Am I wrong for being a bit pissed?

Move on!! Find another - she apparently doesn't think you're all that special or deserving of any special consideration and certainly does not respect your loyalty....NEXT!!!
wildething's Avatar
I had a date scheduled with a provider I have seen several times. It was a three hour date. One day before the appointment ( over 24 hrs) I woke up with a cold, trying to be respect full, I left it up to her rather than can cell or just show up anyway ( she wouldn't have known I was sick as it was just a fever and headache). She decided to cancel. After she said it really hurt her financially. Originally Posted by Big unit
HER decision to cancel hurt her financially?!? I'd bet it didn't hurt her financially as much as meeting with you, getting your cold, and then having had to cancel several days of appointments would have.

It's your right to feel however you feel. And even if it seems like a terrible business decisions, it's also her right to blow off a several time patron for $600. It is what it is. But hey, at least you didn't book 8 hours with her...
I think he needs to run down to the ATM and grab some more cash and call better half and have make up sex.
I think he needs to run down to the ATM and grab some more cash and call better half and have make up sex. Originally Posted by Worldtravler
She has a headache, ,
roll_with_me's Avatar
I had a date scheduled
I left it up to her rather than cancel
She decided to cancel.
After she said it really hurt her financially.
I offered her slightly over half the amount
She comes and gets the money

After I get better we begin planning another date. She then tells me that the "cancellation" fee, which she never asked for, I offered, cannot be used for any future dates.
Am I right in being pissed enough to cancel the next date? If this is how she does things... Originally Posted by Big unit
Please forgive me for re-framing the question a little. I think there two main issues here:

1. Did the provider make a good decision? / Were there any sound business decisions made? Should you see the provider in the future based on the decisions she made?

The answer to all of the questions above is No

2. Should you be pissed? Yes / Should you be pissed at the provider? No.

I understand you were probably very pissed, but I think you really should stop and think who you are/should be pissed at?

Honestly it sounds like you made a number of poor decisions that now you are not happy about. A simple case of buyers remorse, mixed with possibly a bit of disillusionment.

Look at all the unconditional I statements that you made. These were your decisions. Own them.

You made your decisions and the provider made her own decisions based on what was offered, I think both of you made poor decisions.

"She then tells me that the "cancellation" fee, which she never asked for, I offered, cannot be used for any future dates." Originally Posted by Big unit
Terms of Sale: Seller offers to pay buyer $600 dollars for buyers decision not to see seller. Buyer must agree to come pick up the money from seller.

Buyer: "Deal! I'm on my way over right now. Stay right there!"

You offered her the money. She picked it up. Transaction completed. Later you wanted to renegotiate the terms of the agreement after the transaction was over. That's bad business in any line of work.

Here's where there may be a bit of disillusionment.

1. Expecting someone else to respond in a way you wanted them to without agreed on expectations up front can lead to disappointment whether in the "Real World" or in the "Hobby World".

2. There is primarily financial relationship for the provider. She's selling you the fantasy of intimacy. The "Hobby World" mixes a financial transaction for another human beings time, and the lines between sex and intimacy can get blurry. There's a reason there's the term "trick" the only problem is no one wants to be treated like one.
pyramider's Avatar
Yeah, it's always good to kick somebody when they are down. Teaches them a lot about this wonderful community. Originally Posted by awl4knot

I could have told the fucktard "tough shit, you fucked up," but I did not. Why? Because that would have kicking them when they are down.
Jagermonster's Avatar
I could have told the fucktard "tough shit, you fucked up," but I did not. Why? Because that would have kicking them when they are down. Originally Posted by pyramider
What? No mention of 1.3" of dangling death?
Randall Creed's Avatar
I'm late to this thread, and before I read all the responses, I'll say I would've told that b-word to go to hell. My apologies if this sounds too harsh. Tough shit if she's inconvenienced financially. There are no guarantees in this business. Shit, guys get cancelled on ON THE WAY to the session and don't get any future pussy points to use later on. Oh, but when the women are 'inconvenienced' their whole worlds are fucked up.

Oh, well. Run a special. Call up one of your reliables. Aren't you ladies supposed to have a couple of reliable, ready-made go to guys?

Again, there are no guarantees in this business. I don't believe in cancellation fees UNLESS it's something completely based on my negligence (I forgot the date, just decided not to go through with it, etc.). Maybe I'll start when I see favorable recoups the other way.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Given the 24 hour notice, you owed her nothing, especially since you were sick. She should apply the 600 toward a future date, but that is passed now.
I think you really like her. She coulda probably skinned you for a bunch more, had she kept her head.
You are lucky this is all she took, and now you have your eyes open. At this point, when you find many of the girls are actually quite honest and decent, you will treasure it even more.
Good luck out there, and I hope the money she took you didn't really need.
Randall Creed's Avatar
You have every right to be pissed. I would NEVER give a girl a cancellation fee if I gave her 24 hour notice. I know you might have some type of feeling for her if you have seen her several times, but damn, this is still a business transaction. Heck, I wouldn't even feel obligated if I gave her an hour notice. You got played. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
I like your version a little better than mine.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-25-2014, 11:21 AM
Given the 24 hour notice, you owed her nothing, especially since you were sick. She should apply the 600 toward a future date, but that is passed now.
I think you really like her. She coulda probably skinned you for a bunch more, had she kept her head.
You are lucky this is all she took, and now you have your eyes open. At this point, when you find many of the girls are actually quite honest and decent, you will treasure it even more.
Good luck out there, and I hope the money she took you didn't really need. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Nicely said.
awl4knot's Avatar
I could have told the fucktard "tough shit, you fucked up," but I did not. Why? Because that would have kicking them when they are down. Originally Posted by pyramider
Nah, the words are different but the message to the "fucktard" is the same. Mean-spirited, callous, superior all apply.
john_deere's Avatar
^never spent much time in a locker room, eh?

I recently had a gent show up sick and I wound up catching his cold. I would have greatly appreciated if he had for warned me! So personally I think you went above and beyond! Hate to throw a fellow provider under the bus BUT yes she should have been grateful and deducted off future visit. Not very nice! I would be upset as well. Many girls out there that would appreciate your efforts!
Beau Derierre's Avatar
I recently had a gent show up sick and I wound up catching his cold. I would have greatly appreciated if he had for warned me! So personally I think you went above and beyond! Hate to throw a fellow provider under the bus BUT yes she should have been grateful and deducted off future visit. Not very nice! I would be upset as well. Many girls out there that would appreciate your efforts! Originally Posted by lisaluvsxxoo