Wife threatens to "out" Husband

Sweet N Little's Avatar
I didn't know that could be prevented by an attorney Chella, good advise !!

@ Old Grump I think your last statement hit the target.
Man up and take his losses and move on and find happiness. Life is too short to travel thru it being miserable.
burkalini's Avatar
Very unfortunate situation as kids are involved. I have seen results from parents staying together for the kids sake and it rarely improves anything. Children are very smart and I believe letting them know the truth will hurt alot at the time but in the long run they will respect it. As far as the wife is concerned to use the kids as fodder in this battle is beyond evil in my mind. I have said many times on this site that I believe if you are married you don't hobby unless you have permission from the spouse. I know this is old fashioned but this is a prime example of the downfalls of it. The bottom line is the kids get hurt. The split should have taken place before any hobbying was done if the wife was unwilling to be intimate or take part in counseling. I still believe that no matter the situation honesty is always best no matter how hard it is at the time. I wish them the best and hope they can all move on in a positive way.
I just don’t comprehend why guys marry women who aren’t "wild", but I guess if they did us escorts would be in trouble!

It’s her fault for not taking care of his sexual needs, now she is wanting to turn the tables on him, which is just pathetic.

And if he resides in a town like I do, where there are more churches than stores, I truly feel bad for him. Because in towns like these people can be such hypocritical assholes. They fully enjoy mingling around someone else’s doorsteps, yet they refuse to clean-up around their own. I just don’t know what to say, I feel bad for him, but feel worse for the children because they are the ones that are really going to be affected by the shit storm in the end!!
shorty's Avatar
Who says some people in that town doesn't already know that there's problems in that household. If it's a small town like I grew up in as a child, everyone knew everything. Whose wife was sleeping with who and what guys where a woman chaser. I do feel for the kids and can only hope they don't take the path of doing drugs and fucking every guy or girl in town because of the parents are always arguing and then taking it out on the kids through verbal abuse.

Your seriously blaming her for him fucking hookers? Bullshit! If there was an issue with the marriage, he should have addressed it. I dont feel sorry for him or anyone else who does this and gets busted. You know the risks, you take it and you deal with the consequences. There are soooo many women who have no idea there is an issue with the marriage and the man is fucking around to fill whatever need he has to. There are 2 sides here I am sure, and he is playing himself to others as a victim. Whatever. I feel for the kids, especially if they find out. I would imagine there is so much shame, not only if the parent is having an affair, but a hooker on top of it.

Bottomline, he is at fault for doing this, not her. She is a victim and obviously very angry. I dont blame her.
London Rayne's Avatar

Your seriously blaming her for him fucking hookers? Bullshit! If there was an issue with the marriage, he should have addressed it. I dont feel sorry for him or anyone else who does this and gets busted. You know the risks, you take it and you deal with the consequences. There are soooo many women who have no idea there is an issue with the marriage and the man is fucking around to fill whatever need he has to. There are 2 sides here I am sure, and he is playing himself to others as a victim. Whatever. I feel for the kids, especially if they find out. I would imagine there is so much shame, not only if the parent is having an affair, but a hooker on top of it.

Bottomline, he is at fault for doing this, not her. She is a victim and obviously very angry. I dont blame her. Originally Posted by CiaoBitchezz!
Umm yes! I don't buy into that ole, "I cheat because the wife won't screw me" from 90 percent of the guys that run that line either. There can't be that many women out there who just don't like sex, or at least do it for his sake.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Umm yes! I don't buy into that ole, "I cheat because the wife won't screw me" from 90 percent of the guys that run that line either. There can't be that many women out there who just don't like sex, or at least do it for his sake. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Yet this is the most often given reason...
London Rayne's Avatar
Sure is!
a lot of times when a guy would talk poorly about his wife around me, I would tell him ya know " maybe she is giving it to someone else, because if you treat her as badly as you talk about her, if I were her Id be fucking someone else besides you too"

A few guys never came back lol. Good riddance!

I dont judge the married guys. But do not disrespect your wife in my presence. Most have no clue there is an issue and many men are just downright dawgs! I respect the guys who tell me they love their wife but for some reason, medical, etc. things arent too good. If things are that bad, get a divorce, because the ones you are really hurting are the kids.
shorty's Avatar
And why is it that that line is so popular among the hobbyist. Is it because there addicted to the hobby and can't come to terms that there cheating against there wife. Or they just lost interest in the sex with her, eventhough she will still give it up once a month or so.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Thats why you set "ground" rules before saying I do, Mine was if I had to go longer than 3 days without it was "grounds" for divorce
Naomi4u's Avatar
And why is it that that line is so popular among the hobbyist. Is it because there addicted to the hobby and can't come to terms that there cheating against there wife. Or they just lost interest in the sex with her, eventhough she will still give it up once a month or so. Originally Posted by shorty
You answered that question yourself already. It's always some bullshit excuse. I too can't believe that there are that many bitches in the world. Now .. I do believe that some guys married cruella and didn't realize it until it was too late. I've heard everything from "My wife is on menopause" to "My wife tried to poison me last month". Ya never know what to believe. I don't care too much though. Just set the money on the table and I'll be a good little provider and give you a great bj.
Marriage is so over-rated anywho... 98% of men cheat, the other 2% are paralyzed from the waist down. Either guy's get bored with the sex with the wife, or the wife doesn't give it up. It takes two people to make a marriage work, not just one... And if she wasn't willing to work with him or he not meet her half-way then that's probably why he rented a ho.. I'm not the jealous type of lady anyways, I could care less who the old man is doing, the only thing I would ask of him is to not throw it up in my face!!
London Rayne's Avatar
Marriage is so over-rated anywho... 98% of men cheat, the other 2% are paralyzed from the waist down. Either guy's get bored with the sex with the wife, or the wife doesn't give it up. It takes two people to make a marriage work, not just one... And if she wasn't willing to work with him or he not meet her half-way then that's probably why he rented a ho.. I'm not the jealous type of lady anyways, I could care less who the old man is doing, the only thing I would ask of him is to not throw it up in my face!! Originally Posted by only1sweetmaddy
Actually, it is less than 70 percent who cheat and we really don't know the situation. For someone like you who finds that type of thing ok, then it may not be a big deal...for others, it is.

Not everyone marries to be cheated on, and the "it's her fault" thing only works for so long. Men who cheat usually will cheat on a supermodel porn star, so it can go either way. I know so many couples where the wife is cooking, cleaning, putting out, and the guy still wants something new. No other person is responsible for our actions. WE can decide to do what we know is best. It's called SELF control.

Bottom line....we all make choices and those choices have consequences we have to live with. It's always tears and apologies when someone gets caught lol.