How is everybody doing?

Hematoma's Avatar
Hey, what is wrong with this? A valued member of the community has returned. Be thankful and grateful, not spiteful and miserable. Be positive. Not negative. Originally Posted by tatasddd
I would like to apologize to the folks at Merriam-Webster for abusive treatment of the word "valued"
berryberry's Avatar
You of all people should know what we can and cannot discuss here. Originally Posted by paintedbynumbers
Are you sure about that. He has been banned under multiple handles over 25 times. He either is ill equipped to understand the rules or he just constantly and purposely ignores them
tatasddd's Avatar
Are you sure about that. He has been banned under multiple handles over 25 times. He either is ill equipped to understand the rules or he just constantly and purposely ignores them Originally Posted by berryberry
OK dames4u.
berryberry's Avatar
OK dames4u. Originally Posted by tatasddd
Dames4U - now there is a name of another person from the past who could not follow the rules. If I recall, he made you look quite foolish before he left the site. Seems you miss him although I doubt anyone else does.
tatasddd's Avatar
Dames4U - now there is a name of another person from the past who could not follow the rules. If I recall, he made you look quite foolish before he left the site. Seems you miss him although I doubt anyone else does. Originally Posted by berryberry
D4U, this is true in your mind and imagination only and alone. Everybody knows it is the exact opposite.
berryberry's Avatar
D4U, this is true in your mind and imagination only and alone. Everybody knows it is the exact opposite. Originally Posted by tatasddd
Tats - unlike you who has been banned at least 25 or 30 times and unlike you who has used over 15 different handles here to escape your bans and cause problems by outing people, bashing moderators, etc., I have had one handle the entire time - berryberry.

Sorry to burst your bubble
tatasddd's Avatar
Tats - unlike you who has been banned at least 25 or 30 times and unlike you who has used over 15 different handles here to escape your bans and cause problems by outing people, bashing moderators, etc., I have had one handle the entire time - berryberry.

Sorry to burst your bubble Originally Posted by berryberry
If you let your imagination flow even further, you may deduce I have had not 25-30 handles but rather 250-300 ones. And if I ever outed anyone, it was because they first outed me so I outed them in return. It kind of goes both ways right? I do not do shit unprovoked. If you stab me, you should expect to be stabbed.And true, your only client handle may have been berryberry, but your procurer handle is no secret to anyone that it is d4u as well.
So wait a second here. Tatts are you implying that Berry and Joe are the same person? Because it damn sure sounds like it. If so that would be a ban for outing his personal info.
tatasddd's Avatar
So wait a second here. Tatts are you implying that Berry and Joe are the same person? Because it damn sure sounds like it. If so that would be a ban for outing his personal info. Originally Posted by paintedbynumbers
Who in the world is named d4u paintedbynumbers? You should get the ban hammer for instigating lies and attempting to get a honourable and valued member banned. Yes, I do think it is the same person.
"honurable and vauled"

Never known someone so valued banned multiple times, even for 2+ years. If you were so valued you would have been brought back sooner. You would have been missed for more than just kumquat and BK dumpster jokes.

But I refuse to stoop to your midget level. So take care and try to stick around this time.
tatasddd's Avatar
"honurable and vauled"

Never known someone so valued banned multiple times, even for 2+ years. If you were so valued you would have been brought back sooner. You would have been missed for more than just kumquat and BK dumpster jokes.

But I refuse to stoop to your midget level. So take care and try to stick around this time. Originally Posted by paintedbynumbers
Now isn't this outing again that you just did to reveal where I briefly, many years ago for a total of 10 days worked at BK in between two jobs? Many ill-wishers may link me to and find me in real world through BK employment records. I think you really gotta go. I think you should now get the ban hammer for outing.
I'm doing FUCKING amazing!
tatasddd's Avatar
I'm doing FUCKING amazing! Originally Posted by sjomonty
There you go man! Your post could not have been any more to the point than this! Great job. I am glad you are doing fucking amazing. Anything new going on in your life? This is what I call "staying on topic". I am positive my return has contributed to your fucking amazing doing, has it not?
BK? I didn't know you worked there? I was referring to the British Knights shoes you found in the dumpster. But good to know...
tatasddd's Avatar
BK? I didn't know you worked there? I was referring to the British Knights shoes you found in the dumpster. But good to know... Originally Posted by paintedbynumbers
Do not worry. A mod will handle it. Place of employment is personal information. You will be knighted.