Review: Star is a Disappointment

Sorry to hear that Codybeast! Welcome Back.
Sorry to hear that Codybeast! Welcome Back. Originally Posted by rockerrick
Still not so sure I'm back. The reason I got a GF to begin with was because I burnt out on hobbying. Couldn't justify it anymore.
This GF wanted me to move into her big assed home out in the middle of Bum Fuck with her 12 unruly pets after only 6 months of dating.
I said I would NEVER move into that environment with a commute no less and that was the end of that lol.
At least the sex was great while it lasted. We were not a good match but our bodies sure were.
You can always dabble a little. But RL is definitely better.
4'11DiamondSpinner's Avatar
Sorry to hear that Codybeast! Welcome Back. Originally Posted by rockerrick
Thank you Rick i do truly adore all of you guys especially all of you like Cody, 100 bill, Russ that have been my cheerleaders and supporters from day 1 . I know im hard to track down for appointments but i am defiantly worth the time, effort .The Good things in life are never that easy to get, but they always pay off Big in the end So dont give up on me guys keep trying .........XOXO Your Sexy Spinning Star