed that.

I certainly do not believe that is when life begins.

Btw...isn't it interesting how Judge K ruled? He already dissappointed his supporters.

Btw...isn't it interesting how Judge K ruled? He already dissappointed his supporters. Originally Posted by WTF
Not at all odd. Kavanaugh stated many times that while he believed abortion to be aborhant, he also recognized that it was now established law that had been litigated countless times.

It was the goof ball leftist that kept screaming how he would condemn women to back ally's for a randevou with a flashlight tube and coat hanger.

They hated Kavanaugh and were willing to destroy him by what ever means possible because of the President that appointed him.

That says a lot about the Liberal/Progressive/Socialist and their agenda.
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  • WTF
  • 12-11-2018, 08:39 AM
Not at all odd. Kavanaugh stated many times that while he believed abortion to be aborhant, he also recognized that it was now established law that had been litigated countless times.

It was the goof ball leftist that kept screaming how he would condemn women to back ally's for a randevou with a flashlight tube and coat hanger.

They hated Kavanaugh and were willing to destroy him by what ever means possible because of the President that appointed him.

That says a lot about the Liberal/Progressive/Socialist and their agenda. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Actually the case was about who has standing to sue...I actually agree with Thomas and think the SC should have taken up this case and then ruled in the defendants favor!
  • grean
  • 12-11-2018, 03:04 PM
How many years now have we been teaching sex ed, and it STILL doesn't stop teen pregnancy? What about handing out free condoms all over the place?

Exactly. The left's all for it, LET THEM PAY.. Originally Posted by garhkal

Teen pregnancy has been declining for the past 20 years. In fact 2010 reported an all time low.

There is a correlation between states with less sex ed and high teen pregnancy rates, however. What a surprise.

States with comprehensive sex ed programs also have low teen pregnancy rates.....

But hey. Let's defund planned parenthood completely so parents in states without comprehensive sex ed in school can't take their kids anywhere to learn.