Providers, is it important or necessary for you to like your clients?

I got

LOL, come wave your $500 my way and see how fast I turn it down Originally Posted by Nicole Preston
Mr.Heffner who do you see so i can ask her does she like you......just saying!!!

Do you have anything positive to say about providers? or we all evil little witches who only stick brooms up people butts secretly disguised as cute gals who invite guys over for money.
yaddayadda's Avatar
Lisa.....HMMMM, evil witch fantasy....could big would the broom be?

On a serious note, in the end its one on one (people to people), yes money is involved but and I am sure a lot of women have let lots of guys do things to them for reasons other than love....BUT if you cross the decency line....anyone will bolt. A little kindness from both parties make the experience more enjoyable.
Mr. Heffner's Avatar
I never ever called any provider evil nor witches. Where the fuck did THAT come from?

I am just saying that providers ARE IN THIS BUSINESS TO MAKE MONEY.NOT to make "friends".

I'm SURE that a provider whose mortgage and car payment is due would turn down an overnighter for $1000 from someone she had seen and although he treated her with respect and the session went well, they didn't "click", so she would turn down the date.
Suuuuuuuurrrrrrrreeeee. Dont treat us like idiots. We're not. Heff
Guest012211-3's Avatar
Well Sherlock, anyone in any business is in it to make money, duh

Why can't you believe that some of us are willing to turn down your cash?? There are too many other respectful, nice gentlemen waiting to fill your place.

I'm curious to know where/who you are getting these "facts" seem dead set on knowing the "truth". At least back up your statements.
Buck Fuddy's Avatar
Not only would Nicole turn down your cash, but she turns down offers of bringing in the phone book.
Mr.Heffner who do you see so i can ask her does she like you......just saying!!!

Do you have anything positive to say about providers? or we all evil little witches who only stick brooms up people butts secretly disguised as cute gals who invite guys over for money. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
I hear ya on that one girl. He has said some stuff about me that wasnt true either.
LOL, come wave your $500 my way and see how fast I turn it down Originally Posted by Nicole Preston
I wouldnt take 1000 bucks from this guy. He has no respect to us woman are what we do.
I never ever called any provider evil nor witches. Where the fuck did THAT come from?

I am just saying that providers ARE IN THIS BUSINESS TO MAKE MONEY. Originally Posted by Mr. Heffner
No, you're saying - and in no uncertain terms, you with your CAPSLOCKS of INSISTENCE - that providers are all so broke and desperate that they'll do anything for cash. Even you.

(And while I'm fairly certain you didn't mean it to come out quite like that, I am enjoying it too much to bother feeling insulted.)
Bestman200600's Avatar
You have to treat the ladies right if you want to play, otherwise the only thing your going to get are HJ.
rakuguy's Avatar
I had a client not long ago that I'd gotten along with just fine and then one day he started saying things about his stepdaughter and wife that were so controlling and vicious that I told him I thought it best for him to find a different therapist. I have no problem saying "no". Originally Posted by Dharma
You can always tell a person's true colors by how they treat others when they are with you. They may be fawning all over you if they want something from you at the moment but in time you will be treated just as poorly as that server they were just rude to for little or no reason.
tara, i hope he didn't tell you that your butt was too big .....mmmmmmmm, dang it tara, all i see is little tara's running around my head
So you say providers don't have to like a client to take his money, so you stand by this okay buddy.

I got 200 whoops $$ that's an hour session, well you come over and grease my scalp and comb out my wigs, and rub my piggies.Kiss me and tell me im pretty and im the best you ever had. While you are at it can you take out my trash, im a little lazy and its cold out today. Thanks..oh by the way i tip. You don't have to like me to do that right???
Guest012211-3's Avatar
Lisa: LOL, if you can't get any takers, I'll do it...because I LIKE you!