Oh My Gawd!!!

Debbie, one provider, one account. Just sayin. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Judge not, that ye be not judged.
From what documentaries I have seen (by the way, documentaries are based on fact), it was a "covert operation" and the CiA had a part, including the Bush administration. Daddy or Cheny or one of those was there when it happened. But why? Total cover-up and illegal investigation. Kennedy wanted to bring back the "greenback" and the Internal Revenue Service (whatever that is; think it's a private corporation run and administered by elite that goes way back to England) did not like that. Just my personal opinion. Also, from other documentaries I have found recently, soon cash will be a "no-no" and you will only be able to spend $1,000 or less! I do not trust banks and I believe the economy is in for another huge crash, at the expense of of the 99 percent. Need I say more?